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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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Personally I don't agree that the casual players is what keeps this game alive. This is my reasoning. For every person who says that premades are unfair it is 1 person who qq's compared to the 4 premaders. Which means for every 1 pug who complains that means that 4 of them are premade. 4:1 ratio is what I get.
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Pubstomping in a premade is for carebear scrubs, period. There's no amount of excuses you can make. Premades should be facing other premades. If you're afraid of getting your pee pee smacked, just admit it.


Playing with friends is unthinkable! Having friends is a crime! Even talking to other people is a moral ambiguity! SOLO ALL TEH THINGZ!!!!!

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Playing with friends is unthinkable! Having friends is a crime! Even talking to other people is a moral ambiguity! SOLO ALL TEH THINGZ!!!!!


this is an mmo. you should be able to play with your friends IN YOUR ONW WZ Q. i understand you can't do anything on your own and you will sVck without a pocket healer or someone else always being a sidekick. please oh please save the premades. i need them so much. pathetic.

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i understand you can't do anything on your own and you will sVck without a pocket healer or someone else always being a sidekick. please oh please save the premades. i need them so much. pathetic.


please oh please make a friend



Edited by Arlanon
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Its fun to read how premaders defence their unfair advantage


The premade v pugs advantage is largely a myth created by solo queuers making excuses for being bad because they continue trying to play team-based MMO PvP content as a solo game. The fact of the matter is that premades face other premades the majority of the time in WZs. This isn't speculation, this is by design per



A basic matchmaking algorithm in the queue system pits premades versus premades first before filling the remaining spots with solo queuers. The only time a premade faces only pugs is when there are no other premades queuing at the same time.


The reason most players lose to premades in Regs and Lowbies is because the premade on their team wasn't as good as the premade on the other side and the remaining pug players on the team stunk it up just as bad (or worse) as the premade did. Equally, the only time a pug wins a WZ is because a premade carried them for the most part.



Ive read most of the posts in this debate and one thing comes through not one poster is denying that premades have the advantage. They are simply saying to the OP to start using that advantage.


My angle is simply, keep pvp alive, healthy and fair. Im not looking for easy kills.


That is the logical and correct solution in a MMO team-based PvP format. There is nothing more healthy and fair in MMO PvP than encouraging players to work with other like-minded players to perform to the best of their ability in an objective-based team environment.



Premades should be facing other premades.


And they do...I would wager almost 90% of the time. See my response above and Gabe's testament to this fact.

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The premade v pugs advantage is largely a myth created by solo queuers making excuses for being bad because they continue trying to play team-based MMO PvP content as a solo game. The fact of the matter is that premades face other premades the majority of the time in WZs. This isn't speculation, this is by design per Gabe see 17:01.


A basic matchmaking algorithm in the queue system pits premades versus premades first before filling the remaining spots with solo queuers. The only time a premade faces only pugs is when there are no other premades queuing at the same time.


The reason most players lose to premades in Regs and Lowbies is because the premade on their team wasn't as good as the premade on the other side and the remaining pug players on the team stunk it up just as bad (or worse) as the premade did. Equally, the only time a pug wins a WZ is because a premade carried them for the most part.



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Its funny.....Ive read most of the posts in this debate and one thing comes through not one poster is denying that premades have the advantage.


You didnt read mine then.


I don't know hardly any hardcore PvPers. When I form a premade...its me and 3 casuals/guildees with maybe a piece or 2 of WH gear. We definitely do not have the advantage in the WZ.


However we do have the advantage in life. You know, being social enough to group with people for reasons OTHER then their gear or skill or win rate.

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Playing with friends is unthinkable! Having friends is a crime! Even talking to other people is a moral ambiguity! SOLO ALL TEH THINGZ!!!!!


Blah blah blah all you're trying to do is condone easymode pvp. If you want to play with friends, play in ranked. Why anyone would want to premade against pugs is beyond me anyway, its boring as hell. I mean, I know the answer, and "playing with friends" isn't it.

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Blah blah blah all you're trying to do is condone easymode pvp. If you want to play with friends, play in ranked. Why anyone would want to premade against pugs is beyond me anyway, its boring as hell. I mean, I know the answer, and "playing with friends" isn't it.

You really can't read. Three posts up. Do it.

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Blah blah blah all you're trying to do is condone easymode pvp. If you want to play with friends, play in ranked. Why anyone would want to premade against pugs is beyond me anyway, its boring as hell. I mean, I know the answer, and "playing with friends" isn't it.


more boring than sitting in a ranked que for 3 hours waiting for a pop? I think not.

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Blah blah blah all you're trying to do is condone easymode pvp. If you want to play with friends, play in ranked. Why anyone would want to premade against pugs is beyond me anyway, its boring as hell. I mean, I know the answer, and "playing with friends" isn't it.


I rather group with someone who knows how to play vs someone who might not have a clue. Now this person who does not have a clue could very well be in recruit gear or min/maxed EWH, they just don't make calls, don't use buffs, don't use stims etc...


Even when I solo queue and its 100% pug, it can still be as frustrating as a pug facing a double premade. If there is someone online who is not "bad" and can dps when need be, defend/stall when need be then I will probably group with that person, not to gain any advantage over the average pug, but to make sure that is one less person I have to worry about in any given warzone.

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What happens when you and your 3 friends are in half recruit and half war hero. And consist of classes other than PT, Mara, Assassin.


You should only play.......wait for it........ ranked?


Yeah derp. Sure if you don't have anything close to an optimal group you will probably get crushed but hey, if you have 6 mercs and two pt's online have two of them spec healing the rest arsenal/pyro and have the pt's go tank and queue it up and have a blast.

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Its fun to read how premaders defence their unfair advantage :D


Hope all they will be happy (with challenge and time of queue) when all casual solo queuers, who dont want/dont have time create own premades, quit this game :rolleyes:


So, good luck BW, you choose your target audience and make your money with them. Good luck you in your business.


I don't think you know what the word "fair" means.

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It's fair when your playing a mmo, you know a (massively multiplayer online game)


Key word is multiplayer where multiple people play, yes some will queue solo, but some actually group up being social in a multiplayer/premade way like it is intended and try to have fun.


I mean fun is the purpose of playing video games, and premades is fun.


Now lets just say your not having fun facing premades, and you don't like it.


Well your the one that picked a mmo, its not our fault is it.


By all means there is a bunch of other games without premade pvp, you know non-mmo type games.


Cause if you want to play a mmo, then you have to face people playing together trying to have fun as well.


So people playing a mmo is cheating if they group up right?


Since you think its unfair it must be a cheat.


Bottom line, you should not PvP at all ever, don't even sniff PvP.


I would go to a Role Play Server and only quest, flashpoint, and Raid.


Dead serious.

Edited by Caeliux
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There simply is no valid argument for putting a premade group up against a bunch who solo queued. Anyone making an argument to the contrary is simply trying to maintain anunfair advantage.


The game is being ruined for many more players than those are who would be harmed because they won't get their daily ego stroke when the can't cheat their way to the top anymore.


Yes, ALL premises are cheats. They may not be hacks but the very concept of a premades, and it's often unfair advantage, is cheating every player to go up against.


Certainly not all premades meant victory, but the many groups out there that are class and level balancing their groups have ruined it for everyone.


On top of this many of them have become quitters when they can't get thei two groups of four into one single match.


You have no idea what you're talking about. L2P

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I like to play basketball at the local park. We usually have some pretty good 3v3 1/2 court matches going. I usually show up by myself, wearing sandals, and dress slacks. Whenever someone eventually picks me for their team, they are usually terrible. (So am I) We lose, often. This makes me sad.


I find it outrageous that all these "Elite Ballers" always show up with at least 2 of their friends, and wearing these shoes that offer ankle support. It's been suggested that I might win more often if I played with friends of above average skill, and bought new shoes, but I'm not having it. This is the way I like to play, alone, and in sandals. I just want to win more.


Rather than making 2 friends, my proposal is that those people who already have 2 friends, should have to find 7 more friends, join an amateur basketball league, and only play full 5v5 games at the local rec. center.


I think that's fair.

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I like to play basketball at the local park. We usually have some pretty good 3v3 1/2 court matches going. I usually show up by myself, wearing sandals, and dress slacks. Whenever someone eventually picks me for their team, they are usually terrible. (So am I) We lose, often. This makes me sad.


I find it outrageous that all these "Elite Ballers" always show up with at least 2 of their friends, and wearing these shoes that offer ankle support. It's been suggested that I might win more often if I played with friends of above average skill, and bought new shoes, but I'm not having it. This is the way I like to play, alone, and in sandals. I just want to win more.


Rather than making 2 friends, my proposal is that those people who already have 2 friends, should have to find 7 more friends, join an amateur basketball league, and only play full 5v5 games at the local rec. center.


I think that's fair.


HAHA!! I wrote a post about basketball pick games too, but yours is way more funny!!

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The premade v pugs advantage is largely a myth created by solo queuers making excuses for being bad because they continue trying to play team-based MMO PvP content as a solo game. The fact of the matter is that premades face other premades the majority of the time in WZs. This isn't speculation, this is by design per

Huh? The run-on here is a little hard to follow, but it basically looks like a thinly veiled insult on people who don't want to play the game the same way as you. Some prefer to play this highly themepark-styled game in a casual way. The argument is that such players should have a competative environment as well. By splitting the queues, everyone wins. Solo players get a more competative environment, and people who like to group get the same.


A basic matchmaking algorithm in the queue system pits premades versus premades first before filling the remaining spots with solo queuers. The only time a premade faces only pugs is when there are no other premades queuing at the same time.

That has not been my observation at all. Something in the system appears broken, if that is what is truly intended by the devs.


The reason most players lose to premades in Regs and Lowbies is because the premade on their team wasn't as good as the premade on the other side and the remaining pug players on the team stunk it up just as bad (or worse) as the premade did. Equally, the only time a pug wins a WZ is because a premade carried them for the most part.

I don't know if you realize it or not, but you are actually arguing against yourself here. You basically say that premades have such an overwhelming advantage, that regular players have little to no impact on the warzone.



That is the logical and correct solution in a MMO team-based PvP format. There is nothing more healthy and fair in MMO PvP than encouraging players to work with other like-minded players to perform to the best of their ability in an objective-based team environment.

I believe the most healthy and fair solution would be to even the playing fields a bit, for everyone concerned. You can still group and work together with like minded player's, just not at the expense of the casuals who play this game as the theme-park it is.


Look at other major successful games for inspiration. WoW recently clamped down hard on premades. No more getting 40 people together in an Alterac Valley, group limit is now 5 and addons that enable people to get in together are being disabled. League of Legends - similar situation. Ranked allows 1 partner, and at an Elo penalty if you add him. Normals allow premades, but at a significant Elo penalty.


And they do...I would wager almost 90% of the time. See my response above and Gabe's testament to this fact.

I rarely see two opposing premades in a match. I suppose we all have our own perceptions.


Seriously, if you believe all of what you posted, how does it hurt you to have seperate queues? All it does is improve the experience for everyone involved - so long as your purpose is not just to stomp pugs, that is.

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I rarely see two opposing premades in a match. I suppose we all have our own perceptions.


I would just say this premades come in all forms. You can not determine a premade just because of guild tags. You probably have a premade on your team, but just friends and you assume its a premade. It is working as intended and some premades are better than others.

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Once again, premade pugstomping is easymode for scrubs. That's it. If you want a challenge, you don't put your premade against pugs. All this crap about playing with friends, and the equally moronic yet old as dirt addage about it being 'multiplayer' are poor excuses for getting easy wins.


I love premades, when I'm facing another premade. I hate being in a premade fighting pugs, its about as challenging as navigating a Dr Seuss book with my kid. Also, these equally idiotic analogies about pickup basketball games need to stop. I mean, if you're going to go that far, then you might as well include an NBA team in your example against a bunch of local kids, as that's pretty much the equivalent.

Edited by Vember
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Once again, premade pugstomping is easymode for scrubs. That's it. If you want a challenge, you don't put your premade against pugs. All this crap about playing with friends, and the equally moronic yet "old as dirt" addage about it being 'multiplayer' are poor excuses for getting easy wins.


I love premades, when I'm facing another premade. I hate being in a premade fighting pugs, its about as challenging as navigating a Dr Seuss book with my kid. Also, these equally idiotic analogies about pickup basketball games need to stop. I mean, if you're going to go that far, then you might as well include an NBA team in your example against a bunch of local kids, as that's pretty much the equivalent.


Dude, seriously calm down and take a breather. All the rage and something is bound to pop.

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Once again, premade pugstomping is easymode for scrubs. That's it. If you want a challenge, you don't put your premade against pugs. All this crap about playing with friends, and the equally moronic yet old as dirt addage about it being 'multiplayer' are poor excuses for getting easy wins.


I love premades, when I'm facing another premade. I hate being in a premade fighting pugs, its about as challenging as navigating a Dr Seuss book with my kid. Also, these equally idiotic analogies about pickup basketball games need to stop. I mean, if you're going to go that far, then you might as well include an NBA team in your example against a bunch of local kids, as that's pretty much the equivalent.


Lol :D

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