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Pvp tips


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I found a site that seem to have the information you need:



A word of warning:

I have played arsenal mercenary in PvP. I have done well in levelling - almost always topping dps and I could take almost anybody out in 1v1. Situaltion radically changes in 50s warzones. You can still do a lot of damage but forget about winning 1v1. It's more like dishing out enough damage before somebody notices you.


A rotation that should give you a nice start and usually people catch up too late and you can finish them:

Fusion Missile (if on CD)

Explosive Dart

2x Tracer missile

(People usually sart noticing by now, but they already have a DoT on them and a dart about to explode. You can usually pull off the 2nd Tracer and since Heatseeker is instant you'll see lot or rockets flying their way)

1x Heatseeker missile

If this is not enough, your Unload probably proced. Use it. If even this was not enough.. ...well you are probably in trouble.


You will get eaten by certain classes. It is possible to avoid most to a certain degree, you can't do anyting about combat sentis for example.


As for gear: It's probably too late, now with the expansion coming but bonuses on PvP armor are rubbish for you. However, DO take the PvE gear that has 15% increased crit chance on Tracer Missile on 2-set bonus and reduced heat consumption on 4-set bonus. By far the best set bonus for any class from what I have seen.


EDIT: You asked if strafing is enough to bring warriors down. While it is possible to win 1v1 against warriors, I doubt you have any real chance of winning against good ones. When in fight with meelee I use Rocket Punch with Root effect a lot. I also use push + unload (but make sure you don't push warriors when they have their Leap on, you'll only make them a service). I reserve my instant cast for Concussion Blast (mezz) to get away / to get breating room.

Another tip: YOur Tracer Missiles lower cast time on heals. While it would seem beneficial to Get all 5 stacks and get an instant heal, this is not true. If you get all 5 your cast will eat gcd, BUT if you have only 4 stacks, your heal will be cast 80% faster (instant for interruption purposes) and it will NOT trigger a gcd. Don't ask me about this, more of devs incompetence imo.

Unfortunately Twitch has deleted my gameplay footage so I can't provide any.

Edited by Ed-ward
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I have played a bit this morning to show you how arsenal gameplay looks in wzs. Even though I was on the defensive most of the time I still managed to top dps in our team. If you are left alone or when you are in a good team your dps goes much higher. But some things never change and you will not be viable in rated and you'll lose most 1v1 against experienced players.


Btw notice vanguards. We are free kills for them.


EDIT: Lol, forgot to post link. :)



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Fights are going to be so circumstantial that any real advice would be lost.


Your best thing to do is maintain situational awareness at all time, be disciplined in knowing your distances when fighting Jedi/Sith (4<x<10), knowing your arena, and learning how to tactically place yourself in people's blind spots.

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Thank you what classes would you have a chance against in 1 vs 1 etc i assume sniper with los? or are sorc also?


Sniper is stronger in open fight. You can wear him off by popping out of corner, doing some dps, (dispelling root and/or DOTs), healing behind the corner and then doing some dps. He'll fighure out very soon what's going on and probably move if he's smart. He can interrupt on distance. I have won some fights against snipers in open but I had surprised them. In a situation where they know you are coming and you don't have cover, you are toast. DoT specs are even worse. (Flashbang and come to you), Put hevay AoE on groud, root you (dispel doesn't help you since you can remove root but you'll be so slowed by AoE effect that you don't have a chance of gettting away from it before dying) and finish you off.


Sorcerer. If it's the DoT heavy spec and he has somewhere to kite, you are screwed. You can't remove DoTs and he can self-heal too + he'll interrupt your important casts too. If you catch him in open and play it smart you should win. But then, nothing prevents him from popping speed and running beypond your reach. He can even Slow you before doing that. When I play my sage I ma coutios to LoS arms but I am quite aggressive on them knowing I'll win if I don't play it stupid.


Scoundrel/Agent. With his cces, ability to restealth, his ability to self-heal. You can't do much. If you push him away he can just flashbang you, come behind and start over. If you manage to do anything else, can cas restealth and start over. You are a toast.


Knights: Mara smashers. I fail to see how you can win. He will decrease you accuracy to non-usable level, Smash you, do heavy dps, you can push him off but then he can invis and start on you again, he can and will interrupt your casts, forcechoke another... If he plays it smart you won't be able to cast more than one Tracer. I have won some fights against sentis, but I don't believe it's possible to beat a good one. Combat sentis are even worse. Jugg smashers: Leap, smash, push, leap, damage at will, choke and very soon another smash. That's how a fight against one looks like. Hybrids are even worse. They won't bother with the choke as you can't do anything to them for 4 seconds - let's say you start castin, they interrupt you, you sart casting again and they'll force choke you again.


You can win in normal warzones against less skilled players but I doubt you can win a 1v1 duel against somebody who knows what he's doing. What you can do is suprise people in normals and kill them. Arsenal is heavily dependent on cast damage abilites and LoS. People know this and will shut you down, LoS you. If you'll even enter rated people will be crazy after you - they know you do insane damage when unchecked, that you can be shut down and you can't escape.

You have two defensive cd - push and root on punch. While useful they are not good enough to win you 1v1. If they'll implemet Hold the line and that neural net in expansion, situation will most likely drastically change.


I like playing the spec in normals. I have a lot of fun with it. Just don't dream about ratred until expansion.

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What you can do is suprise people in normals and kill them.


This is the problem. Any class can kill another class if they get enough initial attacks in without retaliation from the enemy. But a real class can fight head to head in a meeting engagement where both sides see the other at the same time. The Merc isn't a real class. It is a toy. That's why it can't fight effectively in even circumstances.

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I rolled sniper but with the churn of fotm snipers coming i didnt want to be another lemming and i saw some nice commando footage of 8k grav rounds and 4k ticks on unload but i wanted a bh and i didnt want a 2 button pyro pt so would you suggest pyro merc?

Also we should have got the disengage not snipers they had no qualms keeping distance.

Edited by ripamorame
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I rolled sniper but with the churn of fotm snipers coming i didnt want to be another lemming and i saw some nice commando footage of 8k grav rounds and 4k ticks on unload but i wanted a bh and i didnt want a 2 button pyro pt so would you suggest pyro merc?

Also we should have got the disengage not snipers they had no qualms keeping distance.


I can't suggest mercenary / commando as a cass for PvP right now. I didn't even try playing Assault / Pyro tech since is seems ridiculosly broken in comparison with vg / pt.

Situation may change with 2.0. I have heard voices saying they will be wonderful, I have heard people say the tweaks don't really help. Until 2.0 comes out it's probably a matter of opinion. If you want to be sure you will be getting results in 2.0 roll guardian / juggernaut or marauder / sentinel.


Btw I believe you were mislead by 8k grav round. I believe it must have been Rail shot / High Impact Bolt doing that damage. And it was probably on low expertise target too. I have full WH with EWH pieces, all augmented but not min-maxed and I am doing roughly 2-4k damage with Tracer Missile.

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Boycott the class till it receives the love it deserves.



My only tip.


Yep. Used the double xp weekend to lvl up a Shadow.


Not looking back.


(ofc. it's just my luck that Kinetic/ Balance Shadow is next up on the nerfing block)

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Baring in mind this is pts footage the dps does not seem that bad to be honest his 4k unload ticks and it is 8k rail shots are nice to be fair.

Also tip for re rolling roll a warrior i don't recall them ever being nerf'd same as tankassassin and the nerf to annih doesn't count anyway off topic what do you think of this footage?

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Baring in mind this is pts footage the dps does not seem that bad to be honest his 4k unload ticks and it is 8k rail shots are nice to be fair.

Also tip for re rolling roll a warrior i don't recall them ever being nerf'd same as tankassassin and the nerf to annih doesn't count anyway off topic what do you think of this footage?


I have seen about 1/4 of it. It seems all right but tbh it's hard to tell since you were not really focused which will be the case in real warzones. I have noticed you don't use self heals at all, I use them quite a lot to top myslef. Oh and you neglected the talent for instant cast too. You can use it to make the mezz instant for example. Or to make the long heal cast instant. I save medpacks for emergencies. Wonderful to get some distance when jumped by meelee. I also prefer camera to be furher, but that's personal taste I guess.

I will try my merc in 2.0.

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