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[Video] Frankbooth 2: Hybrid Sage Healing


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Hey ToFN,

by popular request I decided to put together another short video of hybrid sage healing although I played only sporadically over the last couple of months and was hardly ever able to frapse due to performance issues. Since manual bubble stuns and fake jumping are old news by now I tried to focus more on the coop aspect of the game. I also kept the explanations to a mimimum. I will however provide explanations on my cd-bar (right on top of my character frame) for ppl less familiar with the sage class below, so you can check what I’m doing with my globals. My spec is still 22-19, feel free to ask me if you have any questions...

Thanks to Ash for uploading.



Frankbooth 2:


Top bar from left to right:

Force Potency (60 % more crit, 2 charges), Restoration (dispel force/negative physical effects + small instant heal), Rejuvenate (HoT+ small instant heal), Force Mend (instant self heal), Force of Will (cc break), Force Stun (4 sec stun)

Bottom bar from left to right:

Force Lift (8 sec cc), Force Wave (knockback + root), Rescue (grip), Force Speed (+150 % movement speed for 2 secs), Force Armor (Shield), Healing Trance (channeled heal, 4 ticks)

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i remember that game!

look at me and ther other 2 tracer spammers shooting you and u still survived!

damn its annoying playing against you :)


GJ with the video Frank :D

Edited by atroxlol
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