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How To Kill Solo Jedi G


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How many forums are there about mercenaries and their problems? There are ways to kill jedi solo, and I have done and seen it done many times. I want to know how everyone else does it. Lets just say a dps guardian just jumped to you by himself in the Alderaan PvP level, the middle turret. Say it in terms of which spec you use, as well, because though people argue about it, I have seen both do the job, so it is a matter of preference. What do you do in this situation?
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Too many variables to simply type out exactly how the fight would go.


But basically, if he has his defensive cooldowns you are screwed. There is no way you will outdamage him before he outdamages you. Absolutely no way. If he does not have defensive cds available then you have a possibity to win if you; play smarter, have cds yourself, get crits on hard hitting abilities, don't get deflected railshots etc.


For the most part, Merc is a bad 1 vs 1 class, so you shouldn't put yourself in this situation if possible. Especially against a Guardian who has everything at his disposal to crush you.

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Run immediately upon being leaped on to avoid the crit-sweep. Stay greater-than-four-but-less-than-ten meters away to avoid melee and still be out of range for another jump. You can still be obliterated, and you can always be force-pushed for a second force-leap and be crit-swept then. You can also be set in stasis and if you don't CC-break and disable it, be crit-swept then -- assuming they're focus spec.


Keeping attention on your distance, electro-darting at the right time, and running through them to root them with a rocket punch will do wonders.


If they bust out high defensive cooldowns, conch 'em.

Edited by Koyaanisqat
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If he is in any way good at pvp you will lose accept under the most favorible conditions like let's say, his health is already low and all his cooldowns are out, or you get help. This is nothing against any mercs as players but your class is weak and juggs are strong. You would have to LOS your but off which slows your dmg out put as well and basically what your hoping for is he desides to switch targets which he won't cause your almost a guarenteed kill. So again it really depends on the conditions as in does your group out number at mid or are you getting heals, or is he under geared. But in reality your losing this fight if focused. Anybody who tells you otherwise is just not being truthful.
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