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Switching between advanced classes


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you'll wait months to avoid a 2 hour reroll?


That might be the most lazy thing I've heard on the forums this week. and that says alot.


I don't want to level up two BH, It's not the fact that I don't want to spend the time its the fact that I don't want to do it over again.

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isnt your AC tied to your class story? ie a jedi guardians story is somewhat different from a sentinels story? I can understand why bioware did this, if you were allows to swap and change between AC's the story wouldnt flow properly and wouldnt make sense.


make sure you listen to the dialogue and read and reread the text so you know exactly what you are doing, if not reroll and make the choice you wanted. if not (providing you havent used the CDKey) return the game unopened as this game clearly isnt for you.


No, the class story for the Guardian and the Sentinel are the same, this choice doesn't affect your class story in any way. The story remains the same, the ship is the same as are the companions etc etc.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w 07:50-12:50, there was no warning to be had.


There is no reason not to have a one time, level limited option to change your AC.

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Even if it is in a few weeks to a few months, I'll just play a different class until they get it sorted out and go back to my BH when I can make him a merc.


Rolled another BH. Will level it quickly and fraps the release version of the AC conversation. Will only take me 2 or 3 hours.



Kemi is now level 1 on Ahto City

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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No, the class story for the Guardian and the Sentinel are the same, this choice doesn't affect your class story in any way. The story remains the same, the ship is the same as are the companions etc etc.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w 07:50-12:50, there was no warning to be had.


There is no reason not to have a one time, level limited option to change your AC.


oh, i thought the story went different ways depending on your AC. in that case yes i would support at maximum of two changed. but i wont support swapping nd changing AC's talent specs that would be useful.

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Advance classes are completely separate classes. Take a Sith inquisitor for instance, you have an Assassin who is a mix between a shaman and a rogue, and Sorcerer who is a mage/priest


Those are drastically different classes, even though they share the same base class for 10 levels. Asking to respec between AC's is like asking for class changes. It's completely unacceptable in an MMO and if you're really too lazy to simply roll another character (1-10 takes an hour and a half tops) then you're playing the wrong game.

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I don't want to level up two BH, It's not the fact that I don't want to spend the time its the fact that I don't want to do it over again.


here is a list of *** I dont want to do.


pay taxes

pay bills


pay money for a game

spend time shopping with my girfriend

wait in server queues

support my P.O.S. brother

buy flowers for my girlfriend

spend money on valentines day

take down then put up the xmas lights every year


pay for gas

refile the same paperwork everyone in the office manages to get right, expet the one idiot who fails to listen properly <--- (pay close attention to that one)

respec my inquisitor for 12,000 credits bucause i clicked commit like an idiot

pay 44000 for my first speeder


But i dont go around the internet making threads devoted to my laziness or as you put it: "i dont wanna".


WoW and Rift and Aion are out and allow you to be as flip-flop wishy-washy as you can stand, all day and night, you literally need to know next to nothing to play those, because they have an "oops i don't read so good" button.


Might i suggest you try those.

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Didn't really answer my question. What would be so wrong with a one time, level limited option to switch you AC? FOTM won't be an issue with this, and it saves a lot of unnecessary frustration.


I'd be okay with allowing a change within 10 minutes. That would take care of accidental clicks. Maybe they could engineer it as a debuff or effect. Anything other than that is just not necessary.

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I'd be okay with allowing a change within 10 minutes. That would take care of accidental clicks. Maybe they could engineer it as a debuff or effect. Anything other than that is just not necessary.


Why is it not necessary? While a 10 min switch will help most of the misclicks, how does it help those that fidn they don't like the class after a few levels?


What is so wrong with allowing a one time, level limited option to change your AC?

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Advance classes are completely separate classes. Take a Sith inquisitor for instance, you have an Assassin who is a mix between a shaman and a rogue, and Sorcerer who is a mage/priest


Those are drastically different classes, even though they share the same base class for 10 levels. Asking to respec between AC's is like asking for class changes. It's completely unacceptable in an MMO and if you're really too lazy to simply roll another character (1-10 takes an hour and a half tops) then you're playing the wrong game.


Except that if you play one base class and find you don't like it you don't have to go through 10 levels prior to being able to choose another one, the same 10 levels you had to go through to pick the one you didn't like. It's not the same, it's not that simple.


One and half hours? Tops? Not likely, certainly not for most, and especially not when you include all the time rl interruptions demand.


What would be so wrong with allowing a one time, level limited option to switch your AC?

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Yes, the video, multiple posts of others saying they received the dialog, and all the devs talking about how it is a permanent decision are all wrong. You were a special, unique snowflake and were the only one who didn't get that piece of information. I'm a BH too and I remember getting it.


To be fair, that video is not of the bounty hunter decision.


Edit: And the bounty hunter one posted from beta is how I recall the conversation ... and it says nothing about it being permanent. Sadly it seems the OP might be correct on this one.

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Firstly, thank you. I gave up smoking on Sunday and have been saving up my nicotine withdrawal for a good rage. Cracks fingers.


READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.

No, you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be the only person not only to miss the bit where it said it was permanent and b) think that you are entitled to tell BioWare that THEY are stupid for making the game the way you want them to make it.

I Was never given any warning, a screen came up, I read about both and Hit "Select" and that was it, I was never shown a "Are you sure" screen.

There are two buttons – preview and select. One of them means ‘view before you select’. The other means ‘select’. What did you think ‘select’ means??

No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.

Have you seriously never taken up any kind of hobby in which you sometimes had to go back and try something again? Never been for a walk and realised you’ve walked in the wrong direction – would you then refuse to walk back the right way? If you were knitting a jumper and you realised you were using the wrong shade of blue would you refuse to unpick the stitches and have one sleeve the wrong colour? If you were baking a cake and you realised you forgot to add eggs would you bake it anyway?

I was NEVER told it was permanent and I listen/read everything I'm told.

Well, congratulations, you obviously have more patience than anyone else here. I bet that’s not true. I bet there is at least one bit you’ve skipped. Either you’re protesting too much or you’re a teeny bit obsessive.

I knew exactly what I was picking, I just didn't know It'd be permanent. I did not get a warning that once I picked it would be permanent.

If you knew what you were picking why do you want to change it? Are you saying that you are not capable of blaming yourself for your own bad decision, that you HAVE to make it someone else’s fault?

No I didn't miss anything, I read/listen to everything I'm told very carefully, Once I hit "select" It was done, no warning screen.

Ok, how about you describe to us what you think ‘select’ actually means when there is another button saying ‘preview’ right next to it?


Dude, it’s a game. Don’t yell at the nice boys and girls.

People can tell me that I don't read things carefully all they want, It doesn't change that fact that I do read everything carefully.

If enough people continue to bring this issue to attention, and people will, BW will add the ability to change their AV.

I very much doubt it. BioWare are not your mum. They aren’t going to give in and buy you the cookie just because you are on the grocery store floor holding your breath and flailing your arms around.

I probably won't return the game because, if BW is smart, they will at least add a one time AV change.

So what, you’re going to actually waste more time waiting to see if BioWare are making a change here than re levelling your BH? Really?

you shouldn't be allowed to switch any time you want, Only a one time switch.

Aah so you think it’s ok to have to make a permanent commitment to your advanced class, but having missed the bit of dialogue that said that’s exactly what you were doing you want another go, but you want that to be permanent? Aren’t you just going to miss that too and whine all over again?

I don't want to spend hours doing the same thing over again, It's completely unnecessary.

...and how many hours have you spent checking this thread and repeating yourself? Contradiction?

I was never told that it would be permanent and I read everything/listen to everything very carefully.

See, repeating yourself.

Should I report it in game or through this site?

How about you send Stephen Reid an email entitled ‘please add me to the people you should laugh at list’?

Nobody ever states it is permanent for a BH, But please, go reroll just to see that I'm right.

So you won’t reroll, but you want us to?

I agree. If there is in fact a warning then you shouldn't switch. From what I've heard the GM support in TOR is pretty awful, so I'm probably not going to get helped at all.

Maybe they just have more important things to do.

Even if it is in a few weeks to a few months, I'll just play a different class until they get it sorted out and go back to my BH when I can make him a merc.


Ok I’m done. That was as good as a cigarette. In fact it was so good I need a smoke now.



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Firstly, thank you. I gave up smoking on Sunday and have been saving up my nicotine withdrawal for a good rage. Cracks fingers.



No, you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be the only person not only to miss the bit where it said it was permanent and b) think that you are entitled to tell BioWare that THEY are stupid for making the game the way you want them to make it.


There are two buttons – preview and select. One of them means ‘view before you select’. The other means ‘select’. What did you think ‘select’ means??


Have you seriously never taken up any kind of hobby in which you sometimes had to go back and try something again? Never been for a walk and realised you’ve walked in the wrong direction – would you then refuse to walk back the right way? If you were knitting a jumper and you realised you were using the wrong shade of blue would you refuse to unpick the stitches and have one sleeve the wrong colour? If you were baking a cake and you realised you forgot to add eggs would you bake it anyway?


Well, congratulations, you obviously have more patience than anyone else here. I bet that’s not true. I bet there is at least one bit you’ve skipped. Either you’re protesting too much or you’re a teeny bit obsessive.


If you knew what you were picking why do you want to change it? Are you saying that you are not capable of blaming yourself for your own bad decision, that you HAVE to make it someone else’s fault?


Ok, how about you describe to us what you think ‘select’ actually means when there is another button saying ‘preview’ right next to it?


Dude, it’s a game. Don’t yell at the nice boys and girls.


I very much doubt it. BioWare are not your mum. They aren’t going to give in and buy you the cookie just because you are on the grocery store floor holding your breath and flailing your arms around.


So what, you’re going to actually waste more time waiting to see if BioWare are making a change here than re levelling your BH? Really?


Aah so you think it’s ok to have to make a permanent commitment to your advanced class, but having missed the bit of dialogue that said that’s exactly what you were doing you want another go, but you want that to be permanent? Aren’t you just going to miss that too and whine all over again?


...and how many hours have you spent checking this thread and repeating yourself? Contradiction?


See, repeating yourself.


How about you send Stephen Reid an email entitled ‘please add me to the people you should laugh at list’?


So you won’t reroll, but you want us to?


Maybe they just have more important things to do.



Ok I’m done. That was as good as a cigarette. In fact it was so good I need a smoke now.






goto 12:30 and you'll see.

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Except that if you play one base class and find you don't like it you don't have to go through 10 levels prior to being able to choose another one, the same 10 levels you had to go through to pick the one you didn't like. It's not the same, it's not that simple.


One and half hours? Tops? Not likely, certainly not for most, and especially not when you include all the time rl interruptions demand.


What would be so wrong with allowing a one time, level limited option to switch your AC?


Because it is the same as allowing you to switch classes in any other MMO. There are only 4 base classes per side (I think you meant to say advanced class) so I don't understand what you said there. But yes, it is that simple, if you don't like a class in another game, you simply start another one, whether or not the questing zone is the same for 10 levels of the game doesn't matter. I understand some members of the community are lazy and don't feel like spending the time to develop the classes they want to play but the community on a whole shouldn't have to put up with fotm rerollers because you made a mistake. The information is readily available and if you are making a decision, which is pounded into your brain as being permanent, quickly without thought then you deserve being stuck with a class you don't like.

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Firstly, thank you. I gave up smoking on Sunday and have been saving up my nicotine withdrawal for a good rage. Cracks fingers.



No, you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be the only person not only to miss the bit where it said it was permanent and b) think that you are entitled to tell BioWare that THEY are stupid for making the game the way you want them to make it.


There are two buttons – preview and select. One of them means ‘view before you select’. The other means ‘select’. What did you think ‘select’ means??


Have you seriously never taken up any kind of hobby in which you sometimes had to go back and try something again? Never been for a walk and realised you’ve walked in the wrong direction – would you then refuse to walk back the right way? If you were knitting a jumper and you realised you were using the wrong shade of blue would you refuse to unpick the stitches and have one sleeve the wrong colour? If you were baking a cake and you realised you forgot to add eggs would you bake it anyway?


Well, congratulations, you obviously have more patience than anyone else here. I bet that’s not true. I bet there is at least one bit you’ve skipped. Either you’re protesting too much or you’re a teeny bit obsessive.


If you knew what you were picking why do you want to change it? Are you saying that you are not capable of blaming yourself for your own bad decision, that you HAVE to make it someone else’s fault?


Ok, how about you describe to us what you think ‘select’ actually means when there is another button saying ‘preview’ right next to it?


Dude, it’s a game. Don’t yell at the nice boys and girls.


I very much doubt it. BioWare are not your mum. They aren’t going to give in and buy you the cookie just because you are on the grocery store floor holding your breath and flailing your arms around.


So what, you’re going to actually waste more time waiting to see if BioWare are making a change here than re levelling your BH? Really?


Aah so you think it’s ok to have to make a permanent commitment to your advanced class, but having missed the bit of dialogue that said that’s exactly what you were doing you want another go, but you want that to be permanent? Aren’t you just going to miss that too and whine all over again?


...and how many hours have you spent checking this thread and repeating yourself? Contradiction?


See, repeating yourself.


How about you send Stephen Reid an email entitled ‘please add me to the people you should laugh at list’?


So you won’t reroll, but you want us to?


Maybe they just have more important things to do.



Ok I’m done. That was as good as a cigarette. In fact it was so good I need a smoke now.




There was no warning for the BH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w Check 07:50-12:50, no mention of the choice being permanent. Sorry to ruin that for you.

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Why is it not necessary? While a 10 min switch will help most of the misclicks, how does it help those that fidn they don't like the class after a few levels?


What is so wrong with allowing a one time, level limited option to change your AC?


These people don't get it, do they?


They act like the world would implode if there were a system in place to allow someone to change their Adv. Class once.

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Even if it's not explicit about saying whether or not you can change it, why would the assumption that you can change anything? There are plenty of things in the game that you cannot change once you do it. You can't change your dialog choices. You can't change your light/dark choices. You can't go back and choose a different reward from a quest that you completed.


While this is a more important change obviously, it is still well within the nature of MMOs to have things that cannot be changed.


Right or wrong, it's time to just deal with your choices. If it's that important to you, reroll. If it's not, stop playing.

Edited by MrObsession
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Rolled another BH. Will level it quickly and fraps the release version of the AC conversation. Will only take me 2 or 3 hours.



Kemi is now level 1 on Ahto City



Kemi is almost level 5 and busy with the factory now.

Already picked up her first datacron as well. Will do the second one now.

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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"READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent. "


You obviously and clearly didn't because it mentions that the change is permanent at least 2 times.

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There was no warning for the BH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w Check 07:50-12:50, no mention of the choice being permanent. Sorry to ruin that for you.


Seriously you're siding with this numpty? Of course it's permanant - everyone can see it. If he was that worried about being able to change it he would have asked the question before clicking select (which very much implies making a choice). Not to mention the fact that he could have levelled it all over again in teh time it has taken him to keep up with this thread.

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