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I have a lvl 26 Merc that i am soloing. I have had no problems so far and absolutely love my Merc (played several other classes first) but i am running into a problem with the final class mission (kill Tyresius's SP? droid) i went back and checked for missions i might have missed earlier on Tat but still am only about half way to 27 (the lvl the quest is). Just wondering if it would be beneficial to go back to an earler planet and grab quests i might have missed or if I should just farm XP somewhere on Tat. Thanks
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I don't remember the quest off the top of my head... probably been more than a year since I did it. but most quests, even the bosses are doable 3 levels below the quest level. So you should be fine. If no one else answers I'll look it up and give you tips. But you can always level doing side quests and get up to 28-30 and then it will be easy for you.
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I tend to buy the looted greens for my character and companion, crafted gear tends to be WAY overpriced on the GTN, the commendations i tend to save for the weapon mod upgrades, since unlike Dromund Kaas, the other worlds can give unpredictable amounts of commendations, sometimes its 35, sometimes its 45 and so on.


I tend to just have the weapons as upgradeable, since 22 or 33 commendations per planet is much preferrable then over 80 commendations for armor mods, since buying them from the GTN is not cost effective while leveling up.

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