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Primadonna tanks


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so many cry-baby tanks out there with power-boners and very little situational awareness.

it seems like they play just so they can pull first, soak up heals, and yank from dps, etc

leadership should not be class-based, but rather, skill-based.

learn about positioing, get over rigid class roles, and stop cookie cutter ********.


also, **** gear. gear may make things faster, easier, but you can't gear skill!



end vent.


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I do know what you mean.... tanks who complain about aggro too much (omg dps steals aggro!) or tanks who just have no idea whats going on. I think the best tanks are people who have played both the DPS and Healing role, that way they know the entire fight, and what to expect.
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I´ll admit. I´m a primadonna tank. If you dont let me pull i´ll just leave. If you dont kill trash i´ll kill trash and let you get agro on whatever elite your tunneling. If i get abuse for that, i´ll leave. I dont bother voting to kick. I´ll give a warning or two to whomever is pulling, but if that doesn´t help i´m out.


The thing is i´m a decent tank. Some even tell me i´m good. But it just ruins my fun if i dont get to pull. Pullagro realy helps alot when your tanking. I´ll chainpull if the healer is ready and all are close to full HP, but let me set the pace. I can get a new group easy. It´s realy not worth it pissing of your tanks or healers.

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I've seen a ton of tanks get angry on principle. Rather than really assessing how the run is going, or the extent to which other group members are picking up the slack, they whine about how they're the tank etc.


I understand that there needs to be group cohesion and everyone needs to work towards a basic plan, otherwise things get all chaotic. I also understand that a good tank leaves little slack for other players to pick up.


However, it seems like 80% of the tanks on hm fp take themselves very seriously yet they don't even recognize that they are leaving a lot of loose mobs. So i guess what I'm saying is there are a lot of poopy tanks out there.


My job is to work to benefit my group. Not to simply follow a whiny, sub par tank simply because they had the ability to get to level 10 and pick an advanced class.


I'm just proposing that a good leader is not self-appointed ex I'm the leader because I'm the tank. A good leader also recognizes the skill of the group and adjusts accordingly.



For daily hm fp, with a decentlly skilled group, you don't even need a tank. People don't often do that though because it's challenging.

Edited by ubermouth
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Of course, there's the opposite argument. I queued as a tank because I wanted to help make the hard mode pop. Now I have to be the one to manage everything to make sure it goes as smooth as possible, and you, mr. "I'm so awesome" DPS, decides he wants to do things like pull before me or not use a proper kill order.


Well, here are the consequences... either I have to work ten times harder, in a role that is harder to find in the first place, because you're an inconsiderate bleep that doesn't know how to properly play your role. OR, I can try to let you die, but have to have the healer on the same page as me, or I'm just making the healer's job harder.


How about you stop being a bad DPS? Is that so much to ask?


A bad tank is a tank that doesn't understand the fights, can't hold single target aggro, can't approach a pull properly... you being a crappy DPS and pulling before the tank, or tunneling elites before normals/strongs, says nothing about the skill of the tank.

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Of course, there's the opposite argument. I queued as a tank because I wanted to help make the hard mode pop. Now I have to be the one to manage everything to make sure it goes as smooth as possible, and you, mr. "I'm so awesome" DPS, decides he wants to do things like pull before me or not use a proper kill order.


Well, here are the consequences... either I have to work ten times harder, in a role that is harder to find in the first place, because you're an inconsiderate bleep that doesn't know how to properly play your role. OR, I can try to let you die, but have to have the healer on the same page as me, or I'm just making the healer's job harder.


How about you stop being a bad DPS? Is that so much to ask?


A bad tank is a tank that doesn't understand the fights, can't hold single target aggro, can't approach a pull properly... you being a crappy DPS and pulling before the tank, or tunneling elites before normals/strongs, says nothing about the skill of the tank.


I completely agree that a dim-witted dps can be a nuisance.

But, the scenario I mentioned doesn't include this kind of dps.

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I´ll lead my group if needed. Happens a few times in Lost Island when someone say they´re there for the first time. But that makes it even more important to be patient as dps and let me pull. With new dps i might even set targets. As long as people follow orders (If they want me to lead they better) i have no problem with leading a group.


Honestly i find it more fun to lead a good group of inexperienced guys in Lost Island than just plowing through the FP with a group that´s both overgeared and know the FP by heart. I dont even mind wiping as long as i see progress.


Basicly if your new to a FP let me know and follow orders. Dont press **** you dont know what is (cannon"boss" in kaon)


It´s realy quite basic. Let tank pull, dont aoe near cc, reaply your cc if needed, let tank break cc, kill lowhp mobs first, use your interupts, dont stand in bad sh*t, keep an eye out for pats and cc or move accordingly if needed.

If you do most of this i´m good. The only real dealbreaker is if you consistently "ninjapulls" I hate ninjapulls allmost worse than ninjarolls.

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I´ll lead my group if needed. Happens a few times in Lost Island when someone say they´re there for the first time. But that makes it even more important to be patient as dps and let me pull. With new dps i might even set targets. As long as people follow orders (If they want me to lead they better) i have no problem with leading a group.


Honestly i find it more fun to lead a good group of inexperienced guys in Lost Island than just plowing through the FP with a group that´s both overgeared and know the FP by heart. I dont even mind wiping as long as i see progress.


Basicly if your new to a FP let me know and follow orders. Dont press **** you dont know what is (cannon"boss" in kaon)


It´s realy quite basic. Let tank pull, dont aoe near cc, reaply your cc if needed, let tank break cc, kill lowhp mobs first, use your interupts, dont stand in bad sh*t, keep an eye out for pats and cc or move accordingly if needed.

If you do most of this i´m good. The only real dealbreaker is if you consistently "ninjapulls" I hate ninjapulls allmost worse than ninjarolls.

you're right about the rinse-wash cycle.

regarding ninja pulling. i'm talking about influencing mob position/organization when its for the good of the group, but your tank doesn't see why. i'm not talking about an annoying dps who just wants to saber throw first.

Edited by ubermouth
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Having played most MMO's since UO, I can wholeheartedly say that the most whiney, intolerant, primadonna group are DPS.

In any MMO.


They inevitably blame the tanks and or healers for everything, including bad pulls that they themselves initiated, either by sheer stupidity or by accident. They even whine when the pace of the group is too fast or too slow. I know that everyone one here has seen tanks and healers drop from a group because of one or more DPS monkeys being verbally abusive and childish.

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Having played most MMO's since UO, I can wholeheartedly say that the most whiney, intolerant, primadonna group are DPS.

In any MMO.


They inevitably blame the tanks and or healers for everything, including bad pulls that they themselves initiated, either by sheer stupidity or by accident. They even whine when the pace of the group is too fast or too slow. I know that everyone one here has seen tanks and healers drop from a group because of one or more DPS monkeys being verbally abusive and childish.


Why do people keep introducing different scenarios? I'm talking about the scenario with the meglo-maniac, undewhelming tank + everyone else is normal- scenario.


It's becoming cliche to blame dps and make heals and tanks the martyrs.

Haven't we all played every role already? What's with the bias?

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Why do people keep introducing different scenarios? I'm talking about the scenario with the meglo-maniac, undewhelming tank + everyone else is normal- scenario.


It's becoming cliche to blame dps and make heals and tanks the martyrs.

Haven't we all played every role already? What's with the bias?


The bias comes FROM playing all the roles and seeing just how much difficulty one idiot DPS can inflict on a group.


More importantly, how can you complain about bias when you've made a thread complaining about a specific role? ~ that is biased.


You're complaining about tanks performing their roll. So what if they mess up your special attack from time to time. The group will be fine even if you don't get to lay down a vicious hit or two. However, the group may not be fine if the DPS is consistently more concerned with laying down big hits than they are with "being situationally aware". Very few DPS are "situationally aware" of how they are completely screwing up the performance of their tanks.


I understand that tanks will sometimes drag/push your chew toy away from you. I also understand that 9/10 DPS don't practice a firing order ~ even when they know what that means. Most DPS seem to think that their damage is the the most crucial element in the game, despite the fact that any truly skilled hybrid spec player can replace them. When the rest of the group complains about bad DPS behavior, the typical reaction of the "uber leet" DPS is to complain that everyone else is just a noob. Well prove it....be the uber leet player you think you are ~ and play every roll with the goal of improving the game experience for your team mates.


Otherwise, since you don't seem to mind people not playing like they're on a team, I suggest you roll on your tank or heal alt ~ and go enjoy fulfilling those roles for wannabe "uber leet" DPS.

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The bias comes FROM playing all the roles and seeing just how much difficulty one idiot DPS can inflict on a group.


Oh I don't know, I bad tank can ruin the group a lot more than a bad DPS. In fact a bad healer could ruin the group too. The fact that there is only one tanking slot and that is required to be filled with a decent player who can tank, if you don't get a decent player as tank it can really halt all progress in the group.


Most of the time if there's a bad DPS and a good tank the tank's DPS can make up for the bad DPS and if the tank is on the ball he can make up for the bad DPS's pulls.


Tanks and Healers are much more important to have a competent player as their roles, as in HMs you only get one. A bad DPS isn't as bad because the other group members can make up for it.

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so many cry-baby tanks out there with power-boners and very little situational awareness.

it seems like they play just so they can pull first, soak up heals, and yank from dps, etc


learn about positioing, get over rigid class roles, and stop cookie cutter ********.


Sounds to me like you're the problem, not the tank - that you were pulling mobs and drawing threat instead of the tank and the tank rightly called you on it. The tank's job is to "pull first, soak up heals, and yank from dps" - if they're not doing that, they're doing it wrong. If you're doing that as a DPS, they have a right to complain.


It's the tank's job to pull, hold threat and worry about aggro mechanics and DPS who don't respect that make life harder for the tanks - there's nothing more annoying as a tank than having to go in and try to clean up a DPS's mess. SWTOR (unfortunately, IMO) does enforce rigid class roles and "cookie cutter ****". If you're a DPS, you cannot tank, and if you try you're just making it harder on everyone else in your group. If you prefer a free-for-all style play without strong class roles, I recommend Guild Wars 2 (and many other MMOs besides), but SWTOR is not the game for you.

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Not knowing a fight is just not having done the FP or OPS. And if the person has wiped in enough, they should have figured out taunts by then. Tanking takes a certain about of masochism in the first place. I haven't seen that scenario, either with me tanking or as DPS of a primadonna tank. I've had an experience with DPS that didn't get that as a tank, I can get the agro off of them if they get it while CCing at the start of a fight.
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so many cry-baby tanks out there with power-boners and very little situational awareness.

it seems like they play just so they can pull first, soak up heals, and yank from dps, etc

leadership should not be class-based, but rather, skill-based.

learn about positioing, get over rigid class roles, and stop cookie cutter ********.


also, **** gear. gear may make things faster, easier, but you can't gear skill!



end vent.


i know what you mean, back in WOW every other Dungeon finder landed me with one of these idiots

i called them Jesus Tanks.....

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Why do people keep introducing different scenarios? I'm talking about the scenario with the meglo-maniac, undewhelming tank + everyone else is normal- scenario.


It's becoming cliche to blame dps and make heals and tanks the martyrs.

Haven't we all played every role already? What's with the bias?


Keeping with your original scenario, did you say anything about why you were pulling first, did you tell the group that doing so would be beneficial to the group? Or did you pull first and explain after the tank got cranky?

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Nah, I get the op point.

If you've played a decent dps ( god forbid me saying I'm good at that game EVER, damn I suck...), you at least once came into a group where tank was pulling, 1 (or sometime way more) mobs are not hit, turn their face to the healer and start bashing your lifeguard. You jump those mobs (most of the time they would be your normal target anyway), get aggro from those too many angry beasts, then die, while your group barely survive.


And then, while you still feel a little heroic for your noble sacrifice, while the healer is whispering thx, trying not to offend the tank, the big guy starts ************ about your bad focusing, calls you a noob and leave. Seen this scenario at least 5 times this week (admittedly in lvling ops, not hms).


Tank role as been pretty well described, but here is something not said enough :

DPS, your first priority is always the stuff that is trying to hit your healer, unless the healer can take care of himself. When tank picks aggro back, you go back to your priority list : weaks, strongs, elites (unless a specific fight works otherwise).

Now if the primadona tanks can undertand that (aka : sometimes they are not in their best shape and they make some mstakes to), we can all go back to bashing ninja pullers, dps that can't count to 2 before unloading everything in their arsenal and the ones that are just gonna hit like ******* wathever is closer to them.

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Of course, there's the opposite argument. I queued as a tank because I wanted to help make the hard mode pop. Now I have to be the one to manage everything to make sure it goes as smooth as possible, and you, mr. "I'm so awesome" DPS, decides he wants to do things like pull before me or not use a proper kill order.


Well, here are the consequences... either I have to work ten times harder, in a role that is harder to find in the first place, because you're an inconsiderate bleep that doesn't know how to properly play your role. OR, I can try to let you die, but have to have the healer on the same page as me, or I'm just making the healer's job harder.


How about you stop being a bad DPS? Is that so much to ask?


A bad tank is a tank that doesn't understand the fights, can't hold single target aggro, can't approach a pull properly... you being a crappy DPS and pulling before the tank, or tunneling elites before normals/strongs, says nothing about the skill of the tank.


This. Tanking is hard enough in this game. By level 50 players should have a decent idea of how the trinity is suppose to work. The tank is suppose to pull first and hold as much agro as possible. If the DPS is popping in there first then he is screwing the whole order up because now the agro is all on him and his character isn't built for that.

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i have only tanks and healers, i never complain..i just do my best, i place my guard on healer and then i put it on dps if he has too much threat, i leap and pull everything out of its place, i kill trash while elites beat me if needed..after 30k repairs(now about 10-15k since nerf) i leave..
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I have Tanked everything in this game and have Healed, and DPS on most things in this game.


If I am tanking and DPS pulls first... I am out. There is NO reason for DPS to pull first ever.


If you pull first as a DPS you make the role of everyone else harder. Cool downs on taunts... maybe the tank is waiting so he can pull agro and hold it in the first place.


I have ran HMs/OPs with people and had group wipes because some DPS would not even let me finish a sentence I was typing saying: "I need a few seconds for taunts to be off CD." They just start shooting or jump in because they feel we are moving at a good rate... forgetting the reason we are running at a good rate is BECAUSE I had my cool downs when I pull mobs.


Tanking and healing IS harder than DPS in this game.... It's true... deal with it. So when you make someone's role even more difficult, you deserve to be left tank-less and looking or waiting on another person to Q up.


DPS has the easiest role in this game... stop complaining.

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