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Best class to compliment Arsenal Merc in pvp?


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So my friend wants to make and level an arsenal merc, pretty much exclusively through pvp. He knows (or claims to know) how much people say the spec isn't that great, so that's not an issue. And I'm not so hardcore that I demand mix/maxing from everybody.


Anyhow, I was wondering what the best class would be to roll support with him ('support' can mean whatever). I was thinking MM Sniper, to augment the 'look at something and make it die' style, which might be better than a healer if the problem is making damage opportunities, but I'm not sure. I haven't played much since October, and I haven't played Arsenal much at all. Any thoughts on this? I can play whatever.


There's no thoughts of RWZs or anything. We don't know anyone, and I'm done when the expansion comes out anyway. So that's not a concern. This is just for screwing around and hopefully good times.

Edited by Gnanika
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A melee class is probably your best compliment to an Arsenal Merc. Someone who can stun and root and keep whoever you're fighting away from the Merc so you two can utterly destroy him.


With that said - as I understand it, Arsenal Mercs aren't bad in pre-50 PVP. It's just at 50 when people know what they're doing that they get shut down fast.

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if your class needs another class to take attention off of it to be effective your probally gonna have problems...

the devs say they are fixing merc in 2.0 but i will not believe them until they show proof. They have been saying the same thing for 6months+ now.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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