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Switching between advanced classes


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Wow, you guys have all been trolled pretty hard. This guy started this thread at 2-3 PM and it's now almost 11. In that time he could have replayed those servers. Instead he chose to troll you all.


Good one OP. That takes the wind out of your "some of us have IRL obligations" because you just wasted more than the necessary time for a re-roll.


The game has permanent consequences. All the way through. This isn't the only one. Dark Side points limit your color schemes. Light side points limit your color schemes. You can make your companions hate you. There's all kinds of stuff that's final.


Replay the game or don't, agree with the game design or don't, but stop being a whiner.

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I don't know why everyone thinks it's like picking between a mage or a warlock in wow....

in wow you don't play a character until level 10 and then decide the class, you just start as the class you picked.


Because... it's like picking between a mage or a warlock? Your AC is your Class. Flat out. Pure and simple. It. Is. The. Class. You. Play. A Jedi Sage and Jedi Shadow are as different from each other as a mage and rogue are. Commando? DPS or healing. Vanguard? DPS or tanking. Your AC is your class. It's not talent tree you can respec all willy nilly. It's your final choice of your class.


It's the same as in both KOTOR games, you start out as one class and move on to pick your final class as the story progresses. If you accidentally pick Jedi Consular when you meant Jedi Guardian, you can't just go "oops, my bad, can I switch?" Yes, you can reload a save, but this is an MMO. There is no save button.


You didn't read - regardless of what it says in the game, the fact that Advanced Classes are permanent was known for MONTHS, and now you want BioWare to change the way they decided to implement a function because you're illiterate, or apathetic, or... whatever.


No. Just no. It's not BioWare's job to hold you hand and make sure your mittens are on and your little lunch is packed and kiss your cheek before it sends you off to school in the morning. You messed up. Take responsibility for your mistake and fix it yourself.

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EDIT: For those of you saying I should remake my char, I'd rather not spend the time to do it all over again, as short as that time may be. Believe it or not but some of us have IRL obligations and cannot spend hours and hours rerolling.


Around 12:30 is where you pick your AV for BH and I didn't see one warning that it would be permanent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w



This is a beta vid. I'm sure many people have mentioned this already. The conversation (if you read or hear it) say that it is permanent. I recall even in the weekend beta's that it clearly stated to make your choice wisely.


I don't want the ability top change AC's on the fly. I can understand people making mistakes and all. It doesn't take too ling to level up if you know where are going. Space bar is your friend.

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This is a beta vid. I'm sure many people have mentioned this already. The conversation (if you read or hear it) say that it is permanent. I recall even in the weekend beta's that it clearly stated to make your choice wisely.


I don't want the ability top change AC's on the fly. I can understand people making mistakes and all. It doesn't take too ling to level up if you know where are going. Space bar is your friend.


It is beta footage but it hasn't changed, many people have already confirmed that in this thread. And no, nobody is asking for the ability to change it whenever you please, just the option to change before level 20 or so if you decide to take a different path.

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I don't know why everyone thinks it's like picking between a mage or a warlock in wow....

in wow you don't play a character until level 10 and then decide the class, you just start as the class you picked.


Because AC in SWTOR is like class in WoW.


And having AC is the norm from old school MMO. You start out as just warrior or mage and then you proceed to more advance classes (which you can't change) and divert your skill which is the actual class.

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Your attitude and insult both are noted.


Thanks for the report, i always find it amusing if people use that function for petty argues.

Tells me a thing or 2 about you.


You find it vague, I find it non-existent, especially if you've not hung around the forums for weeks or months and know a thing or two about the AC from there.


I dont even find it vague, but thats because i can read between the lines. Combine that with a bit of common sense and we have a winner.


The "it's your own fault" attitude is an unsympathetic one. There will be more people making mistakes like this and/or simply wanting to change a few levels into it. This just breeds unnecessary frustration.


Ye it is unsympathetic. No need for you to point that out as im perfectly aware of it; i ment to be like that. Join the darkside and all that:p Im sure your character is an unsympathetic mofo killing every npc he can.:cool:


So tell me. What is so wrong with a one time, level limited option to change your AC?


Im not going into those pick your camp discussions as i really dont give a flying *****.

If my younger brother, who never lurked the forums or played an mmo, can easily understand its permanent then everyone can.(he plays a BH btw).


I wonder if i get another cool friendly BW reminder of their rules of conduct:D

Edited by Mogitu
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I think you actually do understand that these are seperate classes, but still want the option. If you give people a one time option though, then they will want 2, and then as many as they choose.


Keep this door closed, and I am very glad that they are.

I understand what the ACs are. Asking for this kind of one time option to change between two ACs that share class story, base class abilities, companions, ship etc etc, is not like swaping classes in any other MMO don't share much of anything.


"Keep it out or people will ask for more" not much of a reason to keep something out, especially when there are reasons to add it. If you use this as a valid reason then it opens the door for a whole mess of trouble.

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But seriously, in any other game would you be asking for the ability to change your class ?!?!?

Do these classes in these other games require you to go through 10 levels of game play and story etc and if you wish to change class are you required to go through the same 10 levels, story and all, again?

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yea its like we are back in stoneage, when we are not allowed to switch between advanced classes, whether its intentional or not, its lame.


i dont know why game developers put these silly restrictions, when they know they are gonna lift these restrictions at a later date. I guarantee now that soon enough this restriction will be lifted.


I bet its some sick strategy to make us all keep wanting more. Bloody manipulators :p

Edited by Greywinter
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exactly why you SHOULDNT be allowed to change your AC. People seem to fail to realize that this game has 8 classes on each side, not just 4. A Jedi Sage and Shadow are very different....same for all the ACs. Those are your classes....

Except that a Sage and a Shadow share a base class, base class abillities, class story, companions, ship, etc. I still can't see any good reason not to allow a one time, level limited option to allow for an AC change.

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they better never allow us to respec between AC's. it takes like an hour to get to lvl 10 especially if you know the games mechanics, just reroll if you're lvl 11.

It took DesleDarksyde 3 hours and 13 mins and he was obviously rushing it and I doubt everyone can do it in the same time. For some that is an entire days worth of game time. Some have rl interuptions to deal with. Also, keep in mind that people who have to replay those same 10 levels and story will be doing so unwillingly, which only leads to frustration, not something which will benifit BW.

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yea its like we are back in stoneage, when we are not allowed to switch between advanced classes, whether its intentional or not, its lame.


i dont know why game developers put these silly restrictions, when they know they are gonna lift these restrictions at a later date. I guarantee now that soon enough this restriction will be lifted.


I bet its some sick strategy to make us all keep wanting more. Bloody manipulators :p


It wont be, no MMO lets players change classes. Bioware has already stated this wont happen.

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I don't particularly get this issue to begin with. Each AC is very different from each other and it's obvious which do what. The only problem I forsee are players that don't understand what role they are trying to be to begin with. Which, IMO is not a good thing. You should know the roles by the time you get to lvl 10. The game gives you all the information needed to make an informed choice. All you have to do is decide on which of the three roles, or combination thereof, you want to do and click on the appropriate button.


I can't speak for the other classes, but smuggler's storyline is fun enough to repeat on a reroll for the other AC. I don't see the big deal.

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I like it how kids are saying it takes only couple of hours to get to lvl10. But what if I am lvl 50 and I want play the other advanced class? I will be moving on from the game rather than rolling the same class just to play a few different talents *within the same class with same story line*.
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Do these classes in these other games require you to go through 10 levels of game play and story etc and if you wish to change class are you required to go through the same 10 levels, story and all, again?


Yes. You know the early MMO actually just have basic class warrior and mage and you have to go through a number of level (20 level for lineage 2 second class quest).


Advance Class choice being permanent is actually a no brainer for people who play more MMO than WoW

Edited by ryancwn
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No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.


Well BW probably doesnt need your money and community needs you even less if you are not smart enough to understand common English

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yea its like we are back in stoneage, when we are not allowed to switch between advanced classes, whether its intentional or not, its lame.


i dont know why game developers put these silly restrictions, when they know they are gonna lift these restrictions at a later date. I guarantee now that soon enough this restriction will be lifted.


I bet its some sick strategy to make us all keep wanting more. Bloody manipulators :p


But this is like going to the army train for 10 years to be a heavy machinegunner then you want to be a sniper.... why would they allow that its illogical.


The game told fully well about permanent decisions and it is good to not allow to change it since if you play like you know who... then it suits you well for having to replay 10 lvls.... maybe you will learn to read next time around

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Everyone gets the warning, plus if you were reading the forums before the wipe on the 13th of December, there were multiple, multiple threads about how you could not change your AC after you choose it. So you saying you listen/read everything, you didn't.


There is no warning for BH, DesleDarksyde confirms this on the next page, and not everyone reads the forums, most likely far from it.

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There is no warning for BH, DesleDarksyde confirms this on the next page, and not everyone reads the forums, most likely far from it.


Having warning or not does not matter. Its people like you that we have a warning on a peanut product stating the product contain peanuts.

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