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Allow SGR to be turned off


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Let me explain where i'm coming from. This is Star Wars, Star Wars is huge culturally in our society. Star Wars is also something families bond over. A lot of families wouldn't want that in a game, and if it goes in and someone fights it and get's on 700 club, christian news network, fox news this could explode big time. It could be the death of the game (I've seen stuff like this happen before). I don't want my game to die.


1. Fox News already got on it.

2. Can you prove the statement "A lot of families wouldn't want that in a game"?

3. how do you even define "families"? When you say "families" do you mean "heterosexual families with nothing but heterosexuals everywhere!"?


As for saying it's rated for teens, we all know the ratings system means nothing. Grand theft auto 3 was rated M but I know all the players weren't over 17. WWE games are rated T, but we all know children play them. WOW is rated T, and we know children play it.


The rating system does mean something.


If parents choose to ignore it...well, that's another issue.


SWTOR is rated 'T' for a reason and not due just to 'sexual themes'. There's loads of violence, slavery, murder, etc.


I just leveled a Bounty Hunter on Hutta and there was an option to execute a father in front of his son (who was a child). I thought..."well, that's pretty effed up." There's no option to toggle stuff like that off so kids can't see it (I will add that I can understand a parent not wanting their children to be exposed to something like that) and if a parent thinks it inappropriate they can prevent their young child from playing the "T' rated game.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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I just leveled a Bounty Hunter on Hutta and there was an option to execute a father in front of his son (who was a child). I thought..."well, that's pretty effed up." There's no option to toggle stuff like that off so kids can't see it (I will add that I can understand a parent not wanting their children to be exposed to something like that) and if a parent thinks it inappropriate they can prevent their young child from playing the "T' rated game.
And what's interesting is that there are no concerned parents coming on the forum asking for that toggle !


I'm guessing that those who are really that concerned about their child will have taken care of it by not allowing the child to play the game.

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1. Fox News already got on it.

2. Can you prove the statement "A lot of families wouldn't want that in a game"?

3. how do you even define "families"? When you say "families" do you mean "heterosexual families with nothing but heterosexuals everywhere!"?



There were two people from families in this thread that said they didn't want it. As for families i'm not even going into that as I see no way of answering without insulting you.

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1. SGR is near-pointless. I can assure you more people have/will quit this game because of balance issues and lack of content than have/will because they can or cannot romance Jaesa with their blue Twi'lek lesbians. The only people that care about SGR's are the casuals that are ruining this game anyway.


2. This is an MMO. L2Grow a thicker skin, or ****. We don't want you here anyway.

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Each kid is different, there is NO one size fits all approach with kids. To argue otherwise only shows an ignorance when it comes to dealing with children.


That's a petty truism that hardly applies to whether or not there should be a 'no gay for me' switch. As I said, SGRs are no more 'complex' or 'worrisome' than OGRs. If your kid can't deal with any kind of relationships, where was the cry for 'no romance of any kind' toggles when the game was released?


There are kids out there who also can't deal with violent themes too. Sadly some who have taken on all kinds of prejudices from their parents. This is a 16+ game, and ultimately parents need to police their own kids, but lets not pretend this is some kind of 'won't you spare the children?' good cause.


I'm still amazed that in this thread there is at least one person who has already admitted they'd be okay with a 'no blacks' toggle too - all in the name of 'more options' you understand. Yay humanity.

Edited by Jherad
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1. SGR is near-pointless. I can assure you more people have/will quit this game because of balance issues and lack of content than have/will because they can or cannot romance Jaesa with their blue Twi'lek lesbians. The only people that care about SGR's are the casuals that are ruining this game anyway.


2. This is an MMO. L2Grow a thicker skin, or ****. We don't want you here anyway.


Care to explain how the casuals are ruining the game?

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Turning off SGR? Why? In freaking Sims there was always full-out open SGR, and they even included the meheheh and nobody batted an eyelash.


And besides, even flirting with opposite gender NPCs is kinda rare here, mostly only works with compys. So quit yer bellyachin'.

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You missed my point by a mile (well over a mile but i'm not measuring actual distance). My point was that's it's perfectly natural.


I didn't miss your point. You're the one who used "animals do it, so its okay" as the example.


Do you say that to vegans/vegetarians? "Animals eat meat, so it's okay, and you're dumb for thinking differently"?


And all those examples, while not pretty, must be natural, since like you said "animals do it" :p Basically what I'm saying, is "Because animals do it" does not make a valid "It's okay" arguement. :p

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Devs don't want to waste manpower putting the switch in.


Pretty much this is your answer. But if you would like to hear it differently here goes.The fact is, is that SGR is supported by the devs as such to them any switch is discriminatory. Now whether you agree with this or not (clearly from your viewpoint you do not) this is their stance on it. It is really as simple as that.

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Care to explain how the casuals are ruining the game?


The casuals are people who play from time to time, but will simply switch games they play when they get tired of this. They are not "loyal" to the game, and in the end BW cannot count on them to be long time paying customers.


Also, casuals are the ones ruining PVP matches by going in with bad gear and not playing objectives, essentially losing the matches for those who actually care.


Casuals also usually do not keybind, and generally suck.


Hardcore players have had many days/months of playtime, know their classes inside out, and will not be so quick to throw the game aside should something new come along. They are better customers because they can be relied on

(those who have spent so much time in game will not be so quick to unsub and give up on their toons), and actually help other players in WZs and Ops by being good at the game.


The hardcore players have saved games before because of their loyalty to said game, and it may come down to that for this game as well.

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Don't see how being against something automatically gives you a phobia. You do understand what a phobia is, right?


Being against homosexuality is the same thing as being against black people or against people with brown hair.

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While I wouldn't mind an all encompassing "Romance off" option, it's inconsequential, because EA will never do it, no matter how many people sign a petition. Why? Because SGR has gotten to the point where it's being used to deflect criticism (some of it valid) from EA itself.


Annoyed about Dead Space 3? You can't hate EA, because look at how tolerant they are.[/rant]


Bioware have a long history of being open-minded in their games. That's something I've always admired. This game isn't for families. It isn't for kids. If you think "well, they're going to see it anyway", that isn't EA's, or Bioware's fault, and they have no reason to pander to people playing the game when the game isn't even aimed at them.


I would love to let my 12 year old sister play this game, and if there was a "romance off" option, then sure, that would help. Then again, I'd have to bar her from playing a Sith, and bar her from General Chat too. I mean, have you seen what people say about Khem Val? :p


All in all, I don't see it happening. If you think something in this game is offensive, that's your right. Your right not to play it. It's like Sean Locke said about tv: "If you don't like what's on, change the channel."

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The casuals are people who play from time to time, but will simply switch games they play when they get tired of this. They are not "loyal" to the game, and in the end BW cannot count on them to be long time paying customers.


Also, casuals are the ones ruining PVP matches by going in with bad gear and not playing objectives, essentially losing the matches for those who actually care.


Casuals also usually do not keybind, and generally suck.


Hardcore players have had many days/months of playtime, know their classes inside out, and will not be so quick to throw the game aside should something new come along. They are better customers because they can be relied on

(those who have spent so much time in game will not be so quick to unsub and give up on their toons), and actually help other players in WZs and Ops by being good at the game.


The hardcore players have saved games before because of their loyalty to said game, and it may come down to that for this game as well.


While I agree with you in some parts. What am i classified as? I play almost everyday, i am a sub, been playing since beta, have 6 50's, in a active guild, and spent a small fortune on coins. This is not supposed to be a smart *** comment but a genuine question.

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The casuals are people who play from time to time, but will simply switch games they play when they get tired of this. They are not "loyal" to the game, and in the end BW cannot count on them to be long time paying customers.


Also, casuals are the ones ruining PVP matches by going in with bad gear and not playing objectives, essentially losing the matches for those who actually care.


Casuals also usually do not keybind, and generally suck.


Hardcore players have had many days/months of playtime, know their classes inside out, and will not be so quick to throw the game aside should something new come along. They are better customers because they can be relied on

(those who have spent so much time in game will not be so quick to unsub and give up on their toons), and actually help other players in WZs and Ops by being good at the game.


The hardcore players have saved games before because of their loyalty to said game, and it may come down to that for this game as well.


So what do you call the longtime customers who don't switch games like you mentioned, but at the same time don't do all those things you mentioned?

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While I wouldn't mind an all encompassing "Romance off" option, it's inconsequential, because EA will never do it, no matter how many people sign a petition. Why? Because SGR has gotten to the point where it's being used to deflect criticism (some of it valid) from EA itself.


Annoyed about Dead Space 3? You can't hate EA, because look at how tolerant they are.[/rant]


Bioware have a long history of being open-minded in their games. That's something I've always admired. This game isn't for families. It isn't for kids. If you think "well, they're going to see it anyway", that isn't EA's, or Bioware's fault, and they have no reason to pander to people playing the game when the game isn't even aimed at them.


I would love to let my 12 year old sister play this game, and if there was a "romance off" option, then sure, that would help. Then again, I'd have to bar her from playing a Sith, and bar her from General Chat too. I mean, have you seen what people say about Khem Val? :p


All in all, I don't see it happening. If you think something in this game is offensive, that's your right. Your right not to play it. It's like Sean Locke said about tv: "If you don't like what's on, change the channel."


That was said about there not being SGRs in TOR "Don't like it, leave" that didn't work. Why do you think it would work in reverse?

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I think my biggest problem with this is that it means the writers will be lazy.


Smuggler story arc,

you get a point where there's a guard who'll raise the alarm. You have the option to shoot him on the spot for darkside points, or convince him you have a small army at your beck and call (then choosing to tell the truth when he expresses doubt and an ally shoots him, or push the point and he surrenders).


But, based on gender, you get a different third option.


Female smugglers can try to seduce him, and just when it starts to work, your ally comes up and shoots him.


Male smugglers can convince him that "I'm a chiss delegate. I know, I don't look very chissy, my parents were very surprised." When the guard expresses doubt at this, you push the point by saying "Would someone try to pass off a story as ridiculous as this?" And when the guard decides to go check with his superior, you club him in the back of the head when his back is turned.



If there are SGR, then it means that it cuts a certain amount of extra dialogue and choices out of the game, and seems to me like the writers are just being lazy. Or maybe it's just me.

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