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So who else got their free 50?


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You've been asking this for several pages, and we've been trying to explain it to you for as many pages.


None of us are stopping you. You can keep doing the wrong thing. Your counter-hate, however, suggests a guilty conscience.


I've been trying to be polite while trying to get my head around this mentality, but this response is really over the top.


Once again.


This is not "power leveling" or anything of the sort. It is not a hack, cheat, or as this poster contends-wrong.


This, in past games, was how leveling was done. You found a bind point, shouted for a group opening, got into a group, pulled mob after mob after mob in order to level.


No one is being power leveled. Everyone is boosted to the same level and eveyrone earns their xp no different then any other place in the game. It is the xp boost that is allowing people to level faster then normal, not because of some hack or cheat. People could actually level this way today, mid week, without the xp boost if they so desired.


What we see here is how it works in PvP. All levels are boosted. Everyone participates, earns their xp. One can go from 1 to 50 just doing pvp and do so faster then the story line. Should we consider that cheating also?


It hurts no one or anything in the game.


It has been put forth by the development team as an effort to allow everyone the opportunity to "catch up", or "get ready for the new expansion".


For many, this may be their forth, fifth, fifteenth alt (I have 13) so there is no need for them to drudge through the entire story line, again, in order to reach the end game just to please someone that is offended by this.


For many, at this point, the game begins at 50, not 1. This allows them to get there.


For those that do not want to partake, you do not have to. It will, in no way, affect your gameplay, hinder your progression, interfere with your story line.


Honestly, people need to stop looking in their neighbors window,, put the binoculars down, stop witch hunting, play their own game, mind their own business. LOL

Edited by Blackardin
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Fallacy, mostly, mind projection fallacy that dictates, "I believe, therefor it is".




An outright lie.


Read their blog, chief. ;p Double xp was specifically stated for those very reasons that I reiterated. You can look that up and see it in their own words.


Unless you can expound upon your thesis, you have no argument here friend.

Edited by Blackardin
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Fallacy, mostly, mind projection fallacy that dictates, "I believe, therefor it is".






Read their blog, chief. ;p Double xp was specifically stated for those very reasons that I reiterated. You can look that up and see it in their own words.


Unless you can expound upon your thesis, you have no argument here friend.


The double xp may have put implemented for that reason, but I highly doubt the devs intended for level 1's to be able to grind level 50 mobs in a group or out of a group. Was using the Ilum bolster, and constantly resetting a quest in order to spawn elite and champion mobs almost immediately rather than wait for a respawn timer, an exploit? We'll have to wait and see what the devs have to say.

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The double xp may have put implemented for that reason, but I highly doubt the devs intended for level 1's to be able to grind level 50 mobs in a group or out of a group. Was using the Ilum bolster, and constantly resetting a quest in order to spawn elite and champion mobs almost immediately rather than wait for a respawn timer, an exploit? We'll have to wait and see what the devs have to say.



You are speaking of entirely different issues here.


I agree with you regarding the level 1, and the quests resets. Those can be construed as and exploit to surpass game mechanics.


However, there is alot of chatter regarding the "grinding method" used by those over level 10, boosted to level so as to be allowed to participate. That is what I was speaking to. As I've stated, the intent was to get as many people ready for the expansion as is possible. The more they have ready to go, the more expansion and CC items they will sell. That is what they are discussing in their board meetings,not whether little johnny saved two hours of leveling to 10 by exploiting a game item.


I would find it surprising if they did anything about this, wasted any time patching this for something so small as a boost from level 1 to 10. Would not make sense, so you may be correct in that aspect of the argument, but I do not see anything being done about it unless it is something that can be done with minimal resource expenditure.

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