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Sentinel vs Guardian: More fun?


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My main character is a Sith Juggernaut. I love her to death. I'm currently sitting at level 10 with my Jedi and I'm wondering which way to go. I told myself that I wasn't going to have any crossover classes (Juggernaut and Guardian), but I enjoy the Juggernaut so much, am I shooting myself in the foot by going Sentinel?


I guess what I'm asking is the Sentinel class a lot of fun? Abilities like Force Push are very enjoyable... what sort of abilities do the Sentinels get that are fun?


Would love to hear thoughts on the fun factor of these classes! Thanks!

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Well.. I currently have a 50 Jugg/50 Gaurd/26 Jugg and a 42 Marauder.


There's no denying the Marauder is a better DPS class, but I'd definitely say Juggernaut is more fun. Personally, when I play Marauder I feel like i'm constantly pushing myself to be as effective as possible which as you may know, isn't all that fun. Juggernaut and Gaurdian on the other hand feels much more relaxed and enjoyable.


Not sure I helped but hey, there's double XP on at the moment so you could always try both and it won't take as long to level if you don't like.


Also, I'm not sure how the PTS works, but you could always try going on the PTS with the chars and getting them boosted to level 55 to try them out. (if it's possible to do so.)

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I find Sentinel/Marauder to be more fun, even though I want to like Juggernaut/Guardian more. I don't feel guilty about DPSing instead of tanking on a Sent, the way I do on a Jugg, and the better PVP survivability makes a big difference to me.
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Have a 50 Guardian and having had come over to the dark side a tried a marauder I wondered long and hard why I didn't roll a dual wielder in the first place. You should try it out. The JK story is bombastic crap unfortunately, certainly as compared to SW (as of act 2). Edited by Aelaias
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consider one thing - there is a huge demand for tanks in SWTOR now!


endgame mainly consists of HM flashpoints and ops

as a tank - you will have much more opportunities in Group Finder


you can yave fun soloing in DPS spec and changes just for group

as a pure DPS you will have a lot of waiting in a queue

for a tank there is an instant pop up

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We are on the same page.


I first made a Jugg and I really like the tradicional one-handed lightsaber style, but I've made a Marauder as well and even liking Jugg style I think I'm doing better with marauder.


Jugg seems slower (maybe because of the animation) than marauder. With marauders I can kill faster and destroy elite mobs in a easier way.

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