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Trooper Ability Changes Update 2.0 on PTS


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Historically, things on the PTS don't change much.


I do dislike that I'm forced to take PVP skills in gunnery now even when PVEing. Granted some of the PVE skills were always kind of meh too, but still. Why can't they just give us good talents =(


i actually like that i can take lowered cooldown of tenacity......


but now we have hold the line :/




it's a bit silly, but i know for assault at least, my PVP and PVE builds are drastically different.

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i actually like that i can take lowered cooldown of tenacity......


but now we have hold the line :/




it's a bit silly, but i know for assault at least, my PVP and PVE builds are drastically different.


i don't know why you'd think it's silly to have two different builds. I think it makes perfect sense.

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i actually like that i can take lowered cooldown of tenacity......


but now we have hold the line :/




it's a bit silly, but i know for assault at least, my PVP and PVE builds are drastically different.



I never saw the point of tenacity in PVE.


And that's not silly my builds are way different too. And that's fine. I don't mind PVP talents in the tree. I resent having to take them to get to demo round if I'm raiding though.

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Ok so the ammo issues suck, but they aren't completely class breaking. One thing I think we'll have to get used to doing is using hammer shot when we go into mid tier regen and no before that. With the way regen was seeming to work this was usually enough to get sustainable rotations.


Parsed 1995 on fleet using relics (including one clicky) a rakata stim and an adrenal (didn't start using them for the first five minutes or so though but otherwise stock arkanian, only firing electro net when I could remember it, vs about 2040 on my gunslinger which is a class I don't have at 50 in live who was wearing stock arkanian gear, no relics, no stim, and for the first half of the parse I completely forgot about burst volley and illegal mods.


Once I felt kind of comfortable with the ammo regen I started pushing the limits a bit more and pushing myself to need recharge cells, so if I pushed myself the entire time and used relics/etc on cooldown I could probably push past the GS, but I dunno if I could get the 2500 people are parsing on the ops dummy on fleet.


GS never ran out of energy. Ever. Once I remembered to use Burst Volley I'm not sure I could have run out of energy if I'd wanted to.


Will do more testing, but while I think we're definitely still PVE viable enough for me to dig my heels in and refuse to retire my Commando, I can't deny that GS almost certainly does it a lot better (and from what I hear SS is the lowest parsing of their specs).

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i don't know why you'd think it's silly to have two different builds. I think it makes perfect sense.


i meant finally being able to have points to take tenacity when we get hold the line is silly. probably should have formatted that a bit better.


I never saw the point of tenacity in PVE.


i find more use for such a skill on my tank, healer, and even melee dps, but i like being able to cure stuns and slows more often.

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i meant finally being able to have points to take tenacity when we get hold the line is silly. probably should have formatted that a bit better.




i find more use for such a skill on my tank, healer, and even melee dps, but i like being able to cure stuns and slows more often.


I just can't think of any fight in current content, outside of some trash, that stuns me regularly on commando.


On my shadow tank though I'd quite like that and they might have made that possible moving the talent to reduce CD of Force of Will down into bottom tier Infil.

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I just can't think of any fight in current content, outside of some trash, that stuns me regularly on commando.


On my shadow tank though I'd quite like that and they might have made that possible moving the talent to reduce CD of Force of Will down into bottom tier Infil.


off the top of my head, oasis city green team and cademimu final boss.


there might be others. i know when i tank zorn and toth, i really like having just 15s off the CD for that stupid stun that happens during the AOEs

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