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Switching between advanced classes


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To simply prove my point and that of everyone else who says you were told so:



@ 4:10 it flat out says it in the subtitles.



I never got that dialog, nor did I skip it. If it's a glitch that caused that then that proves me point even more so that you should be able to change your AV at least once.

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To simply prove my point and that of everyone else who says you were told so:



@ 4:10 it flat out says it in the subtitles.


At 4;13 it gives you the gargantuan sized window that even people like the OP can read and see. It even gives you the option to inspect the AC first before selecting it, sorry OP your loss. Either reroll or cancel.

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To simply prove my point and that of everyone else who says you were told so:



@ 4:10 it flat out says it in the subtitles.


Quoting for Evidence.


Original Poster - regardless if you got some kind of bug, or you're just blind, or what is going on:


Guess what - It's permanent.


And guess what.


In the time it has taken you to constantly repeat your parroting argument in the 10 pages of this thread - you could have another level 10 bounty hunter.

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If enough people continue to bring this issue to attention, and people will, BW will add the ability to change their AV.


Would seem the attention you are bringing to it is that the masses disagree with you and don't want the same mistakes implemented that WOW did to dumb-down the game.

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Good god. I've rerolled so many times since the 13th to decide my main that I've lost count. Just do it OP. You know you aren't returning the game. (This is also the reason my main is only 17).

I probably won't return the game because, if BW is smart, they will at least add a one time AV change.

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I never got that dialog, nor did I skip it. If it's a glitch that caused that then that proves me point even more so that you should be able to change your AV at least once.


Yes, the video, multiple posts of others saying they received the dialog, and all the devs talking about how it is a permanent decision are all wrong. You were a special, unique snowflake and were the only one who didn't get that piece of information. I'm a BH too and I remember getting it.

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I probably won't return the game because, if BW is smart, they will at least add a one time AV change.


why you would just respec then claim they need to let you do it again becasue you thought you shoudl be able to do it when you want.


You do relaize the whole point of the first 10 lvls is so you can decide how you want to play so when you do make the AC decision you are making an informed one. BW was smart this way unlike most games when you have to decide to be a tank or a dps right at character creation

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From my experience the advanced class trainer tells you that this is permanent. They don't use those words exactly, it is in character so to speak, but they say once you do this you can't go back.


Now when you actually click the button to choose the advanced class, I don't think an "are you sure" box opens up. I suppose that would probably be a good idea just to have that in there as a final reminder.


But the fact is the trainer does tells you, but "in character" and there is no final "are you sure" box.

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The fact that it's permanent is done in an in-game context. I can see how you could miss it, but then again, but I don't see why it's that big of a deal. Playing the 10 levels again, or even rolling a different class entirely, would still be worth it in this game. You're talking about a handful of hours of a game that you'll potentially play for months or years.


Not being able to change ACs is a good call from a gameplay standpoint. It makes the decision matter, and it gives more variety to the classes on a permanent basis. I saw a suggestion about maybe being able to change ACs one time before you hit level 15 or so, and I think that'd be a decent thing to implement, but I don't see why people say this is game breaking. If nothing else, do the research. I asked in game if it was permanent, just to be sure, and got a quick "Yes, be careful with your choice" (of course along with 10 obvious troll replies, but it's easy enough to weed out the real answer).

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I've talked to a few people and they say you can't switch your advanced class...I made the mistake of picking the wrong one and I didn't get a warning or anything when I selected it. Is there really no way to switch your advanced class? If not I'm glad I decided to wait before opening my Physical copy of the game.


READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.


Why would you assume that you could switch classes? You can respec your current class (i.e. training in different trees with the Sniper AC), but you can not and hopefully will never be able to change your actual Advanced Class (i.e. Sniper to Op).


Really? It takes about 2 hours to get to the place you choose your class. If 2 hours is that precious to you in a game you could be playing for years to come, then return the box.


If at anytime you thought about having an alt, then keep the current character, just put him on the shelf and re-roll. If you need tips on how to get to level 8 quickly then just ask. Seriously level 8-10 is only 2-3 hours long.

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From my experience the advanced class trainer tells you that this is permanent. They don't use those words exactly, it is in character so to speak, but they say once you do this you can't go back.


Now when you actually click the button to choose the advanced class, I don't think an "are you sure" box opens up. I suppose that would probably be a good idea just to have that in there as a final reminder.


But the fact is the trainer does tells you, but "in character" and there is no final "are you sure" box.


I never got a warning before or after I selected, if it was a glitched that caused me to miss that then that just proves my point, you should be able to switch AC at least once.

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You should have the option to change/switch advanced classes... maybe a penalty, increasing costs... what's the big deal. I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played.


If there was an option, YOU don't have to choose it.

Edited by Sireene
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You should have the option to change/switch advanced classes... maybe a penalty, increasing costs... what's the big deal. I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played.


If there was an option, YOU don't have to choose it.



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You should not ever have the option to change AC. There's no reason for it. Plus it takes only a few hours to level to 10. I rolled a BH. I'll admit they have a little quest thing there that's different from the way I've seen the other AC's go, but it still gives you every warning on earth that it's a permanent choice.


If you are so stubborn that you can't accept the truth when it's told to you by a thousand people, perhaps it's for the best if BW doesn't get your subscription money. Best for the rest of us at least.

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"You should have the option to change/switch advanced classes... maybe a penalty, increasing costs... what's the big deal. I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played."


Does WoW left you switch between warrior and rogue? Your point is moot. AC aren't specs, they are classes.

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Well, Bioware WAS talking about adding in an option to change Advance Class really early on just for situations like this. I don't know why it never happened, but they really should have something for the people that pick the wrong AC on accident, or get an immediate change of heart.


It didn't happen because to get to your AC decision takes a ridiculously low amount of time now 2-3 hours max.

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I never got a warning before or after I selected, if it was a glitched that caused me to miss that then that just proves my point, you should be able to switch AC at least once.


It is not a warning, it is in the dialog that the trainer tells you. When he is speaking it says basically once you do this you can't undo it. Like I said it is in character, not a game system message, but in the conversation with the trainer.


I do agree that they should probably put an "are you sure" type pop up box there just for more clarity. But they do in fact tell you.

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You should have the option to change/switch advanced classes... maybe a penalty, increasing costs... what's the big deal. I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played.


If there was an option, YOU don't have to choose it.


Thank you.

One thing the warning did not mention is how underpowered sentinel is.

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You should have the option to change/switch advanced classes... maybe a penalty, increasing costs... what's the big deal. I don't recall an MMO that didn't allow you to change, at least the ones I played.


If there was an option, YOU don't have to choose it.


No mmo allows class changing, only talent respecs. This game allows talent respecs too. What the op is asking for is a class change.

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I never got that dialog, nor did I skip it. If it's a glitch that caused that then that proves me point even more so that you should be able to change your AV at least once.


Ha! Now it's a "glitch". Face it folks, this kiddo will never accept responsibility for his lack of attention or understanding. Just let him rage in his own little mind.

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