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Lethality operative rotation/gearing?


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Not sure exactly how I should stack crit/surge for lethality the way it is on live right now, it's kinda of a new tree to me, but I like it better than concealment.


Oh, and what's the rotation, idk another resource and people keep saying noxxic is bad...

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Not sure exactly how I should stack crit/surge for lethality the way it is on live right now, it's kinda of a new tree to me, but I like it better than concealment.


Oh, and what's the rotation, idk another resource and people keep saying noxxic is bad...


People usually suggest 150-250 crit rating, and as long as you're not deviating far from that (i.e. 0 rating or >400 rating) it's only a playstyle choice. If you would like to have a few more crits then go to the upper end of the guidelines, or lower end if you like seeing a higher bonus damage.


When it comes to surge, all tertiary stat points that are not in accuracy should be in surge. It takes 290 accuracy rating to reach 10% accuracy bonus, so beyond that those points should go into surge.


It's hard to say there is one specific rotation but there are a few general rules that will help you optimize your dps:

-Keep stim boost up at all times, and avoiding clipping it if you can. There more time you squeeze out of its duration, the more energy efficient you will be. Note that the lethality tree reduces the cool down of stim boost, but this should not affect how you use it as it should only be activated at the end of its cycle. When you activate stim boost, try to be at an energy level closer to 60 as lethality gives an instant boost to energy with the use of stim boost, so you don't want to blow yourself to max energy and waste potential recovery.

-Always maintain at least one tactical advantage, only using execute moves when you have two available. The damage increase while it is active is very important.

-Energy should never drop below 60 unless you are planning to use a sequence of heavy attacks followed by adrenaline probe. Doing this during specific burn phases can be incredibly useful. However, if you drop below 60 without having adrenaline probe ready, you are instantaneously dropping your dps because you have just "missed out" on energy gain.

-You always want your poisons ticking on your target, corrosive dart and corrosive grenade. In the talent tree, taking lingering toxins decreasing the damage of these poisons when they are replaced by the weaker version, but gives you more available energy as you don't have to be using the abilities as much. I prefer to not take the talents; I must simply re apply them when they fade from an enemy.

-Because shiv is your only tactical advantage generator other than the opening hidden strike, it is crucial to use it on cd if possible so you can build up those TAs.

-I haven't looked into the details of when to use weakening blast, but I believe combining it with culls would be most effective, as the poison damage hits from its effect are higher than the individual ticks of corrosive dart/grenade (not sure about this though, if someone knows the correct answer please inform me).

-You generally want to be using backstab on CD as well, unless you need to do something more important like re-apply a poison.

-Beyond your main skills (poisons, shiv, backstab, cull, weakening blast) there will be a lot of time to use filler things, both energy consuming and not. For cases where you are approaching that 60 energy mark or you know you need a large amount of energy in a little bit, rifle shot will be the skill to use. Its damage is low, but it's still better than just standing still. For times when abilities are on CD but you have energy to spare, cover -> explosive probe deals good damage, and overload shot can be used if explosive probe is on CD.


There are other nuances of performing well with Lethality I think, but that should give you a good start.

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