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Switching between advanced classes


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You dp get loads of warning but the others are right if you can not spend the IRL time to get to level 10 and the hours of commitment it took then the game really is not for you, hell I have been in server ques longer than it takes people to get too level ten in this game
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If a GM can't do anything for me before the grace period is up then I'm going to return my copy

That is your choice ofcourse.

And my advice would be this:

Even if they can revert your choice for you, I would still consider returning the game.

There will be more of these permanent choices in the game that will affect you later on in the game. Some will be clearly indicated, most not. If you have opened your box by that time, the game is no longer refundable.

The other thing to consider is the time you are spending in the game, which by your account, is very limited, This can lead to additional problems with choices in the game, as you've already highlighted.

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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That is your choice ofcourse.

And my advice would be this:

Even if they can revert your choice for you, I would still consider returning the game.

There will be more of these permanent choices in the game that will affect you later on in the game. Some will be clearly indicated, most not. If you have opened your box by that time, the game is no longer refundable.

The other thing to consider is the time you are spending in the game, which by your account, is very limited, This can lead to additional problems with choices in the game, as you've already highlighted.


I can play all day everyday for the next few months to the next few years due to an auto immune disease. It's not about the time it takes, I thought had clearly stated that many times. It's the fact that I don't want to have to go back and redo the starting area as a BH again.

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I can play all day everyday for the next few months to the next few years due to an auto immune disease. It's not about the time it takes, I thought had clearly stated that many times. It's the fact that I don't want to have to go back and redo the starting area as a BH again.


Now you're contradicting yourself?


EDIT: For those of you saying I should remake my char, I'd rather not spend the time to do it all over again, as short as that time may be. Believe it or not but some of us have IRL obligations and cannot spend hours and hours rerolling.


The text clearly states that it's a time issue, relating to real life. ie. that you have a very busy real life. Now you actually have months and years to play? (All day, every day)?


So which is it?

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.


Ok I'll bite the post...


Sorry.. I stopped right there.. I have played one of each of the 4 major classes since the first public beta and you are 'warned' in MULTIPLE places that the advanced class is permanent and that there is no changing it..


As soon as you hit the republic fleet there is a quest giver right inside the door that tells you.. Then your advanced class trainer tells you. So no you don't read everything and no you aren't careful.


So the true question is, are you a product of the American Education System? Before you state that I'm a foreigner, you'd be wrong. I'd just bet I'm of an older generation than you where they taught us to read and not use cliff notes.


However with the number of posts that you have garnered I'll give you a 10/10 for a successful troll post.

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Ok I'll bite the post...


Sorry.. I stopped right there.. I have played one of each of the 4 major classes since the first public beta and you are 'warned' in MULTIPLE places that the advanced class is permanent and that there is no changing it..


As soon as you hit the republic fleet there is a quest giver right inside the door that tells you.. Then your advanced class trainer tells you. So no you don't read everything and no you aren't careful.


So the true question is, are you a product of the American Education System? Before you state that I'm a foreigner, you'd be wrong. I'd just bet I'm of an older generation than you where they taught us to read and not use cliff notes.


However with the number of posts that you have garnered I'll give you a 10/10 for a successful troll post.


I'd post the link but I don't have it copied anymore, go a few pages back and look at a vid that clearly shows that you DO NOT get any warning that it is permanent.

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Now you're contradicting yourself?




The text clearly states that it's a time issue, relating to real life. ie. that you have a very busy real life. Now you actually have months and years to play? (All day, every day)?


So which is it?


I don't have any IRL obligations, sorry if it seemed that way, But most people do and cannot spend hours rerolling. In my situation it just seems unnecessary to spend all that time when I could changed it at least once.

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No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.


Bioware gave you pleanty of warning... you failed to accept the warning and thus picked the wrong adv class. go QQ somewhere else

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I don't have any IRL obligations, sorry if it seemed that way,

I quoted your actual text... I don't see any room for "seemed that way". It's actually what you wrote there.


But anyways. Enough of this.


Your options are:

1) Reroll

2) Ragequit if your AC is not changed

3) Roll something else, which you did. And know that every single choice you make in this game is permanent. Even the talent points. Though they can be changed, it gets very expensive very quickly. So just consider them to be permanent as well.

4) Return the game, and find something else to play.

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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If you picked the wrong class with all the information available to you then try to basically lie about not getting a warning...No offense but learn to read.


This is what we get from the TLDR generation so...


You can stop trying to blame Bioware.


You just either rushed and picked something WITHOUT reading or just decided you didn't like the class you picked.


Note: It doesn't take that long to level 10.


Advanced class system is fine. Period.

Edited by Tiaa
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If you picked the wrong class with all the information available to you then try to basically lie about not getting a warning...No offense but learn to read.


This is what we get from the TLDR generation so...


You can stop trying to blame Bioware.


You just either rushed and picked something WITHOUT reading or just decided you didn't like the class you picked.


Note: It doesn't take that long to level 10.


Advanced class system is fine. Period.


I didn't get a warning, read all the posts before you post yourself.

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Yep, and I have a level 16 sith sorcerer now.


It's not about the time spent its about not having to go back and redo the stuff you already did.


Ok so you did not get a warning, but you are not neccasarily entitled to one just because you want one.


It would ruin part of the wonder of this game to allow you to swap AC's. IF you could swap there would no longer be 8 classes with 3 specs, we would be down to 4 classes with 6 specs.


Please accept your mistake and move on. reroll. The two hours (skipping voice over now that you have seen it all the first time) will be worth it in the long run given you have probably wasted more time on the forums that the reroll would take.


Just because there was no warning does not even mean there should be. What is wrong with the choices you make actually impacting on your play.


If you could save and reload this would be skyrim. It is not, it is an MMO, no save, no reload.


You live with what you do. IF that seems harse you shoudl try EVE. IF it seems unfair, perhaps this is not the game for you.


Cheer up, smile, move on.

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Ok so you did not get a warning, but you are not neccasarily entitled to one just because you want one.


It would ruin part of the wonder of this game to allow you to swap AC's. IF you could swap there would no longer be 8 classes with 3 specs, we would be down to 4 classes with 6 specs.


Please accept your mistake and move on. reroll. The two hours (skipping voice over now that you have seen it all the first time) will be worth it in the long run given you have probably wasted more time on the forums that the reroll would take.


Just because there was no warning does not even mean there should be. What is wrong with the choices you make actually impacting on your play.


If you could save and reload this would be skyrim. It is not, it is an MMO, no save, no reload.


You live with what you do. IF that seems harse you shoudl try EVE. IF it seems unfair, perhaps this is not the game for you.


Cheer up, smile, move on.


You don't a permanent ability to swap AC, just the ability to change it once before level 20 or so.

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I absolutely love the idea that the Advanced class's are locked and i think thats one of the things that makes this game great and sets it apart from games like WoW where no matter what you do you can go back and change it, it makes you loose immersion and nothing you do matters without choices being locked in.
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I haven't gotten a chance to play yet, and won't until after the new year.


I knew, and have known for... months, that picking an Advanced Class is a permanent choice and is exactly akin as to choosing between Rogue and Paladin in WoW. It is pathetic when someone who has spent not one second in the game is more familiar with gameplay mechanics like Advanced Classes than someone who has a level 10.


As for the question of "what does it affect to allow a changing of an AC once"? It's easy.


I do not want BioWare to reward stupid. It's that simple.

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