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- gear companions while I progress through the story? To date I've played two mains, a JK and SW, both damage dealers, and more or less by necessity I've used my heal companions (Doc, Quinn) almost exclusively. Should I simply rely on quest items (Doc's special this, Quinn's special that) and commendations to gear them, or should I cruise the GTN and other vendors as well?

- further to that question, there are times I want to use other comp's (now that my JK is 50, I'd like to take the wife Kira out every now and then; something romantic!) but I'm afraid to especially in the higher level sections. In a case like that, when it's a companion I haven't geared as I leveled, what's the best (and cheapest) way to get them up to snuff?


Even with one 50 I still feel like a noob so hope it's cool to post here.

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It's all good there buddy, personally here's what I do, normally while your off in those level 50 areas and killing stuff, you'll snag greens and an occasional orange that can help get a companion caught up gear wise, even if you get Kira in all level 50 greens (with willpower/dps stats on em of course) she'll be able to handle things just fine. So pay attention to gear your vendoring next time and see if a green or blue is a big upgrade for the companion you want to try to get caught up


Also if you have some excess tionese/columni comms, buy some tionese or columni gear for your companions! Even if she's only in tionese it helps bring up Kira's health and damage dealt.


Now as to your first question, honestly I just equip greens I find on companions, a lot of times those greens I find tend to be better than the quest green rewards, plus I prefer getting comms since I can use them to buy some fairly powerful gear which I would recommend you also use some comms to buy gear for your companions when you get yourself outfitted properly, BUT if a green quest reward is a HUGE upgrade, I'd look at taking it (like a +20/30 stat upgrade).


You're not really doing it wrong, but these tips could help improve your experience methinks.

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I find that quest rewards don't adequately provide gear upgrades for you and your companion, so don't be afraid of checking the GTN for crafted greens. They are usually listed at the default price, so are quite cheap.

I usually just find upgrades worth it, rather than anything less than 5 stat points I just forget about.

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In regards to your first question, I'm pretty sure most planets have mod vendors that sell green mods. I'd suggest getting some cheap orange gear for your companion of choice and keeping it filled with those green mods, or do what I do and have a cybertech alt making said mods.


In addition, you may want to consider leveling as a tank when possible, that'll allow you to slack off a bit on keeping healer comps up to date, thanks to your extra survivability.


As for your second question: At the current time, upon hitting 50, you get 99 Tionese comms and a set of recruit PVP gear. Keep the recruit gear for yourself, use the tionese comms to gear up your companion of choice. If you're the PVE type, go ahead and use recruit gear in HM FPs until you've got a Columi set. (For those of you who might complain about doing HM FPs in recruit gear - you didn't always get free tionese gear. I've geared a tank, two DPS, and a healer (my main) by running HM FPs in recruit and working up. It's entirely possible and not at all difficult.)

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Please do not enter HM flashpoints wearing Recruit gear. Wear that Tionese and two pvp relics you get.


As for companion gear - roll greed on stuff they can use and use your Columi commendations to gear them up.

Edited by slafko
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I have a level 34 SS


Some of my companions equipment is orange stuff I upgrade the mods on as I go with commendations. Usually jacket and trousers.


Khem's vibrosword is green but has mod slots. Adronikas has a pair of identical orange blasters - he got them before he begged me for some.


I guess it also helps that I'm levelling Treasure Hunting so get a high proportion of equipment I can check against my current gear and decided to sell, GTN or keep.

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I usually use comms and greed rolls on early FP gear to get my comps mostly orange gear - from there I use comms to keep their mods updated as best I can.


Only downside is that a lot of their gear ends up being mismatched and some have phases where they look kinda hobo-ish. Mako is currently sporting the homeless look, but is well set up :)

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Its nice to have a companion that is the same spec as you, as my jedi shadow I find myself using nadia more then tharen because she is almost full war hero gear every time I went to buy a new piece of elite war hero gear I would strip the mods out of my old piece and give them to her. at this point She can down a low geared 50 with no help from me its fun to just throw her at people and watch the chaos.
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Please do not enter HM flashpoints wearing Recruit gear. Wear that Tionese and two pvp relics you get.


As for companion gear - roll greed on stuff they can use and use your Columi commendations to gear them up.



Recruit is absolutely fine. I started doing hm fps with Recruit gear too and Quinn was happy about the tionese gear. I mean, it would be a waste otherwise. You can't get credits instead of the recruit gear anymore and you certainly don't need 2 gear sets while your number 1 companion is still in leveling greens.

Use the Recruit set, it's totally fine. I always tell people to check out the recruit set, especially since it has relics and implants and weapons, which the tionese does not have.

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Not sure if anyone mentioned this but I normally make or buy the best gear for my toon on the GTN and use planetary comms for my Companions unless there is an item I really want and can't find on the GTN.


Also on my Smuggler I picked up Armormech. Until level 20 or so I was making my own gear, mostly blues with a few purples and Oranges i picked up questing.


Level 50, I got the Tionese gear for me and Recruit for my healers.

Edited by VigDiath
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