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Metacritic score so far


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Regardless of their level on intellect, they still matter just as much from a financial view.


I'd like to point out the Metacritic user score of Modern Warfare 2 is a 2/10 on all platforms, and it made 1 billion dollars in 16 days.

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Because no one listens to my posts i am typing like this


The reason the score is so bad is because reddit and 4chan raided the metacritic page for this game. Disregard it, it doesn't show any indication of a real score.

Edited by Unaki
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Because no one listens to my posts i am typing like this


The reason the score is so bad is because reddit and 4chan raided the metacritic page for this game. Disregard it, it doesn't show any indication of a real score.


I have to say, if this is all 4chan and Reddit can do, we're in good shape.

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True, there is a certain familiarity to SWTOR. That isn't a bad thing and doesn't mean that it's a clone of any other game. It INTENTIONALLY uses similar mechanics to make it easy for people to transition to or learn. There is a recipie for MMO's that has been developed and it's proven. It scales well (a must for a MMO), is fun, and is easy to figure out. People who beg for some weird system that's completely unproven and foreign to people are naive. How can you sell that idea when SO much is riding on the game? SWTOR cost over $100 million to develop. There aren't many companies that would make that kind of gamble.


TL;DR - Trolls are stupid. Successful companies are not.

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Sorry but I can't take these reviews seriously, 0/10 i call bs, that's what vapor ware is. These are nothing more than glorified trolls who have nothing else better to do. These reviews lack objectivity and are worth about as much as sand. Lol, if STO got a 5.5 this game will easily get a 9plus in reviews. Edited by Yowfatto
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What else did you expect from the user score. It's like this for every game pretty much. CoD, WoW expansions, Battlefield, etc. all get hammered by people who have nothing better to do but give 0's to games.


As for the critic score being "ehhh decent" wth are you talking about? There is only one score and it's an 80 from a site that's known to be harsh on review scores. When the heck was an 80 ehhh decent? What's wrong with people these days lol.

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What else did you expect from the user score. It's like this for every game pretty much. CoD, WoW expansions, Battlefield, etc. all get hammered by people who have nothing better to do but give 0's to games.


As for the critic score being "ehhh decent" wth are you talking about? There is only one score and it's an 80 from a site that's known to be harsh on review scores. When the heck was an 80 ehhh decent? What's wrong with people these days lol.


Aye, 8 is very good and many sites will easily be 9plus.

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I'm being very general here.


The current wow fan base did NOT play vanilla. They are mostly "joe sixpack" console players with a crappy pc hand-me-down that started playing wow during wotlk.


Therefore, their opinions do not matter or count. Lets hope they stay in the land of gnomes and pandas. There is no room for them in my mmo, k thanks bye.


Also, even though this is pretty harsh and overgeneralized, as the poster stated, I lean more towards this mentality as well. I left WoW long ago, not because it was a bad game, but because the community slipped into a chasm of seething hatred and anger so deep that it made even the most diabolical Sith Lords jealous.

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Weird, since Metacritic is a scientifically proven judgement of whether or not someone should like the game, and it's incorrect. I like it.


I guess I'm one of those poor souls who has their own opinions and doesn't validate themselves based on what other people think of something.. Oh well. :rolleyes:


wow. sad kneejerk fanboy reaction

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These scores mean nothing. All the people rating the game are the people that aren't playing it. That tells you straight away that they are probably fanboys of other games or just generally aren't interested in SW:TOR at all.


The people who can give it a proper score are currently playing the game and have no interest in visiting sites like that right now.

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Metacritic is by far one of the best resources for determining the general quality of a game. It's unbiased in the sense that it takes all the reviews out there and creates an average. It's not some company with an agenda.


However, the problem here is there's almost no professional reviews done yet. Give it a week or so and you'll see a legit score and that's likely what people wanting to buy this game will look at, not the user score.


Not saying being a "professional critic" makes you special or accurate, it'll still boil down to opinion, but if nothing else they're far less likely to be giving idiotic scores. They at least examine the game on a deeper level than "Dragon Age 2 sucked!" when giving it a score, and dedicate a good chunk of playtime to it.

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