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there is no hope for merc pvp fix


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You mean nerfing CGC and Thermal Det?

Yeah, major changes for making Merc/Mando better.


Sorry dude, I've played an arsenal merc since release, there are some good changes coming for my spec. As for pyro, I do agree the change to thermal was/is uncalled for. I've actually become quite the terror on my arsenal merc due to leveling a pyro PT. Forced me to be more aware of my environment, my targets, and utilize everything to the max.

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You mean nerfing CGC and Thermal Det?

Yeah, major changes for making Merc/Mando better.


ive played pyro for merc forever and lete say.. i dont care what they change to pyro merc it will always suck so bad compared to a PT, if you learn to properly play arsenal, would will do alot more damage, and honestly arsenal is aercs best shot at rateds, pyro merc wont compete with a sniper or sorc as a ranged dps. nor will it a PT or mara. my merc has 1010 bonus tech / 34% crit and hits 3.5k rails in pyro. my half recruit geared PT with 831 bonus tech hits like 4.2k rails.. its silly easy and rediculously hard hitting compared to merc

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It's a question of credibility at this stage. The devs said they would buff Mercs over 5 months ago and then instead they nerfed Sweltering Heat.


Then they said they'd delay Merc buffs until a general rebalancing of classes in 1.7. Then they didn't rebalance classes in 1.7 and said they'd do it in 2.0.


In 2.0 they game some interesting buffs to Merc (Electro Net, Hydraulic Overrides), but castrated the damage output with the crit nerf. Meanwhile every other class got mobility buffs making the Hydraulic Overrides buff a "no effect" from a relative standpoint.


And most recently, the devs said they have new buffs in store for Mercs. And then at the same time they nerfed CGC and Thermal Det.


People such as myself who have been here since launch are now about $250 of real money out of pocket and they still haven't delivered a useable class. They say they will. But at a certain point you have to evaluate any vendor based on what they actually deliver. Not what they promise to deliver. Especially if those promises have repeatedly turned out not to be true.

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It's a question of credibility at this stage. The devs said they would buff Mercs over 5 months ago and then instead they nerfed Sweltering Heat.


Then they said they'd delay Merc buffs until a general rebalancing of classes in 1.7. Then they didn't rebalance classes in 1.7 and said they'd do it in 2.0.


In 2.0 they game some interesting buffs to Merc (Electro Net, Hydraulic Overrides), but castrated the damage output with the crit nerf. Meanwhile every other class got mobility buffs making the Hydraulic Overrides buff a "no effect" from a relative standpoint.


And most recently, the devs said they have new buffs in store for Mercs. And then at the same time they nerfed CGC and Thermal Det.


People such as myself who have been here since launch are now about $250 of real money out of pocket and they still haven't delivered a useable class. They say they will. But at a certain point you have to evaluate any vendor based on what they actually deliver. Not what they promise to deliver. Especially if those promises have repeatedly turned out not to be true.


I was getting ready to hop back on my merc this weekend in preparation for the new 2.0 merc. based on what the dev said on 3/14 I expected the problems with merc to be resolved. After finding out that they have been saying the same thing for almost 6 months now, I am just going to play another class until I see real proof.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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  • 2 months later...

Somebody can always do the work and make a team of non force users with the pure dps vs more mobile heal/dps mercs and snipers or commando/gunslingers and just play better with different strategy. The british did not like it when our sub standard troops started hiding in bushes instead of standing in lines. Did help though. Would take time and a ton of nose in dirt.


At least I hear people complaining about nerfing electronet - feels good

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Are you serious? lol Merc (arsenal) is one of the strongest DPS classes in the game in terms of PvP and PvE. I find it hilarious how people still cry for buffs to this class, when its clearly a L2P issue for them. If merc is too hard for you, set it aside and leave it to the big boys
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Are you serious? lol Merc (arsenal) is one of the strongest DPS classes in the game in terms of PvP and PvE. I find it hilarious how people still cry for buffs to this class, when its clearly a L2P issue for them. If merc is too hard for you, set it aside and leave it to the big boys


uh, what? You do realize how easy it is to shut down a merc's dps in pvp? Mercs have awesome burst, but are way too vulnerable to interrupts killing their damage.

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uh, what? You do realize how easy it is to shut down a merc's dps in pvp? Mercs have awesome burst, but are way too vulnerable to interrupts killing their damage.


Uh, you're confused. Merc DPS is all about placement. You're damn right you will get shut down if you don't learn how to strategically position yourself to maximize class efficiency. Even then, i can solo the majority of any classes in PVP aside from geared tanks and sins & some maras. We have a fair share of es capability tools now - electro net, (the gear-looking ability that cleanses all negative effects), debuff cleanse, interupt, stun, jet push. The key is learning when to use it. Save jet pushes only for warrior/guardian jumps.


Many merc seem to be unaware how to efficiently play the class such as yourself, but it's more fun that way.

Edited by Slicksteezin
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Uh, you're confused. Merc DPS is all about placement. You're damn right you will get shut down if you don't learn how to strategically position yourself to maximize class efficiency. Even then, i can solo the majority of any classes in PVP aside from geared tanks and sins & some maras. We have a fair share of es capability tools now - electro net, (the gear-looking ability that cleanses all negative effects), debuff cleanse, interupt, stun, jet push. The key is learning when to use it. Save jet pushes only for warrior/guardian jumps.


Many merc seem to be unaware how to efficiently play the class such as yourself, but it's more fun that way.


LOL I like how you're so condescending without providing any proof why they are so good. Saying positioning is key is completely irrelevent when talking about the merc class specifically, because positioning is important for every class.

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LOL I like how you're so condescending without providing any proof why they are so good. Saying positioning is key is completely irrelevent when talking about the merc class specifically, because positioning is important for every class.


I fail to see how his post was condescending. I think you read it wrong. As for the post itself, strategic positioning and the use of one's environment is key for any class, true, but for Mercs it is absolutely necessary. Other classes are perfectly capable of soloing without explicitly exploiting the advantages of their environments (Not every other class, but there are several, and those that can't have pretty reliable escapes). As a Merc (with few exceptions), if we are engaged one-on-one, and we do not use our surroundings to our advantage, then our death is all but guaranteed. Based on my experience, and I am by no means a great PVPer, this holds true. From what I've seen and read, it holds true for many others as well. And I am not denying the fact that Mercs are far better off now than they were pre-2.0. However, Mercs were not the only class to receive buffs.


I agree that Slicks could have given a little more insight as to how he solos "a majority of any classes," with the few exceptions. It is not impossible, but I'd say it's difficult (in my opinion) for most Mercs to be able to pull that off with such ease, which leads into why we need to use our environment as best we can -- it's not the easiest class to play.


On a side note, I'm not sure why this thread was ress'ed, even if just a month-and-a-half old. As it is these threads are a dime-a-dozen, and for the most part they're YES/NO, A/B arguments that don't help accomplish anything. OP says A (provides evidence), next poster says B (provides little to no evidence), next poster claims A (gives no evidence), and so on until the thread morphs into some irrelevant battle about who's played the game longer or who still lives in their parents' basement...:confused:


If these topics actually helped anyone, that would be great. If you want to contribute something to the community, great. But please don't log in to post about how great you do on your Merc without any explanations, you're not impressing anyone. If that's your idea of helping, jump in your car, drive to your nearest highway and start picking up trash -- you'd be doing us all a much appreciated favor.


That is all.

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When these necro threads reappear, they are sometimes amusing. As I had posted in it during it's earlier reincarnation, I thought some comments might be in order....


First, the 2.0 buffs and nerfs to Merc dps were both better AND worse than expected. The buff to Arsenal was better than expected. The nerf to Pyro was worse than expected. Just goes to show that you can be right and wrong at the same time I suppose...


As far as the "effectiveness" of Merc dps, it is.... moderately effective. Merc Arsenal that is. No one uses Merc Pyro anymore. Merc Arsenal is quite effective in pve. Merc Arsenal is fairly effective vs. bad pvp opponents. Merc Arsenal is of below average effectiveness vs. good pvp opponents. In that sense, Merc Arsenal is not alone. Sorc dps has a similar profile - great if the enemy isn't paying attention to what you are doing. Not so good if they actively try to counter you. Really the only ranged class that doesn't play that way is Sniper/Gunslinger. Their array of defensive abilities gives them a much greater ability to remain effective while under pressure.


Even the strength of Merc Arsenal in pvp, the burst, is a bit overrated. Rage/focus, Carnage, and Assassin dps all have better burst capabilities. We in Merc land are just infatuated with our burst circa 2.0, because we never had it previously. Like starving peasants with a single porterhouse steak in our hands, we think we are blessed. If fact, the strength of Merc Arsenal in the current pvp game, relates not to burst, but to survivability and pseudo-tanking.


Pseudo-tanking? What the hell is that? It is the act of sacrificing some of your output to nullify or reduce enemy output. And it turns out that Merc Arsenal can do that with some effectiveness. I can't tell you the number of times per match where I am running on HO with a melee or multiple melee in tow and all of us have reduced output. This doesn't show up in the post-game numbers. But I know that in a typical long duration match, I might lose 100k or more of damage output from not being able to free cast like a sniper does - but I am taking off 100k or more of damage from the enemy melee that is directing his efforts against me. It is meaningful.


Overall, Merc dps still needs some more buffs to bring it up to par with the classes everyone brings to a ranked warzone: Sorc heals, Op heals, Assassins, Rage/Focus. But neither are we the red-headed stepchild of the SWTOR universe like we were. Well actually, Merc Pyro still is....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Uh, you're confused. Merc DPS is all about placement. You're damn right you will get shut down if you don't learn how to strategically position yourself to maximize class efficiency. Even then, i can solo the majority of any classes in PVP aside from geared tanks and sins & some maras. We have a fair share of es capability tools now - electro net, (the gear-looking ability that cleanses all negative effects), debuff cleanse, interupt, stun, jet push. The key is learning when to use it. Save jet pushes only for warrior/guardian jumps.


Many merc seem to be unaware how to efficiently play the class such as yourself, but it's more fun that way.


So yeah, no matter where you "strategically" set yourself up you will not be able to avoid all the special ed smash monkeys that flood WZs. Our only counter to them is Electro Net which has such a long CD.

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It's the same situation as when I posted last on 5-30. No change. BW still doing wacky stuff like buffing Vengance in 2.2. LOL. No one was complaining about those guys.




Did you perhaps not purchase Rise of the Hutt Cartel?

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