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Mercenary Aim vs Cunning


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It's more complicated than that. Stacking your primary stat is the most important, by far. It gives you nearly everything you need.


However, primary stats for other classes can have inefficient-but-meaningful yields for what you're trying to do. For example, a min-maxed DPS merc with a +100 Aim, +25 Cunning item will have higher DPS than a min-maxed DPS merc with +100 Aim, +25 Endurance item. You'll never want to take any other primary over your class' main stat, but over Endurance, Presence, or a derived stat? Possibly.


However, I think itemization renders this assessment largely irrelevant. Most gear is laser-targeted at a class and thus does not mix primary stats. Instead, I think you'll see role specialization from derived stats-- Tech Power will be more important than Accuracy for Bodyguard mercs, but the opposite will be true for DPS mercs.


there is no piece of gear where you could give up endurance for cunning as a secondary stat


in all cases where an item or mod has cunning listed, that line is replacing aim and there exists a matching piece of same tier object with aim there instead of cunning which would be better


cunning as a boost for bounty hunter is "ok" while leveling up simply because you are often just swapping out with drops as you go and not constantly perfecting each and every wearable slot. however, by lvl 50 the only boost you should be getting from cunning is purely what you may have picked up from datacrons as there is no gear options where you could viably place cunning that would not have a more efficient aim boost there

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I duno why ppl are confused by this, but either way..


You're not gonna find Heavy Armor with cunning on it too easily I don't think.


you can make it with mods, but it would be stupid to do so as any mod you chose with cunning has a matching version with aim available

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I have founf severa lheavy armors with cunning on them . Cunning makes tech go up rigth so would that also mean tech powers would go up . such as a BH shield an the like. The way the Cunning stat reads in game makes it sound like if your doing a shield spec BH it might be good for you.


incorrect, equal numbers of cunning and aim, the aim stat would produce a higher bonus even for tech


aim makes ALL things go up for bounty hunter, cunning only makes a small subset of those stats go up


anything cunning would have given you, aim would give you that and more


there is no viable gear in the game where choosing cunning does not reduce aim IF you are choosing between equal tier pieces in the same slot


cunnings viability exists only during the leveling up phase of the game where you may not have yet come accross something with equal or better aim for that slot yet

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just a penny for your thoughts, doesnt it seem odd how they did this though?


arsenal mercenaries uses a lot of tech damage and cunning improves tech damage and our main stat is aim which (in its base form) increases ranged damage


marksmen snipers uses a lot of ranged damage and aim improves ranged damage and their main stat is cunning which is the tech damage modifier.


I just thought this was interesting XD

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just a penny for your thoughts, doesnt it seem odd how they did this though?


arsenal mercenaries uses a lot of tech damage and cunning improves tech damage and our main stat is aim which (in its base form) increases ranged damage


marksmen snipers uses a lot of ranged damage and aim improves ranged damage and their main stat is cunning which is the tech damage modifier.


I just thought this was interesting XD


its actually just lazy design


every class has a single primary stat that gives everything. every class has a single secondary stat which gives a minor effect


in every case whatever the secondary stat would give you, the primary stat will give the same amount of it, and other boosts


itemization in the game only allows 1 primary stat per piece of gear (unless you are mixing mods, but even than each mod is 1 primary stat only and you chose to to give up the option of a primary stat to use the secondary on that mod)


quite frankly useing the words aim/cunning/strenght/willpower is window dressing at best, it really just confuses the lazy simplified design behind it all


there is no thought required in this game to decide what gear to be wearing


even end game gear is cookie cutter once you figure out which set is for which advance class tree. for example a dps mercenary will be wearing "eliminator" no matter if its pvp, pve or which tier you are in the only thing that changes is the prefix words (champion, columi, etc)

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Let me attempt to straighten this all out nice an neat and hopefully I am not drowned out by the earth is flat crowd here too.


1) BH main stat is AIM Unless your are a tank.

2) 2nd main stat is endurance, but it will come on your gear and mods, so don't worry about it. If you are a tank (and maybe for PVP though I am bad at it so don't take this as true) Pic the highest endurance that also has AIM.

3) Cunning is essentially WORTHLESS as a BH. The reason it shows up so frequently in our item choice list as quest rewards is that 2 of our companions use Cunning as a main stat. So it makes it easier to keep them geared. (Another reason is evident in #5 below)

4) The exception to #3 are the datacrons. Since you are not trading cunning for another stat, it fine to get them. However without doing some math, I *think* the total effective increase of getting all the cunning datacrons will be negligible. While you are hunting datacrons, pick up the Presence ones too. That will help when you when you have a companion out.

5) The reason that it is not as intuitive as some want it to be is that it was changed in beta. It was made easier for people to pick the right gear. The following USED to be true. PLEASE do not use these now.

Aim - Ranged weapon damage

Cunning - Tech damage

Strength - Melee weapon damage

Willpower - Force damage

Presence - Healing power

So it used to be that a BH would want AIM and Cunning. Healers would stack Presence. It is NOT that way any more.



As a DPS/healer choose items w/ most aim

As a Tank choose Endurance then Aim (typically commando commendation awards as opposed to reflex?)

Give your Cunning stuff to Mako/Gault

Get all the AIM datacrons

Get all the Endurance datacrons

Presence datacrons can help your companions.

Cunning datachrons can't hurt.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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  • 2 years later...
so if what I have been hearing is true, aim is the BH best friend. and cunning has been pushed to the back seat.

SO I want to use as much aim as I can get, but what if i put a little cunning on my gear, would that be OK?


No it would not.


Never gear with cunning.


Also date on that last post? How did you dig this up.

Edited by Gyronamics
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