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This is flat out ridiculous. BW, Compensate you're subscribers


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Greatest country in the world, chief.


However, in the next war, if you come here and bail us out with the blood of your young men then I will recant that. Until then, hating on Americans is tantamount to a child raging at his mother because he didn't get the biggest Ice-cream cone.


Its not ego on our part, just amazement at this attitude. ;p


+1 internet to you sir

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Peak hours? For North America... peak hours are around 7 PM to 12 AM... Noon on a Friday , 80% of the playerbase is at work, reading the forums... like me.


Maybe you should, you know.. Work, instead of slacking off.

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Good lord, looks like i woke up the troll den this morning. Some of you folks sound miserable.


Seriously though. I think some people just want to be "anti-you" despite the fact that you're raising valid complaints that would benefit us all. I, like most people, am working right now. However, I still feel that it's very unprofessional for Bioware to maintain such a buggy game over a year after release. The game still has major memory leak issues that's it's had since beta and a host of other core issues. Yet, instead they decide it's more important to focus on the Cartel Market. Yay! Now I can pay you guys extra money for cool looking things that should be in the game anyway, all while CTD'ing after every hour of gameplay!

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Greatest country in the world, chief.


However, in the next war, if you come here and bail us out with the blood of your young men then I will recant that. Until then, hating on Americans is tantamount to a child raging at his mother because he didn't get the biggest Ice-cream cone.


Its not ego on our part, just amazement at this attitude. ;p


It's not hate mate, its just pure amusement at the level of ignorance and nationalism . It is no use to spout "we won the war for you" cause basically unless you are nearly 100 years old you didn't fight in that war. You did nothing to contribute to the effort at all.


Unlike you I respect the deaths of millions of people that gave their lives fighting a great evil. I don't go around pretending that my country saved the world or that I am entitled to any credit of it , specially since it was the effort of all nations put together. Whenever you americans spout these statements you are pissing on the memories of young russian , british, polish and soldiers from many other nationalities, including your own. They didn't gave their lives so you could go around pretending that you or your nation saved the world, they fought because they understood that people need to fight together against a common evil.

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Well, it's been down for more than a half hour now.. So all you idiots that tried to be cool with your mathematics failed epically. And now we're out a couple hours of double XP for a 'Restart'? If a restart takes this long. Maybe you should upgrade your hardware with all the money you're making from the Cartel Market and Subscriptions. JUST A SUGGESTION!
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Double xp is now like 45 minutes in, and there's no ETA on a solution. There are probably people who especially wanted to (start) play(ing) this weekend, and I know it's probably hard for any of you guys over there in the US to comprehend (those who believe everything truly revolves about your country) but here, people are already home from their jobs and for us, this could be considered as peak hours, so yeah, please keep your "I'd rather have it that they resolve issues now than in peak hours..." quotes.
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Well, it's been down for more than a half hour now.. So all you idiots that tried to be cool with your mathematics failed epically. And now we're out a couple hours of double XP for a 'Restart'? If a restart takes this long. Maybe you should upgrade your hardware with all the money you're making from the Cartel Market and Subscriptions. JUST A SUGGESTION!


Double XP does not start for another 15mins. You have not lost any time of this free event that they did not even have to implement in the first place.

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west = to the left.

east = to the right.

south and north are probably the middle.


so EU being the most eastern part of the west makes it more central than the US :p


Considering we,meaning the US, take up the whole center of the Western Hemisphere, I will have to disagree with you on that point.

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Well ya have double xp (triple if you use the boosts) to make up for it....FOR FREE, so I don't think people should pull up too tight on their panties.


See, that is what is raising a chuckle with me, about the entitlement attitude we see here. People are getting four weekends, three days each, of double to triple xp......and they can't wait an hour while its patched in without raging like hysterical children.


I get your point and I'm not complaining. It's fine if it happens on rare occasion. Personally I can live very well without an hour of my subscribtion but at the same time I don't understand why they wouldn't give the subscribers an extra day or so as it costs them nothing. It would only make big bunch of people talking well about Bioware, so it would be the best thing for them to do. That's all I have to say on topic.

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As a subscriber this is beyond fusterating for me. I'm sure most of you feel the same way.


Yet another downtime for the servers during peak hours because you guys can't fix you're coding. Especially if you are a player of the Harbinger server, nearly half this week has been downtime.


I understand frequent maintenance is inevitable but we are paying money to play this game. Compensate with Cartel Coins or a free month, whatever it may be.


You've made this game enough of a money-sink. Time to for once show some respect to you're playerbase.


you have a strange definition of peak time

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Double XP does not start for another 15mins. You have not lost any time of this free event that they did not even have to implement in the first place.


Uninstall you fail at this game and at internet trolling... Try getting a life. First start with a place of Employment. Thanks.

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