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cannot be that much of a failure. You obviously still have a sub or you wouldn't be in the forums..


Lemme try this again...


The goal was for a WoW level of subscribers. This has failed. The game in now in damage control mode.


The only people who can't see this like the prequels.

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EA is so huge that TOR could have double WoW's playerbase or 4 people, it wouldn't make much difference to their bottom line.


Activision is heavily dependent on Blizzard, and nobody has made a successful game for Blizzard to copy in many years.


That's an inaccurate assessment of EA's finances. Having "WoW's playerbase"(the number provided is actually an extrapolation of revenue not the other way around from Blizzard) would result in something like a 25% revenue increase. Having double that would be a roughly 50% revenue increase.




Either way, trying to estimate TOR's individual financial stability is pretty hazy at best. The management is taking an optimistic position with it, we might have a better idea when they release their MD&A.

Edited by Vandicus
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Because the goal was for WoW numbers who would be subscribers. F2P was not part of the plan pre-launch. It was done because the game had a massive, massive drop off.


$200-$300 million dollar budget for the numbers of subscribers we have is a failure. You will now argue tooth and nail against this very simple fact because you like this game, not because it's false.


It's still going, with no closing in the future. That's not much of a failure.

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Lemme try this again...


The goal was for a WoW level of subscribers. This has failed. The game in now in damage control mode.


The only people who can't see this like the prequels.


The internal desire might have been WoW level subscribers. However, everything EA and BW (when it still existed, sorta) ever said was if they can get a million subs, they'll be doing well. Development management even went as far as to say they weren't targeting WoW level subscribers.


That said, yeah, the game did go from 2M sales to under 1M subscribers (probably way under; we'll never know because EA doesn't want us to - and what does THAT tell us, hmm?) to everything being dropped to switch to F2P in a matter of MONTHS.


That, my good readers, is certainly one way to measure "failure" in the world of MMOs.


That they've pulled it out of the nosedive is actually a testament to their resolve and a decent read on the market. They knew they couldn't make a game worth 50 cents a day to enough players to support it so they did something else and it did save the game. So far.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Lemme try this again...


The goal was for a WoW level of subscribers. This has failed. The game in now in damage control mode.


The only people who can't see this like the prequels.


then i assume you will be letting your sub run out and no longer play the game...or are you going to continue subbing and paying out money for what you think is a failed game. Maybe we should screen shot and check if your still a sub holder in a few months because if the game is just that much fail in your eyes I cannot see the logic of you wanting to stay around any more.


If it really is that bad you can cancel your sub at any time.


So they didn't reach WoW numbers..who honestly cares. Wow is a one time off enigma for a mmo and considering the sheer volume of competition in this game genre i think Swtor holds its own now quite nicely. They set a lofty goal and didn't reach it, the goal to get sub numbers that equalled or rivalled WoW was basically unachievable anyways and most people knew they were not going to achieve beating Wow before the game was released.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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EA is so huge that TOR could have double WoW's playerbase or 4 people, it wouldn't make much difference to their bottom line.


Activision is heavily dependent on Blizzard, and nobody has made a successful game for Blizzard to copy in many years.


That's not true at all, Activision is a huge company with literally hundreds of games. Do a little research before you make blatant untrue statements

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Financially EA is doing better than Activision so I don't thin SWTOR is doing nearly as bad as you seem to exaggerate.

You can't compare the gross health. You need to compare the relative health of the divisions. Large companies live and die by "return on investment". EA's cash cows are their sports franchises (FIFA, etc.) which have phenomenal ROI.


MMO's are attractive because they generate huge gross revenues but what many people fail to understand is there are significant operational expenses involved. For most companies the net profit exceeds what their non-MMO titles can generate. This is not true in EA's case.


Ignoring terms of their contract with LucasArts the future of SW:TOR likely depends on if EA has saturated their other markets or if they can get better ROI from funding a different project.

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Everyone interested in business and not fan boys.


Your fanboy comments, and the multiples of them you have made make me pretty sure your looking for a flame war and nothing more. I can assure you i wont be giving you the satisfaction, and have reported your comments for trying to bait one.


when you want to have a discussion without the need to toss insults trying to start something that there is utterly no need for then i will continue a proper and constructive discussion with you, until then i will move on and have those discussions with others.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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Everyone interested in business and not fan boys.


Lol. Calling out financial analysts now are we? If this game had hit WoW NA sub levels alone(4 million players) that would have allowed them to make some $700 million in revenue in the first year. Given that the outsider cost estimates range from 120 million to 300 million, that's an absurd ROI expectation.

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You're a fan boy. You can't see the truth because you don't want to.


Seriously? All you are saying is Fanboy over and over. I like the game. I like star wars. I am a fan. How is this meant to be insulting? Because we aren't miserable human beings who hate everything and experience no joy in our lives like you?

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Your fanboy comments, and the multiples of them you have made make me pretty sure your looking for a flame war and nothing more.


Nope. This is a simple dodge on your part to avoid the obvious.


I enjoy this game and recognize that it's a failure. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

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Seriously? All you are saying is Fanboy over and over. I like the game. I like star wars. I am a fan. How is this meant to be insulting? Because we aren't miserable human beings who hate everything and experience no joy in our lives like you?


Who's flinging insults now?


I'm not a miserable human, I just recognize failure when I see it, even if it's in something I love. For example, the prequels are terrible, terrible movies. Right?



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Who's flinging insults now?


I'm not a miserable human, I just recognize failure when I see it, even if it's in something I love. For example, the prequels are terrible, terrible movies. Right?




Thanks for making it clear that you're a troll. Any rational human being would recognize that subjective opinion on a consumer product cannot be reasonably held as an objective truth.

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Who's flinging insults now?


I'm not a miserable human, I just recognize failure when I see it, even if it's in something I love. For example, the prequels are terrible, terrible movies. Right?




They aren't terrible terrible movies, I don't think they are on par with the originals but I have seen far worse. Like it or not SWTOR is still running and won't be closing any time soon. They might have lost subs, but most games do. They are doing fine. That isn't a failure.

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EA is so huge that TOR could have double WoW's playerbase or 4 people, it wouldn't make much difference to their bottom line.


Activision is heavily dependent on Blizzard, and nobody has made a successful game for Blizzard to copy in many years.


As far as being heavily dependent on Blizzard, have you really never heard of a franchise called Call of Duty?

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Nope. This is a simple dodge on your part to avoid the obvious.


I enjoy this game and recognize that it's a failure. One thing has nothing to do with the other.




And dismissing the community reps in a game with a pretty terrible reputation for community interaction is neither a good sign nor is it going to do them any good.


My guess is that it's a prelude to shutting the forums down completely, not the game. It fits the whole "let's pretend there is nothing wrong" approach that has been employed since launch.

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