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Switching between advanced classes


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Yes. You know the early MMO actually just have basic class warrior and mage and you have to go through a number of level (20 level for lineage 2 second class quest).


Advance Class choice being permanent is actually a no brainer for people who play more MMO than WoW


This isn't an early MMO, a lot of things have changed from them. Is there a current one that does that? Aside from this one, I can just feel people wanting to say "SWTOR"

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I've talked to a few people and they say you can't switch your advanced class...I made the mistake of picking the wrong one and I didn't get a warning or anything when I selected it. Is there really no way to switch your advanced class? If not I'm glad I decided to wait before opening my Physical copy of the game.


READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.



EDIT: For those of you saying I should remake my char, I'd rather not spend the time to do it all over again, as short as that time may be. Believe it or not but some of us have IRL obligations and cannot spend hours and hours rerolling.


Around 12:30 is where you pick your AV for BH and I didn't see one warning that it would be permanent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w


Don't wanna sound heartless, it would annoy me too, but that will teach you to pay more attention. Oh and it does tell you it is a permanent choice (well at least it does for Trooper).


Can't handle doing 1-10 again? well good you got out early coz 10-50 is gonna take a lot longer.


Cya ;)

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Having warning or not does not matter. Its people like you that we have a warning on a peanut product stating the product contain peanuts.


Your baseless assumption and insult are both noted.


The OP stated that no warning was given and everyone, including myself told him he was wrong. When I was proved wrong I admitted it and apologized. Others would rather twist and turn the discussion and say it doesn't matter than admit they were wrong.

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This isn't an early MMO, a lot of things have changed from them. Is there a current one that does that? Aside from this one, I can just feel people wanting to say "SWTOR"


You cannot change class in ANY rpg, why should it be allowed here? Be glad you can reset your skills. D2 anyone?^^

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Don't wanna sound heartless, it would annoy me too, but that will teach you to pay more attention. Oh and it does tell you it is a permanent choice (well at least it does for Trooper).


Can't handle doing 1-10 again? well good you got out early coz 10-50 is gonna take a lot longer.


Cya ;)


Check the video linked, nowhere does it mention that the choice is permanent for the BH. Check time stamp 07:50-12:50.


If you can understand that it's annoying would you be in favor of a one time, level limited option to change ones AC?

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You cannot change class in ANY rpg, why should it be allowed here? Be glad you can reset your skills. D2 anyone?^^


I think you meant MMORPG. In any case, CoH has two classes that each later split into two different paths with different powers and roles. You are allowed to respec this choice.

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LoL 1-10 takes maybe an hour cry more.


DesleDarksyde states on the next page that a replay took him a total of 3 hours and 15 mins and he was obviously rushing it, not everyone will be able to do it in the same time. Include rl interuptions, especially if you are a parent, and you can easily be looking at two days worth of game play.

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Include rl interuptions, especially if you are a parent, and you can easily be looking at two days worth of game play.


Interruptions don't count as gameplay. You wouldn't be playing your lvl 20 during that interruption either.


If you take 2 hours to lvl to 10, but you can just play 1 hour each week, it still took you 2 hours, not 2 weeks.

Edited by kalarro
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Lol great thread, the OP got owned about as hard as one can get on a message board



Because people keep ignoring the fact that the OP is right, there is no warning for the BH. Instead of being grown up enough to admit that most would just like to ignore that there is something wrong with the BH in this respect. Check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w time stamp 07:50-12:50, DesleDarksyde confirms it as well and he set out to prove the OP wrong.

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Interruptions don't count as gameplay. You wouldn't be playing your lvl 20 during that interruption either.


If you take 2 hours to lvl to 10, but you can just play 1 hour each week, it still took you 2 hours, not 2 weeks.


Which is why I said "days worth of game play" if you can only play two hours a day, it will take you two days to replay those levels. It is still the time you look back on as wasted, one days worth of gam e play two days worth of game play or two weeks.

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No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.


Don't insult the developers intelligence after making such an idiotic mistake. It's written down and it's common sense.

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I was never told that it would be permanent and I read everything/listen to everything very carefully. I may as well just Copy/paste this from now on.


It's in the dialogue. You messed up. You could of made a new character by now with all of this time you spend complaining on the forums. So much for those IRL obligations you were saying took up too much time.

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It wont be, no MMO lets players change classes. Bioware has already stated this wont happen.


You're the same type of poster that says bioware said dual spec will never be in the game. Guess what, they already said Adv Class swapping is in the works. (As well as dual spec)

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I was NEVER told it was permanent and I listen/read everything I'm told.


Yeah, right. I have been at that point three times with three different classes and was told that this is a final decision every time.

This game is about the story, don't use the spacebar.

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I'd hope they never allow class switching. Advanced classes aren't like a talent spec or something, they are your full on class. You just happen to start as a simpler class. If switching classes is allowed, then people start doing a few things: 1. They pick whichever class is easier to level with, and then switch at 50 if needed. 2. There will likely be a mass exodus to whichever one of the two advanced classes happen to be the flavor of the month. 3. You begin to justify taking additional loot in groups on the chance that you may switch classes. 4. It turns the AC system from a way to ease you into a class to just another talent system, but with only 2 options per basic class.


In other words, I'm not a fan of letting players switch. Advanced classes should remain as classes, where you pick one, and that's what you are. Or maybe they should just start characters out as an advanced class, but then you don't get any abilities associated with your AC until level 10 (thus preserving the system as it exists now, but eliminating the 'confusion' over what an AC is). E.G. You are a level 1 Sith Jugernaut, but you will only received Sith Warrior abilities and will remain completely identical to a Sith Marauder until level 10.


TLDR: Advanced classes are classes and should remain as a permanent decision for players. Not ever player decision should be reversible.

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Im not sure if I would like the idea of switching AC or not. Maybe for a incerdible high amount of credits. Making a Sorc out my assa would'nt feel natural. However, it would safe me some time, leveling the same char again^^


The state of the game by now is, that the AC you choose is final. However, since its allready on level ten and i wont take even 2hours to get to the level again when you skip all dialogues, I don't see the point in arguing arround here about your precious time. Just consider the AC choice being like a final class choice. You choose your class while playing, this is good, because you allready know your genereal gameplay mechanics a bit. You definitly won't be seeing any change to this feature in the near future. Even if it will come, you would be much faster just to level a new toon to 10, then waiting for a whole new feature^^

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Maybe if they would have called the 4 initial choices, preclass, and the final choices, class instead of advanced class, there would be less players asking for a change.


Really, ACs are classes, not builds, your char is a class, you can't change it.

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People have talked about having to go through the same content again and how difficult it is and ect. AC is a class. Re-specing it shouldnt be an option. Take another game. I rolled first a human mage, found out I did not like it, I couldnt respec it to warlock. Instead you have to re-roll. and if you take human, GASP you replayed the same content. You would replay the same content if you rolled anything that was human. The whole point of AC is that it is your class. Those first 10 levels help you learn the mechanic's and play style for the upcoming class. In many games I had countless alts that were all low level. (played for around five hours) To see if I liked said class and countless times it was through replayed content. It happens when you start new classes.
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