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Metacritic score so far


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Folks are worried about a metacritic score? Really? Are the low scores from the same kids that are whining about "flashpoints being too hard" or "why can't I find an epic item anywhere?" or "nobody will group with me and I totally know how to hit buttons with speed!"...? Im happy parts of the game are challenging. Do I think it can improve, sure! Any game can improve.


I would ask everyone before giving a final score to wait 6 months and then give the game a score. Lets see the end game content. Lets see whats released for expansions or missions or pvp warzones.


I like the game so far. I think its doing just fine for a new MMO launch. H3ll I can even play it while tethered at work on my lunch breaks.


The bottom line.. give it some time... avoid the Knee Jerk (judgement) reaction and just have fun.





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I don't understand you WoW clowns.


if you want wow, GO BACK TO IT.


These forums are filled with people whining that they want LFD, arenas and a bunch of other WoW features, then proceed to mock the game calling it a WoW clone.


If you really dislike this game because it didn't include WoW features, than my all means go to it.



Blizzard could use some competiton, but people get e-hurt too much.

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User Scores for Various Games


Star Wars: Galaxies: Trial of Obi-Wan: 4.2

Star Wars: The Old Republic: 5.3

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm: 5.2

Star Trek: Online: 6.0

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: 6.5

Aion: 6.6

Rift: 7.2

EVE Online: 8.2

Guild Wars: 8.5

Lord of the Rings Online: Mine of Moria: 8.7


Clearly, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic are terrible games, and everyone should be playing EVE Online, Guild Wars, and Lord of the Rings Online, right?

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Clearly, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic are terrible games, and everyone should be playing EVE Online, Guild Wars, and Lord of the Rings Online, right?


I know you were going for sarcasm here but EVE Online is an amazing game. You want space combat you go to Eve. You want storytelling, VOs, and Star Wars you go to TOR.

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I like this game, but there are a LOT of bad reviews


The fanboys in this thread are honestly the most disconcerting part. Brushing away these bad reviews as if it's one person creating multiple accounts (LOL). Grow up.


This game could use a lot of work.

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108 people who wanted SWG2 went to metacritic to spite the game.


Who cares what butt hurt whiners think? All that matters is what YOU think. Stick with that and you'll be fine.


While in game /1, there was one idiot that said, "With a couple of different changes, SWG could have been a WoW killer" lol

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What space combat?

Its an economy simulator...

Well, I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm pretty sure its a brilliant economy simulator.


For some, yes, it is a massive player-driven market place. For others, like myself, it's where some of the most involved solo and group pvp scenarios I have had ever had the pleasure of being involved in happen...


"Gameplay may change during online play"

Edited by Thaltom
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User Scores for Various Games


Star Wars: Galaxies: Trial of Obi-Wan: 4.2

Star Wars: The Old Republic: 5.3

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm: 5.2

Star Trek: Online: 6.0

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: 6.5

Aion: 6.6

Rift: 7.2

EVE Online: 8.2

Guild Wars: 8.5

Lord of the Rings Online: Mine of Moria: 8.7


Clearly, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic are terrible games, and everyone should be playing EVE Online, Guild Wars, and Lord of the Rings Online, right?


LOL that by itself proves that metacritic is garbage.

Aion: Asian grinder garbage, boring IP

Eve: Horrible gankfest without any PvE worth speaking about, huge timesink, decent IP

Guild Wars: ***? whatever

LoTRO: Good IP, sleep medicine

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I like this game, but there are a LOT of bad reviews


The fanboys in this thread are honestly the most disconcerting part. Brushing away these bad reviews as if it's one person creating multiple accounts (LOL). Grow up.


This game could use a lot of work.


The game JUST launched dude, they will work on it, they work on EVERY MMORPG.


you kids make it sound like WoW was your first one, many of you STARTED after it was polished.


Read the reviews for yourself, some of the 0 ones are clearly trolling, they're doing it out of spite.


The game is not perfect, but if you believe those 0 reviews of people claiming to be level 50 after a day, than you're an idiot.

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User Scores for Various Games


Star Wars: Galaxies: Trial of Obi-Wan: 4.2

Star Wars: The Old Republic: 5.3

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm: 5.2

Star Trek: Online: 6.0

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: 6.5

Aion: 6.6

Rift: 7.2

EVE Online: 8.2

Guild Wars: 8.5

Lord of the Rings Online: Mine of Moria: 8.7


Clearly, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic are terrible games, and everyone should be playing EVE Online, Guild Wars, and Lord of the Rings Online, right?


I lold.

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And this is why nobody with a brain should listen to Metacritic. The majority of poor scores of from idiot comparison's to WoW - by real idiots that couldn't string a sentence together if their lives depended on it.


I actually wouldn't be surprised if it was a smear campaign by Blizzard them-self, it's not like they have a good reputation for being a stand-up company - they'd steal the candy off a baby Ewok if it would get them more subscribers.

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The critic score is ehhhh decent, but the user score is rather alarming.



More and more WoW clone claims, even from the positive reviews. The most positive reviews are positive like milk is cold, like not really.


The only critic that counts is the market. And SWTOR is doing very well there.

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pandas have been apart of warcraft lore for quite some time you ****







i dont like WoW anymore because it don't take skill anymore, and EVERYONE has epics..... i like it when epics meant something, i had to work my *** off in MC for my tier 1 and then now you can get them easy... in 4.3 i was done with all the content and downed death wing in a week..... a new raid should not be done in a week it was to easy


WoW is a good game but atm where it is standing its kinda crappy the way they made it to easy and epics is meant nothing anymore,


swtor is a pretty good game it reminds me of old WoW but alot of people dont like old WoW because they were not handed epics to them and had to make a effort to look for a group, alot of the Wow fan boys come in when wotlk came out and when WoW was ruined and they defend the game that came out then,


i would give swtor around a 7.5 its good but not the best BUT it has only been out 1day for alot of people.... there will be update people just have to wait, which well it seems people are having a blast bashing this game because they picked a realm that said full and expect it not to have a wait on it, my realm is finally on full now and a 15 min queue but thats my bad because i chose a realm that was heavy and im lvl 26, but ill just make a new guy on a light realm and call it a day only took like 3 days to get that level......

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