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What is skill?


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Questions regarding PVE content

Knowing that it would be difficult to measure skill through quantitative means, what are some names of skills you think are present in this game?

How does the impact of skill on game-play differ from that of gear or class differences?

Some quick examples of general skills??

1. Use environmental features to modify incoming damage over some duration of time. IE not standing out in the open, aggro'ing every mob; or conversely, using LoS.

2. recognize and intercede when mob is limiting group member ability to use skills

3. use class skills to position mobs, control mobs in order to modify incoming damage to yourself or other group member.

4. remember mechanics after a few encounter

5. make reasoned inferences based off of mob composition and environmental features.


Try keep personal/class bias out of the conversation.

Try to tie your comment to a citation.

Thanks, looking forward to what you have to say

Edited by ubermouth
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