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Ironsight or integrated systems?


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Hello everyone!


I am currently leveling a merc hybrid dps/heal (28/13/0), and i was wondering about the first level of arsenal tree. I have the choice between putting 2 points in integrated systems (so +2% healing done/received) and 1 point in ironsight (+3% aim), or 3 points in ironsight (+9% aim). Which solution is best according to you, i.e. what brings more 'power" to the character?


Thank you in advance!

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Thank you for your opinion but that does not answer ma question though :)

As per the hybrid template, I am on a mix solo/group leveling, so I still want tracer lock and the reduction of interrupt when casting ( for the solo, if not these talents, the dps sucks, particularly against strong opponents who don't die in 3-4 casts), and the rest in heal for instances/ H4 (too many useful talents in bodyguard tree to be able to heal correctly without). So far (12/11) it has been proven excellent and perfectly suited for what I described.


I perfectly agree that HL, that template will be useless, since it is not 100% specialised.


So, any idea about the original question?

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For leveling any spec is fine. At end game you should pic one to be effective. But to answer your question AIM trumps everything and will boost both dps and healing.




There is no viable end-game hybrid Merc spec. I will not answer your original question, because the question is moot.

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