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Has any suggestion ever been taken from the CM Suggestion forum?


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If there was we'd never know about it for legal reasons. That's why you never see any posts in there from BW employees. This is standard procedure in all MMOs.


If someone posts an idea and then a dev or CM makes a comment about it in any way, and then something is implemented into the game at a later date that even REMOTELY resembles that idea, the poster could come back and say, "Hey I deserve credit for that." Then you could have a lawsuit.


Though that's highly unlikely, it could happen. And that's why you never see any official posts in any suggestion forum on any video game forum. It's the same reason movie studios say "No unsolicited material is accepted."

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I'm sure we sign away any rights to suggestions when we agree to the EULA either on the forums or for the game itself.


Either way, they need to take it down if all they plan to give us is stuff we never asked for.

I'm sure we do sign our rights away when we agree to the Terms of Service, but nonetheless, extra precautions are taken. There was a Blizzard representative on the WoW forums that made a lengthy post about this years ago which was in response to a post almost exactly like the one in the OP.


Legal is the primary reason you don't see responses and the primary reason you'll never know if something we ask for is implemented.

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