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Mercenary Aim vs Cunning


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So should one would be for effected to have a majority of Aim or Cunning? i know Aim has what cunning has but does cunning bonus go up more if you in Tech than Aim? So what im asking is Cunning>Aim?



As a BH never use cunning over Aim...ever. Aim is the BH main stat, there is nothing we need more than that. I also suggest reading up on your toon. Learn what your skills do, what your stats mean etc.

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Aim is always your number one stat. As a merc it gives you tools for DPS and healing. After that, the relevant stats are more complicated.


Endurance is a must-have, as it increases your health. Obviously good for everyone, but can be prioritized lower if you're, say, a main healer who exclusively levels in flashpoints.


Cunning increases Tech Power, I believe, so as a secondary stat, it can be valuable.


Strength increases melee damage and nothing else for us, so screw it, unless you're Falcon Punching your way through the game.


Willpower is stone nothing for us.


Presence is a bad stat as you don't have companions with you all the time.


Basically, Aim > Endurance => Cunning, depending on situation.

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You're wrong.


Aim = BH/Trooper

Cunning = IA/Smug

Str = JK/SW

Will = Inquis/Consular



That's quite literally the breakdown.



Yup. The game is explicitly designed so that every class has one AND ONLY ONE primary stat, regardless of spec/AC. Anyone who says anything other than the above table is just flat-out incorrect.

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Yup. The game is explicitly designed so that every class has one AND ONLY ONE primary stat, regardless of spec/AC. Anyone who says anything other than the above table is just flat-out incorrect.


It's more complicated than that. Stacking your primary stat is the most important, by far. It gives you nearly everything you need.


However, primary stats for other classes can have inefficient-but-meaningful yields for what you're trying to do. For example, a min-maxed DPS merc with a +100 Aim, +25 Cunning item will have higher DPS than a min-maxed DPS merc with +100 Aim, +25 Endurance item. You'll never want to take any other primary over your class' main stat, but over Endurance, Presence, or a derived stat? Possibly.


However, I think itemization renders this assessment largely irrelevant. Most gear is laser-targeted at a class and thus does not mix primary stats. Instead, I think you'll see role specialization from derived stats-- Tech Power will be more important than Accuracy for Bodyguard mercs, but the opposite will be true for DPS mercs.

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The primary stats are Strength, Presence, Aim, Cunning, Endurance, Willpower, and Expertise. As stated previously, the stat you want to stack out of those as a BH is Aim. Secondary to that would be Endurance depending on what you're doing. Aim is what is going to increase all of your DPS. Items do not come with Aim and Cunning on them unless you put Cunning mods into your item which would be largely pointless. At endgame, everyone will essentially be using fully modable gear, so you will never realistically be made to choose between Aim and Cunning. You can mod all your gear with Aim mods and be good to go.


Presence is a stat that boosts your companion's effectiveness. Not really worth much at end-game I'd imagine.


Expertise, for the record, is a pure PvP stat that only changes things when you are fighting other players.


The secondary stats after these are things like critical rating, alacrity, surge rating, accuracy, etc.


Green items don't drop with Aim and Cunning on them. They drop with Aim OR Cunning and then some combination of the above secondary stats. The only scenario where I would think a Cunning item would be better than an Aim item is a scenario of a green weapon dropping that has Cunning on it and is a large min/max damage upgrade over your current weapon. Weapon damage plays an enormous part in damage, more so than Aim, so sacrificing some Aim for Cunning/Weapon damage is worth it imo. But again, this really is not a problem at endgame. At endgame you want to stack as much Aim as you can.


Your choice of secondary stats, however, depends entirely upon your spec.

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I agree, Aim is #1.


Endurance, probably #2.


#3 is NOT cunning. Not by a long shot. Number 3 is Crit or Power.


As far as I can tell, cunning is all but useless to a BH. I'm approaching 30 and I've never seen it on any BH gear. It's ALWAYS Aim, Endurance, and either Crit or Power. Where people are pulling cunning from is beyond me. I can see it above willpower, but not above crit or power. Power is going to deliver much more benefit over cunning.


I am still in the bounty hunter forum right? I mean, I don't get it. Just look at ALL the end game BH gear, NONE of it has cunning. Where the hell is this coming from?


PVP - Expertise

PVE - Power


Aim, endurance, crit, even accuracy..but no cunning!


Cunning is for the Smuggler/ Imperial Agent classes..


Edit: Wow, googling for "swtor bounty hunter aim vs cunning" and the first link is to this page.


I see now where the confusion could come from. Let me put it this way. Removing classes, aim and cunning are two separate stats.


So Aim affects ranged attacks and crit for every class.

Cunning affects tech power and crit for every class.

Bounty hunters get a bonus to aim that gives a higher % to both.

Imperial agents get a bonus to cunning that gives a higher % to both.


Two bounty hunters, one with 125 Aim and the other with 100 aim and an additional 25 cunning, the one with 125 aim is going to win.


The higher the aim, the more armor penetration you're going to have once accuracy is at 100%.

Edited by Syrch
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Comparing Cunning to Crit or Power is apples to oranges. A player never needs to make a decision between Cunning and Power/Crit. They are two different stat classes and appear together on mods and equipment. The only choice that must be made is between Aim and Cunning and it's not a choice at all.


Aim is the primary stat for all Bounty Hunter regardless of advanced class or spec.



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  • 3 weeks later...
How about getting the cunning datacrons for bounty hunter? Will you get some bonus for getting the cunning datacrons?


That was exactly my thought reading this thread. Yes, it is worth picking up the cunning datacrons as an addition to Aim/End/Shards. As others have said cunning does increase your tech stats.

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It's more complicated than that. Stacking your primary stat is the most important, by far. It gives you nearly everything you need.


However, primary stats for other classes can have inefficient-but-meaningful yields for what you're trying to do. For example, a min-maxed DPS merc with a +100 Aim, +25 Cunning item will have higher DPS than a min-maxed DPS merc with +100 Aim, +25 Endurance item. You'll never want to take any other primary over your class' main stat, but over Endurance, Presence, or a derived stat? Possibly.


However, I think itemization renders this assessment largely irrelevant. Most gear is laser-targeted at a class and thus does not mix primary stats. Instead, I think you'll see role specialization from derived stats-- Tech Power will be more important than Accuracy for Bodyguard mercs, but the opposite will be true for DPS mercs.


Replace "most gear" with "all gear". No item does or will ever have Aim and Cunning on it at the same time, unless it is an orange item with mismatched mods that have been placed into it by someone who doesn't know what he's doing. Aim and Cunning are "Primary Stats," and are thus mutually exclusive with one another when you find items and mods. The only way to get Cunning on an item is to not have Aim, Strength, or Willpower. In the case of mods, all mods with a Primary stat attached always have Endurance as its other stat, never a second primary stat. Some mods might have more of one than the other, but never a second primary stat.


It is therefore pointless, and dare I say, damaging to newcomers to speak as you do. Don't confuse newbies by saying it's okay to have some cunning as long as it has aim on it, because that will never happen. A Bounty Hunter should never use Cunning just as a Warrior should never use Willpower, for the exact same reasons in both cases: no item in the game mixes two primary stats at the same time, the 'off-stats' are redundant with bonuses the primary stats already give their class, and leads to new players rolling Need on gear that isn't designed for them, taking it away from someone who genuinely needs it.

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That was exactly my thought reading this thread. Yes, it is worth picking up the cunning datacrons as an addition to Aim/End/Shards. As others have said cunning does increase your tech stats.


This I will agree with, however. Datacrons are free, unlimited bonuses, so they would actually be helpful.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have founf severa lheavy armors with cunning on them . Cunning makes tech go up rigth so would that also mean tech powers would go up . such as a BH shield an the like. The way the Cunning stat reads in game makes it sound like if your doing a shield spec BH it might be good for you.
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