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Are shields working correctly?


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I thought I read somewhere that they'd been fixed to absorb kinetic/force damage but I got the bejesus SMASHed out of me last night. I literally could do nothing but die until the respawn button popped. Was I just really unlucky or is this still an issue?
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OP, notice the underlined part of Helig's post :

They will be fixed in 2.0. Now shields are only useful against white damage.




Smash from a rage spec won't be affected. Crits don't get shielded and after you leap you get a proc that gives you a guaranteed crit on smash.


We can as well say that, all "class-common" specs (Assault, Lethality, Balance, Rage...) are tank-killing specs.

Edited by Altheran
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OP, notice the underlined part of Helig's post :




We can as well say that, all "class-common" specs (Assault, Lethality, Balance, Rage...) are tank-killing specs.


Lethality will be the primary tank killer. Assault has quite a few kinetic attacks, balance has a good chunk of kinetic, energy attacks, rage again has kinetic smash). Leth will have the highest damage output vs tanks.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Lethality will be the primary tank killer. Assault has quite a few kinetic attacks, balance has a good chunk of kinetic, energy attacks, rage again has kinetic smash). Leth will have the highest damage output vs tanks.


So will we be able to shield kinetic damage or not?

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