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Brand new Trooper here with a basic question (not build I promise!)


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Hi all,


I just started a Trooper and I plan on going Gunnery Commando. I'm not going to bore you with yet another question about what build should I use or what's my rotation...


I'm wondering about ammo regen. I read something about managing it and how some abilities affect it but didn't really understand. Could someone please explain this?


Thanks very much.

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i don't know if you have any experience with other classes, but trooper's ammo regen is different from all other classes, but also very similar to smugglers, bounty hunters, and imperial agents.


when 2.0 releases, our ammo regen will be exactly like the above-mentioned classes, so i'll explain the current then the future state of regen.




as of right now, you have 12 ammo cells. the cost of abilities range from 0-4, and they most typically cost 2 ammo.

the rate of regeneration depends on how much ammo you have currently.



8-12: .6 ammo/s

3-7: .36 ammo/s

0-2: .24 ammo/s


you can also see to the right of your ammo bar some arrows that look like >>>>

this shows you which tier of ammo regen you're at. if at all possible, try to have them all lit up, but it's not too bad if you dip below every now and then for a second or two.


also, even though you regen in fractions, you only get ammo back in full pieces








in 2.0, however, this will change to a 100 point ammo system. you will regenerate in fractions of ammo (rather than whole blocks), and the costs will be converted.

a general rule of thum is that 1 ammo is equal to 8 cells. so anything costing 2 ammo currently will cost 16 in the future.

anything that costs 3 ammo, however will cost 25

also, in 2.0, the base cost of charged bolts and grav round will be 19 cells (they can be reduced to 16 in assault specialist and gunnery trees, respectively)


additionally, the tiered ammo regen system will change quite a bit as well:


60-100: 5 cells/s

20-59: 3 cells/s

0-19: 2 cells/s

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Thank you for that excellent explanation. It's very clear now. I hadn't actually noticed the arrows before - I'll keep an eye on them now.


This will be my first non-force character so it's all new.

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These are the abilities that affect ammo management and should be part of your rotation, I'll give some general uses for each but these are not rules and there are always exceptions:


Cell charger, this is passive extra ammo regen for while using the AP cell (gunnery stance)


Reserve Powercell: Makes the next ability cost no ammo, pair it with full auto when it is up and you are near the bottom or out of the top regen tier, try to keep it on cooldown.


RECHARGE CELLS: adds a set amount of ammo back into your bar, you can talent 2 points into it in the combat medic tree. Burn ammo when this is up or about to be up, then pop it to get back into top tier. Try to keep it on cool down.


hammer shot: Use this to keep yourself in, or get back to the top regen tier.

Edited by nbayer
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