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Switching between advanced classes


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You're the same type of poster that says bioware said dual spec will never be in the game. Guess what, they already said Adv Class swapping is in the works. (As well as dual spec)


No, we are not the same posters. Dual spec or free changing of spec has nothing to do with changing your class. Changing builds is a musst, changing class is ridiculos.

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No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.


pretty snappy for the guy who wasn't bright enough to read and hear the multiple warnings that the choice would permanent from the npc.


i agree with you that you shouldn't have to replay hours of game to undo a mistake, but the fact that you are calling bioware stupid for your inability to follow directions is ironic and fairly entertaining to me.

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Advanced class=class


I am totally in favour of dual spec, or even free respecs. But changing class? nonono


I don't see how you can really support one without supporting both of them. The entire logic for having an easy, free, or dual respec would be exactly the same for having a "dual-class" option to switch between at will. This is what Rift has, I believe.


Having said that, I reject both re/dual speccing and dual classing. I am clearly the minority in this public opinion, and I fully expect bioware to implement both at some point.

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I don't see how you can really support one without supporting both of them. The entire logic for having an easy, free, or dual respec would be exactly the same for having a "dual-class" option to switch between at will. This is what Rift has, I believe.


Having said that, I reject both re/dual speccing and dual classing. I am clearly the minority in this public opinion, and I fully expect bioware to implement both at some point.


Not really.


Having a dual spec, is exactly like going to town and respeccing but you have two saved up and can switch back and forth without having to redo all talents etc. It's nothing like switching your advanced class.


You should not be able to change your Advanced Class once it has been picked, no other game offers you that at all. If that happened it would be such a farce and would annoy alot of people.


If you don't like your class REROLL, it's not BioWare's fault that you don't like it. It is yours for choosing it, without checking it out before hand.

Edited by davibez
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Dual speccing as in changing your talent points or resetting your talent trees is already in the game.. We have been told in the beta that the ability to save a second spec will be added to the game post launch.. So, it is only a matter of time..


AC switching will not be added to the game in anyform.. Reguardless of the what the OP says.. All classes get the same warnings and go through the same procedure of selecing their class..


What if you have selected your class at level 1?? It is no different.. Levels 1-10 are supposed to be a basic preview of both classes available to your character.. Just because Bioware was nice enough to give us a preview doesn't mean they should effectively cut the number of classes in half by allowing changes.. Your AC is your class.. For whatever reason, if you don't like it or you made a mistake.. You must re-roll to change your class.. That is how it should be and that is how it will remain.. :)

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It's in the dialogue. You messed up. You could of made a new character by now with all of this time you spend complaining on the forums. So much for those IRL obligations you were saying took up too much time.


It's not in the dialogue for the BH check the vidoe linked in the OP. Few have the maturity to admit that they were wrong about the OP and admit that the BH doesn't get a warning.

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Yeah, right. I have been at that point three times with three different classes and was told that this is a final decision every time.

This game is about the story, don't use the spacebar.


Did you play the BH? Did you check the video the OP linked to? If not watch it and please provide a time stamp where such a warning is given. Check 07:50-12:50, I've yet to find one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w

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Dual speccing as in changing your talent points or resetting your talent trees is already in the game.. We have been told in the beta that the ability to save a second spec will be added to the game post launch.. So, it is only a matter of time..


AC switching will not be added to the game in anyform.. Reguardless of the what the OP says.. All classes get the same warnings and go through the same procedure of selecing their class..


What if you have selected your class at level 1?? It is no different.. Levels 1-10 are supposed to be a basic preview of both classes available to your character.. Just because Bioware was nice enough to give us a preview doesn't mean they should effectively cut the number of classes in half by allowing changes.. Your AC is your class.. For whatever reason, if you don't like it or you made a mistake.. You must re-roll to change your class.. That is how it should be and that is how it will remain.. :)


All classes don't get the same warning. The BH doesn't, check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w 07:50-12:50

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No, we are not the same posters. Dual spec or free changing of spec has nothing to do with changing your class. Changing builds is a musst, changing class is ridiculos.


Except that this is regarding AC, like Guardians and Sentinels or Powertechs and Mercs, ACs that have very much in common, base class abilities, same 10 starter levels, same class story etc. People keep over simplifying it and stating deal with it and reroll without really coming up with valid reasons why this must be so.

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Just reroll, your RL obligations obviously allow you to play the game, 2 to 4 hours will not be the end all.


They should not allow for Advanced Class changes. I've taken 10 or so characters to the advanced class stage in release and/or beta and it always told me it was a permanent change.

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Except that this is regarding AC, like Guardians and Sentinels or Powertechs and Mercs, ACs that have very much in common, base class abilities, same 10 starter levels, same class story etc. People keep over simplifying it and stating deal with it and reroll without really coming up with valid reasons why this must be so.


Sometimes (and truly, I do think this) I believe the posters whom are against respecing AC or Dual Spec, are the same people who don't want LFG tools for lack of community. They're simply bad at video games, and generally bad at thought process as well.


I'll do my best imitation of their thought process when arguing the point.


"Hurr, y u no 2xac???? cuz well ITS A CALSS DONT U... oo brownie"



I hope this helps.

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Just reroll, your RL obligations obviously allow you to play the game, 2 to 4 hours will not be the end all.


They should not allow for Advanced Class changes. I've taken 10 or so characters to the advanced class stage in release and/or beta and it always told me it was a permanent change.


What about for players whom have played for nearly 2-3 days, at level 35-40 and just decide they want to try out THE SAME CLASS, but a different ROLE?


For this is what AC are. They are simply different ROLES within the same CLASS. It's no different than an advanced talent tree, it's not a separate class. If it were a separate class it would not be called an ADVANCED class, it would be noted if it were indeed a separate class.

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I want AC to be switchable on the fly - like in dual-spec. Click - and AC is switched. Free of charge. At any level (past 10, obviously). Unlimited amount of times. Out of combat only, of course.


And I've yet to see a valid argument against it. (No, "it's like changing from warlock to mage" is not a valid argument, cause I don't see anything wrong even with that, I wanted class change in WoW, btw, see nothing wrong about it)

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Just reroll, your RL obligations obviously allow you to play the game, 2 to 4 hours will not be the end all.


They should not allow for Advanced Class changes. I've taken 10 or so characters to the advanced class stage in release and/or beta and it always told me it was a permanent change.

2-4 hours can represent 1-2 days worth of game play to some, you also have to factor in that this replay will be done unwillingly for something that will be seen as a unnecessary complication and frustration.


You fail to provide any real reason as to why it should not be allowed. Keep in mind that I'm only advocating a one time, level limited option to change your AC. The BH does not get this warning, check this link, which the OP provided as well, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w 07:50-12:50, there is no mention of the choice being permanent. the video is from the last day of the last beta and it has been confirmed that it has not been changed since.

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I want AC to be switchable on the fly - like in dual-spec. Click - and AC is switched. Free of charge. At any level (past 10, obviously). Unlimited amount of times. Out of combat only, of course.


And I've yet to see a valid argument against it. (No, "it's like changing from warlock to mage" is not a valid argument, cause I don't see anything wrong even with that, I wanted class change in WoW, btw, see nothing wrong about it)


My god, i hope you are joking, otherwise you are a -puppy-. (edit - cute wordz)

Basically what you are asking for is access to every class, with every roll, at any level. Come on? AC should never be changeable, i can see how perhaps, within 30 minutes of ur decission, you can change it back. but changing it later on, no way!

Edited by Khronic_Jedi
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I want AC to be switchable on the fly - like in dual-spec. Click - and AC is switched. Free of charge. At any level (past 10, obviously). Unlimited amount of times. Out of combat only, of course.


And I've yet to see a valid argument against it. (No, "it's like changing from warlock to mage" is not a valid argument, cause I don't see anything wrong even with that, I wanted class change in WoW, btw, see nothing wrong about it)


This on the other hand is over the top, way over. It would introduce too much complication what with gear type, weapons and FOTM to name a few. I can't determine if this is a serious request or simply an example of reductio ad absurdum, either way I don't agree with it.

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Yeah I wanna see respeccs. At a very high price/penalty/time restricted/combinaton of all of them. I want to level as a Senitel and raid as a Tank. But oh well, I knew it was pemanent so I'm not complaining, I can hope they'll add it though!
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I've talked to a few people and they say you can't switch your advanced class...I made the mistake of picking the wrong one and I didn't get a warning or anything when I selected it. Is there really no way to switch your advanced class? If not I'm glad I decided to wait before opening my Physical copy of the game.


READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.



EDIT: For those of you saying I should remake my char, I'd rather not spend the time to do it all over again, as short as that time may be. Believe it or not but some of us have IRL obligations and cannot spend hours and hours rerolling.


Around 12:30 is where you pick your AV for BH and I didn't see one warning that it would be permanent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w



Of course you missed the fact that it was permanent. It states it multiple times.


Switching your AC would be like rolling a Rogue in the game that will not be mentioned, deciding you don't like it and then magically changing that character to a Mage.


Switching your talent tree is one thing but with SWTOR the AC's are literally entirely different classes.


Pay attention next time you get a character around level 10. There are multiple warnings that state that once you make the choice it is permanent. This is on YOU. Not on Bioware.

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Of course you missed the fact that it was permanent. It states it multiple times.


Switching your AC would be like rolling a Rogue in the game that will not be mentioned, deciding you don't like it and then magically changing that character to a Mage.


Switching your talent tree is one thing but with SWTOR the AC's are literally entirely different classes.


Pay attention next time you get a character around level 10. There are multiple warnings that state that once you make the choice it is permanent. This is on YOU. Not on Bioware.


I'm starting to think that no one looks at the video clip the OP links to, the BH is given no such warning. Check the video and let me know if you find any mention of it.


It is not like switching between a rouge and a mage since those two classes never share the same frist 10 levels before choosing to become either, companions, class story, base abillities etc.


The OP did pay attention, there was no warning what so ever. Watch the linked video for yourself. It's from the last day of the last beta, and before you ask or state otherwise, no, it has not been changed since then.

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I am very much for having to live with your decision when picking your AC, however I would not be opposed to Bioware implementing a 24 hour window to change it in case of accidents, misreading, etc. Apparently no matter how obvious it's stated of how clearly permanent it will be this is still gonna happen.


24 hours isn't long enough to get a true feel for a class, no, so I am not proposing this as a work-around for people who say rolled Sorcerer and were upset that they will never get to melee - what did you think a Sorcerer was gonna be?


But I will defend the idea that someone could have thought they read most of the different ACs and after choosing, discovered a careless oversight about it that would've otherwise changed their mind.

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