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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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premades are not problem, problem is every solid premade queue with healer, often 2 and yet tank ... and 80% wzs there is in pug no healer and ppl refuse field respec .... they play what they want.... if we have in this game no healers, only dps or tanks situation will be different and much easier for pugs against premades ...
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Sorry Premades should be for ranked only... I agree with the geezer, if you want to use a premade then go ranked. Same rules would apply to me too.


Or are you just saying that you disagree cause you would lose your advantage...?


Agreed premades should be kept out of regular ones.. OR the MM should be adjusted to match premades vs premades. World of Tanks noted a serious issue with platoons overwhelming pugs, so they match platoons vs platoons when possible.


A very simple change really, BW is behind on the curve.

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Uh no, queuing with other people does not make you inherently better than anyone else. I've been grouped with people who were bad and I've been grouped with people who are good. You are delusional if you think being willing to group suddenly makes you some kinda MMO bad ***.


Well, if grouping is not an indication of superior skill, and therefore likelihood to win, what on earth are you complaining about then?


Either Premades represent an unfair and insurmountable advantage over Pug groups to the point that they need to be segregated from the general community or you are simply reveling in QQ.


You cannot have it both ways.


Pug groups cannot at once be superior players and incapable of beating Premades at the same time.


Reasoning such as this is why many of us react to these threads as little more than people going to the Forums to QQ after they lost a handful of matches in a row but are nonetheless confident in their superior ability and playstyle...

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i think premades are a bit more frustrating because on the odd occasion you don't come up against one these days, you get people trying to hero run the huttball when its a draw and there are 10 seconds to go instead of just holding it.

it's also frustrating that when i queue as an imp i come up against republic premades very often, and when i queue as republic i come up against an imp premade (nearly all the time this past week or so).


the premares should be put up against each other, an even half decent premade is still not getting much competition from all but a very very good pug group.

there's also something wrong when you get a group of 6 sorcerers that are steamrollering anything the republic can throw at them like has been happening the past few days

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Ranked WZ's was the place the designers obviously chose to have the premades shine. They apparently did not work because the server population was low. But now that all the servers have been merged and are usually full in their respective game time hours it would probably be an opportune time to re-visit ranked wz's as the designated place for 'group' play.


Non-ranked warzones by design should be a place where random people are given a chance to work together grind gear and get to know one another. That isn't to say you shouldn't be allowed to group with one other person. Since premades are usually insulated groups using voip communication they don't really mesh with the other 4 players on their team.

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Oh another one ffs, what part of this is an mmo dont you get? Massive multiplayer? you can't punish players for wanting to work together, Those who risk pug know what they are getting and it happens to me regular. At times it does get annoying but i just team up if i want wins for my weekly.
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Quite frankly, War Zones and Rated War Zones are entirely different games.


If you want a truly competitive team-play environment in which minute gearing gaps, class imbalances, strategic miscalculations, or failure to communicate immediately and clearly all can cause immediate and crushing defeats, roll a RWZ-team.


If you want to play with some friends for fun, you make a Premade.

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Quite frankly, War Zones and Rated War Zones are entirely different games.


If you want a truly competitive team-play environment in which minute gearing gaps, class imbalances, strategic miscalculations, or failure to communicate immediately and clearly all can cause immediate and crushing defeats, roll a RWZ-team.


If you want to play with some friends for fun, you make a Premade.


^^this ranked warzones require more effort.

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Ranked WZ's was the place the designers obviously chose to have the premades shine. They apparently did not work because the server population was low. But now that all the servers have been merged and are usually full in their respective game time hours it would probably be an opportune time to re-visit ranked wz's as the designated place for 'group' play.


Non-ranked warzones by design should be a place where random people are given a chance to work together grind gear and get to know one another. That isn't to say you shouldn't be allowed to group with one other person. Since premades are usually insulated groups using voip communication they don't really mesh with the other 4 players on their team.


At least you made the point to add "given a chance" because usually its a snowballs chance in hell that they show any form of teamwork.

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I see it from the other side. I gave up entering in a pre-made because it was boring - random PUGs don't stand a snowball in hell's chance, especially if the premade has voice coms.


I prefer to fight people on equal terms so I agree that premade and random should be kept apart.


Whatever floats your boat, I suppose - but it got so bad I felt dirty as I watched the other team quit one by one, only to be replaced by people who either quit as soon as they saw the score/situation or shortly thereafter. No fun for me and certainly no fun for those who queued up only to get thrown to the lions.


Really, it does demoralise new players and gives PvP in the game a bad name.

Edited by VainEldritch
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Quite frankly, War Zones and Rated War Zones are entirely different games.


If you want a truly competitive team-play environment in which minute gearing gaps, class imbalances, strategic miscalculations, or failure to communicate immediately and clearly all can cause immediate and crushing defeats, roll a RWZ-team.


If you want to play with some friends for fun, you make a Premade.


This, a thousand times this.


Also why matchmaking will do much more FOR EVERYONE than seperating queues which will screw casual premade players for no tangible benfit, and solo warzones will degenerate into a rage inducing mess most of the time seeing which team can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Oh another one ffs, what part of this is an mmo dont you get? Massive multiplayer? you can't punish players for wanting to work together, Those who risk pug know what they are getting and it happens to me regular. At times it does get annoying but i just team up if i want wins for my weekly.


I don't have a huge problem with 4 or fewer players running together in an 8m WZ team. but you're full of crap if you honestly believe the stuff you're spouting here. MMO doesn't mean team up. it means you play a game with other ppl. playing pvp in and of itself is MMO. how do you not see this? you're (purposely?) tightening the definition of MMO to further your own end. everyone in the WZ, solo pug or otherwise, is working together. you don't need to be on a premade to work together.


I don't really care if you want to premade or not. it certainly has its merits. why you wouldn't see the validity in also wanting to fight in and against teams of pure solo pugs is beyond me. there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting competitive matches (i.e., relatively close/evenly matched) rather than predetermined outcomes because the best 4 players on the server are stacked on the same team intentionally...every time they queue.


edit: you're not the only one. I feel about your reply about the same way you seem to feel about the op's post. oh, yet another guy who wants to twist MMO into his own narrow definition of gaming.

Edited by foxmob
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To everyone telling people (like me) who like to premade with friends and guild mates to have fun need to get over it. A good percent of the time people who premade honestly just want to have fun with friends and pvp for a few hours with people they trust, can count on, and get along with. It honestly has nothing to do with the desire of decimating pugs and under-geared players. Ranked Warzones on the other hand are not as fun and perfect as they seem, they require a lot more then what a Regular Warzone requires (Min/Maxed Gear, Communication like Mumble, Great Strategy, Great Team Setup, Great and skilled players, etc) while a Regular Warzone honestly requires nothing to succeed in other then to be at least full war hero (which is 1 day of grinding we've all done it). I've played against pugs with a great team set-up and honestly where better geared then me and they lost, why? because they lacked teamwork and communication. The only reason now adays pugs loose is because its a skill issue, not a premade issue, not a gear issue, its all in how they play. Quite frankly you don't have to be an MLG gamer to do well against a premade you just need to know your class (i don't mean be a pro but at least know the basics of the class), have teamwork, and communicate to win. Edited by PowerReaper
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Yes the premades has been a nuiance since launch and its about time they do something about it, since its gamebreaking and cant be avoided.


Its not fun running as beatingbag for premades players and its not fun leaving the WZ either. And its no fun going in a premade team since it totally lacks challange.


I Think those who runs in premade teama dont have the pvp skills and have to compensate by hiding in a premade team where they get support for thier sloppy pvp tecniches by powerhealers.


Its not more than fair that we PUGs get our own line of PvP and the Premade runners get to run vs other premade runners.


But I bet the premade queues would be all empty if this Went thru, since premade runners arent up for the challange for real - its just a lame excuse.

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Yes the premades has been a nuiance since launch and its about time they do something about it, since its gamebreaking and cant be avoided.


Its not fun running as beatingbag for premades players and its not fun leaving the WZ either. And its no fun going in a premade team since it totally lacks challange.


I Think those who runs in premade teama dont have the pvp skills and have to compensate by hiding in a premade team where they get support for thier sloppy pvp tecniches by powerhealers.


Its not more than fair that we PUGs get our own line of PvP and the Premade runners get to run vs other premade runners.


But I bet the premade queues would be all empty if this Went thru, since premade runners arent up for the challange for real - its just a lame excuse.


Literally cannot tell if this is a serious or a troll post...either way :rolleyes:

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Yes the premades has been a nuiance since launch and its about time they do something about it, since its gamebreaking and cant be avoided.


Its not fun running as beatingbag for premades players and its not fun leaving the WZ either. And its no fun going in a premade team since it totally lacks challange.


I Think those who runs in premade teama dont have the pvp skills and have to compensate by hiding in a premade team where they get support for thier sloppy pvp tecniches by powerhealers.


Its not more than fair that we PUGs get our own line of PvP and the Premade runners get to run vs other premade runners.


But I bet the premade queues would be all empty if this Went thru, since premade runners arent up for the challange for real - its just a lame excuse.


Yeah premades are the problem, i agree nerf them hard. :rolleyes:

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So if i play with 1 irl friend that i have been playing with for around 5 years i should be put against 4 man premade and punished for having irl friends that play with me. Then the people who play with 1 friend will complain, and it will have to result into 2mans, 4mans, randoms and ranked which will just mean a lower variety of players in pvp.

And complaining about premades what about when you're with them and get carried we have all been there, there isn't just one side to this argument. People who want this don't participate in the social aspect of the game working for objectives requires you to be social and coordinate together. Whats the purpose of a small guild if they can't do any pvp? Most of the time these people posting don't come up with valid arguments. By all means disagree with me but before you say "wrong" come up with something valid and tell me why my points are wrong.

If you want mindless unsocial killing go play battlefront 2.

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Here is what I don't get because when I am with my guild doing some warzones we are almost always facing another premade. Whether its against pubs, imps or even our own guild (I'll save you the effort I am not waiting in a ranked queue at 4pm for 3-4 hours) about once every 5 or so games is against a "pure" pug.


Though I know that this is not the case for the average solo queue player who never has a premade on their team and is always facing one.





Anyways I would be 100% contempt with a group queue only since there is no shortage of pugs who don't have a clue (some do but most do not)....Like the assassin I ran into the other day who was running deception using the force mystic PvP set bonus.

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I see it from the other side. I gave up entering in a pre-made because it was boring - random PUGs don't stand a snowball in hell's chance, especially if the premade has voice coms.


I prefer to fight people on equal terms so I agree that premade and random should be kept apart.


Whatever floats your boat, I suppose - but it got so bad I felt dirty as I watched the other team quit one by one, only to be replaced by people who either quit as soon as they saw the score/situation or shortly thereafter. No fun for me and certainly no fun for those who queued up only to get thrown to the lions.


Really, it does demoralise new players and gives PvP in the game a bad name.


winning a wz as a premade vs a puggroup isn't even worthy of being rewarded. it's like playing a football match against another team wearing blindfolds. you have to be seriously rubbish or up against a very good team to not win, the odds are stakced so heavily in your favour.

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Here is what I don't get because when I am with my guild doing some warzones we are almost always facing another premade. Whether its against pubs, imps or even our own guild (I'll save you the effort I am not waiting in a ranked queue at 4pm for 3-4 hours) about once every 5 or so games is against a "pure" pug.


Though I know that this is not the case for the average solo queue player who never has a premade on their team and is always facing one.


When the match starts and I'm solo queued I check if our team has a guild of 4 in it. Mouse-over and see if people are in the same guild. You can certainly 4 man queue from different guilds but that's a less frequent sort of thing. You're right that when I premade, it's very rare that I don't also go up against a premade (which is good, and leads to better PVP). But when I solo queue into a PUG, we're often against a premade anyway. I don't actually think they have correct match making.

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I see it from the other side. I gave up entering in a pre-made because it was boring - random PUGs don't stand a snowball in hell's chance, especially if the premade has voice coms.


I prefer to fight people on equal terms so I agree that premade and random should be kept apart.


Whatever floats your boat, I suppose - but it got so bad I felt dirty as I watched the other team quit one by one, only to be replaced by people who either quit as soon as they saw the score/situation or shortly thereafter. No fun for me and certainly no fun for those who queued up only to get thrown to the lions.


Really, it does demoralise new players and gives PvP in the game a bad name.


The devs really need to see an honest post like this because it captures the gist of five months of pvp'ing. The established premade/pvp/guilds don't want new members they only want fodder to farm medals from noobs in non-ranked. If you read the posts defending groups in non-ranked they are basically saying it's too much work to play in ranked. Kind of a weak argument on their part.


Give people the option to go into solo warzones or group warzones. Let the majority decide where the fun games and the action are.

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