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Guild leader and deleted chr.


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I am guild leader of a small guild . this morning i had changed my mind about some appearance options after accepting my guild deployment and deleted my leader chr. Our guild now has no leader as i did not assign leadership to anyone we are in game and need to have me appointed leader again. is there away to do this with out a GM?
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Extremely helpful thank you jesus . looks like we can chalk TOR's launch community up to 90 % kock bags. If anyone has some usefull information i would appreciate it


you failed.. they cannot help you.. once you accepted the GL on a toon its on that toon unless you promote someone else..


this must be your first MMO..


might want to submit a ticket.. but I doubt they will help either.

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send an in game ticket.. because outside of the game you are screwed. In Bioware's defense, they did warn you a number of times that only your first character auto-invited to the guild would be invited. otherwise you'll have to wait for officers to come in for invites. Beyond that, without an ingame ticket, more than likely you'll have to wait the expiry two weeks before the next officer is promoted to leader.


I mean I guess it sucks that there isn't a good answer, but they did plaster all over that auto-invite would only work for your first character made.


edit - first character accepted. for clarification.

Edited by borghe
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send an in game ticket.. because outside of the game you are screwed. In Bioware's defense, they did warn you a number of times that only your first character auto-invited to the guild would be invited. otherwise you'll have to wait for officers to come in for invites. Beyond that, without an ingame ticket, more than likely you'll have to wait the expiry two weeks before the next officer is promoted to leader.


I mean I guess it sucks that there isn't a good answer, but they did plaster all over that auto-invite would only work for your first character made.


edit - first character accepted. for clarification.


Nor am i blaming BW at all . i realize it was my screw up But thank you for answering my question with out being an arrogant dicky . ill submit a ticket , GL in game:)

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Check with the other members of your guild. I know Bioware mentioned that if the Guild Leader doesn't log in after a certain amount of time to claim the spot, they auto-promote someone else. My guess would be, one of your other guild-mates has been auto-promoted to Guild Leader.
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you failed.. they cannot help you.. once you accepted the GL on a toon its on that toon unless you promote someone else..


this must be your first MMO..


might want to submit a ticket.. but I doubt they will help either.


this si the first MMO that has ever pre deployed guilds . but thank you for just confirming this community would suck at launch , i long for closed full time beta already.

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