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Switching between advanced classes


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I have yet to see a valid reason as to why this would be a bad idea. Keep in mind that all I'm advocating is a one time, level limited option to change your AC.


because it's like getting to 85 in WoW (an example, work with me here) as a Warlock and then getting a 'respec' to a mage. Does that make ANY sense to you? What reason could be more valid?

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On the one hand yes the BH AC choice is bugged and needs to be clearer that your choice is permanent.


On the other hand OP, you have no been here for what? 4 hours? Are you really that stubborn that you won't replay a few short hours of game time, that you can spend using spacebar to skip the conversations, cause you've already heard them. Making quick decisions based on Lightside or Darkside, whichever one you want. To get a character back to the point you are currently at? Is that really too difficult for you?


I've been doing other things while on these forums, I shouldn't have to reroll and pay for 3+ hours doing the same exact thing when I didn't get any warning that my choice was permanent.

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On the one hand yes the BH AC choice is bugged and needs to be clearer that your choice is permanent.


On the other hand OP, you have no been here for what? 4 hours? Are you really that stubborn that you won't replay a few short hours of game time, that you can spend using spacebar to skip the conversations, cause you've already heard them. Making quick decisions based on Lightside or Darkside, whichever one you want. To get a character back to the point you are currently at? Is that really too difficult for you?

What is so wrong with wanting to correct something that is going to be more and more of a problem as more players encounter this issue?


What would be so wrong with allowing a one time, level limited option to change your AC?

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because it's like getting to 85 in WoW (an example, work with me here) as a Warlock and then getting a 'respec' to a mage. Does that make ANY sense to you? What reason could be more valid?


Getting to 85 takes days, even weeks. Getting to level ten takes a few hours, why spend a few hours on something that had no warning that it would be permanent?

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I believe the OP was just trolling. I can't believe someone is so up in arms about messing up and not having a carebear reset to avoid playing around 2.5 hours.


I was able to get to 10 on my BH skipping throughthe dialogs (already played in Beta) in just over 2 hours. I could have done it faster if I left planet at 9 and leveled up by talking to all the crew skill trainers.

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BioWare was smart enough to not add the feature of changing advanced classes.


Unfortunately you claim no warning but were apparently too impatient to listen to the guy go "Choose wisely because this is a permanent choice."


The keyword being permanent.


QQ moar.

Edited by Viera
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because it's like getting to 85 in WoW (an example, work with me here) as a Warlock and then getting a 'respec' to a mage. Does that make ANY sense to you? What reason could be more valid?


The example is not applicable to what I'm suggesting. I'm advocating a one time, level limited option to change your AC in order to correct a simply mistake or because you find a few levels into it that you really don't like/can't stand the AC you picked, nothing more.


I've heard the warlock to mage or warrior to hunter or what have you example time and again and it fails on the fact that you don't spend 10 levels as an apprentice prior to picking a warlock and you certainly don't have to replay those same 10 apprentice levels if you want to play as a mage, you just start playing as a mage.


The Guardian and the Sentinel share class story, before and after choosing your AC, they share base class skills, companions, ship, the same 10 starting levels with the same abilities and game play etc.


Again, what would be so wrong with allowing for what I've proposed?

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The example is not applicable to what I'm suggesting. I'm advocating a one time, level limited option to change your AC in order to correct a simply mistake or because you find a few levels into it that you really don't like/can't stand the AC you picked, nothing more.


I've heard the warlock to mage or warrior to hunter or what have you example time and again and it fails on the fact that you don't spend 10 levels as an apprentice prior to picking a warlock and you certainly don't have to replay those same 10 apprentice levels if you want to play as a mage, you just start playing as a mage.


The Guardian and the Sentinel share class story, before and after choosing your AC, they share base class skills, companions, ship, the same 10 starting levels with the same abilities and game play etc.


Again, what would be so wrong with allowing for what I've proposed?


If you make a mistake you can fix it, thankfully.


Log out, create new character, play through the easy 10. Tada. Lesson learned, young padawan.

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BioWare was smart enough to not add the feature of changing advanced classes.


Unfortunately you claim no warning but were apparently too impatient to listen to the guy go "Choose wisely because this is a permanent choice."


The keyword being permanent.


QQ moar.


Go to 12:30, thats beta footage but it hasn't changed as far as selecting AC.


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Changing Adv. Class is like changing a class. They have a simmilar name, but skills, talents, roles, everything is different.

Like most people said before, it's like wanting to suddenly roll a mage when you're half way through with a warlock. Can't do it.


Except it's not. A mage and a warlock don't share the same starting 10 levels as an "apprentice" which you would have to go through in order to make a change. A Guardian and a Sentinel share class story, base class skills etc.


Besides, all I and those that I've seen in favor of changing your AC are proposing is a one time, level limited option to change your class. Thus this will not create FOTM, it will not lead to changing AC half way to max level etc.

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So, why doesn't BioWare add the option of switching your advanced class, once, on level 20/30 or some such number?


That way your choice is still with consequence, you can't be switching roles for what you want, but it allows for a mistake to be made.


Seriously, making an unforgivable mechanic in an MMO that's bound to be full of 13 y/o newbies and people in deep raging puberty?

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Kemi is now level 7 (qalmost level 8) and finished with her story on Hutta.

Will grind her to level 10 quickly.


Kemi was started here, at 11:23pm GMT time. It's now 01:30am GMT.

And I admit, I did fall asleep behind the keyboard once, since it's actually 3:30AM local time for me.


2 hours, and her story is done.


Hash is whining about a 2 hour reroll...

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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Kemi is now level 7 (qalmost level 8) and finished with her story on Hutta.

Will grind her to level 10 quickly.


Kemi was started here, at 11:23pm GMT time. It's now 01:30am GMT.

And I admit, I did fall asleep behind the keyboard once, since it's actually 3:30AM local time for me.


2 hours, and her story is done.


Hash is whining about a 2 hour reroll...


Are you level 10 now then?

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Kemi is now level 7 (qalmost level 8) and finished with her story on Hutta.

Will grind her to level 10 quickly.


Kemi was started here, at 11:23pm GMT time. It's now 01:30am GMT.

And I admit, I did fall asleep behind the keyboard once, since it's actually 3:30AM local time for me.


2 hours, and her story is done.


Hash is whining about a 2 hour reroll...


Worst about his whine... its been going on 4 hours. If he spent that time in game, he would be 10 again already. Hes too busy with IRL stuff (forum posting) to level up again.

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Kemi is now level 7 (qalmost level 8) and finished with her story on Hutta.

Will grind her to level 10 quickly.


Kemi was started here, at 11:23pm GMT time. It's now 01:30am GMT.

And I admit, I did fall asleep behind the keyboard once, since it's actually 3:30AM local time for me.


2 hours, and her story is done.


Hash is whining about a 2 hour reroll...


For the hundredth time, I'm not whining about a reroll. I'm complaining about how BH doesn't get a warning that it will be permanent. Also, some people don't want to go the starting area for a class a second time, whether it takes 30 minutes, 2 hours, 10 hours, doesn't matter.

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Except it's not. A mage and a warlock don't share the same starting 10 levels as an "apprentice" which you would have to go through in order to make a change. A Guardian and a Sentinel share class story, base class skills etc.


Besides, all I and those that I've seen in favor of changing your AC are proposing is a one time, level limited option to change your class. Thus this will not create FOTM, it will not lead to changing AC half way to max level etc.


I think you actually do understand that these are seperate classes, but still want the option. If you give people a one time option though, then they will want 2, and then as many as they choose.


Keep this door closed, and I am very glad that they are.

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I think you actually do understand that these are seperate classes, but still want the option. If you give people a one time option though, then they will want 2, and then as many as they choose.


Keep this door closed, and I am very glad that they are.


Nobody is asking for more than one AC change.

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I've talked to a few people and they say you can't switch your advanced class...I made the mistake of picking the wrong one and I didn't get a warning or anything when I selected it. Is there really no way to switch your advanced class? If not I'm glad I decided to wait before opening my Physical copy of the game.


READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.



EDIT: For those of you saying I should remake my char, I'd rather not spend the time to do it all over again, as short as that time may be. Believe it or not but some of us have IRL obligations and cannot spend hours and hours rerolling.


Around 12:30 is where you pick your AV for BH and I didn't see one warning that it would be permanent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w


Dude.... I've been in a server Q longer than it'll take you to reroll to level 10.....

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