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Switching between advanced classes


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I never got a warning before or after I selected, if it was a glitched that caused me to miss that then that just proves my point, you should be able to switch AC at least once.


Since i was mean last time.


AC 1was going to be planned up to a certain level bioware left it out and changed the selection of AC to make it clear what you choose is what you get. If you have problems with there is an ingame /bug you can submit or feel free to contact BW yourself. Coming on here and complaining while everyone tells you that it permanent and tells you in dialog will not help your situation any better. Good luck on getting that changed since they have stated it through all of beta, early release, and launch in multiple places.


Have a good day.

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If enough people continue to bring this issue to attention, and people will, BW will add the ability to change their AV.


Your true intentions exposed. Everybody knows th GODDAM NPC TELLS YOU ITS PERMANENT, so you could have made an OP asking to change AC at will.



Something you will never get, IMO. You cant switch from priest to mage.

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You should have the option to change/switch advanced classes... maybe a penalty, increasing costs... what's the big deal. I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played.


If there was an option, YOU don't have to choose it.


Most of the people are pointing out that you are told this is permanent. To OP says you are not, which is not the case, unless there was some kind of bug.


As to changing classes, most MMO's do not allow this. Changing AC's in this game would be akin to changing from a warrior to a mage in WoW.

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I am also a bounty hunter and I don’t remember him saying it is a permanent choice either, not that I care because I chose what I wanted. If you look in this video from the last beta at the 12:30 mark it goes through the whole process and I don’t see any mention its not reversible.


Change to 720p and maximize it.



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Originally Posted by CSMatthew

You should have the option to change/switch advanced classes... maybe a penalty, increasing costs... what's the big deal. I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played.


If there was an option, YOU don't have to choose it.




Wait, what game have you played where you change your class? I've played lots where you can Redistribute your points within your class selection (which you can here, it's even free the first time, i've done it as a Powertech), but i've never seen an MMO that allows you to fully change classes, which is what is being suggested in this thread.


Look at the difference between the Bounty Hunter's Powertech and Mercenary. Both have Damage Dealing capability, so lets ignore that for a sec. The primary difference between the two is that Powertech is a Tank, Mercenary is a Healer. Those are different roles, and that's why you can't change between the two. You CAN however respec your Powertech from being able to Tank to being able to deal Damage, and they're even going to include Dual Spec at some point (or so i've heard).

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You should not ever have the option to change AC. There's no reason for it. Plus it takes only a few hours to level to 10. I rolled a BH. I'll admit they have a little quest thing there that's different from the way I've seen the other AC's go, but it still gives you every warning on earth that it's a permanent choice.


If you are so stubborn that you can't accept the truth when it's told to you by a thousand people, perhaps it's for the best if BW doesn't get your subscription money. Best for the rest of us at least.


There are reasons for it. People will simply makes mistakes like the OP did or they'll find that they don't like the AC they choose, due to play style powers, what have you. Rerolling will take hours, something which is extremely unappealing to some people especially since it can be a matter of 2-4 hours or even above that in addition to all the rl interruptions.


Players will be disinclined to put as much effort into their character if they have to replay the same 10 levels with the same story, abilities and play style unwillingly.


I see reasons for adding a one time, level limited option to switch AC. I see precious little reason not to. The argument that choices should matter rings rather hollow.

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I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played.


No MMO that I know of out there lets you simply change classes.


You can respec your class choices, you can change what spec you have, ect... But you can not change classes.

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there are reasons for it. People will simply makes mistakes like the op did or they'll find that they don't like the ac they choose, due to play style powers, what have you. Rerolling will take hours, something which is extremely unappealing to some people especially since it can be a matter of 2-4 hours or even above that in addition to all the rl interruptions.


Players will be disinclined to put as much effort into their character if they have to replay the same 10 levels with the same story, abilities and play style unwillingly.


I see reasons for adding a one time, level limited option to switch ac. I see precious little reason not to. The argument that choices should matter rings rather hollow.


thank you.

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No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.


they don't want you to change ACs.


they're also much smarter than you. :D

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No MMO that I know of out there lets you simply change classes.


You can respec your class choices, you can change what spec you have, ect... But you can not change classes.


CoH has two classes that each split into two seperate paths with different powers and roles. You are allowed to respec that choice.

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I did make a mistake, how was I not clear about that?


Not only did I make a mistake but there was no warning that I couldn't switch back.


Go on now, Tell me there was a warning like everyone else, It doesn't change the fact that I was NEVER told it was permanent.



There was a Warning ;)

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There was a Warning ;)


Do you people saying Hashy doesn’t read actually read yourself? I posted a link on page 11 that clearly shows he is right and for BH it NEVER once said it is permanent. At this point you guys are more troll than he is

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