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Switching between advanced classes


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No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.


Despite your claim that you read everything, you missed the multiple warnings about the permanancy of the selection, and you are questioning the intelligence of Bioware? :D


Seriously, though, it is not that Bioware is not smart enough to do this. It is a design decision to make choice count and to avoid the headaches that come with supporting peple changing classes. And, despite your dislike of that design philosophy, many of us agree with it. Either way, it is fairly easy to level a character to 10 and make the choice you want. If you choose not to do that, that is your choice.


The bottom line is that choices matter in this game. Either live with that particular choice or start a new character and make a different choice. Sorry, but those are your choices if you want to continue playing this game.

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Rerolled from a lvl 34 Marauder to a Juggernaut which is 24 atm because I decided I'd rather go Juggernaut after all.


And here you're thinking your situations sucks balls. Hah!


lol, seriously...


level 10 takes what, 1 hour? 2? Speaking in MMO terms, it's a laughable amount of time. The OP could have reached the same level by now instead of spending his time complaining on the forums

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Like I said, they changed it since beta (3d time I've said this now). It is not correct. You go to the initial guy in the fleet, who then sends you to the trainer afterwards. It is not like that in the video - the video is outdated.


Just watched from 7:50 (when he gets to the main station) on ... this is exactly how it was on day one of the EGA. You talk to the guy right up front, he sends you to talk to the two "specialists," and you go back to the 1st guy to choose.

Edited by cjohnk
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lol, seriously...


Don't be shocked. If you done it once, and do it again skipping most dialogue up until the point where you left on your previous character. It's goes really fast to level up.


Doing the starters zone over again is really something OP shouldn't complain about. You can do it in two hours tops.

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Kemi is level 6 now and just finished the beast pits.


For those catching up. I started her earlier in this thread as a new level 1 character.


And I'll fraps the AC part and post it on youtube.


good, end this silly thread

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Like I said, they changed it since beta (3d time I've said this now). It is not correct. You go to the initial guy in the fleet, who then sends you to the trainer afterwards. It is not like that in the video - the video is outdated.


Ok I just did it with my second tank BH and I did NOT get an option at all saying it is permanent. It has NOT changed since that video.


For all the people commenting on Sith or Jedi or Rogue or whatever , we are talking Bounty Hunter not the other classes.

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Just for you captain obvious: there is a warning, period. Maybe it is a bit vague, but that doesnt invalidate the illustration i made.

But i guess my post was a bit to hard to understand for you.


Let me choose a different formulation: Assumption is the mother of all ****-ups. So true, especially in this case.

Please pay extra attention to the word assumption, it is of vital importance.

Your attitude and insult both are noted.


You find it vague, I find it non-existent, especially if you've not hung around the forums for weeks or months and know a thing or two about the AC from there.


The "it's your own fault" attitude is an unsympathetic one. There will be more people making mistakes like this and/or simply wanting to change a few levels into it. This just breeds unnecessary frustration.


So tell me. What is so wrong with a one time, level limited option to change your AC?

Edited by Runeshard
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You weren't given a warning? BS. The game tells you that once you've made your choice, the other option is locked to you forever.


Anyway, this is no different than saying, "I rolled a Warlock, but now I want to play a Mage. I should be able to switch!"


true but warlocks and mages don't share an entire talent tree or a bunch of the same base skills.

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Ok I just did it with my second tank BH and I did NOT get an option at all saying it is permanent. It has NOT changed since that video.


For all the people commenting on Sith or Jedi or Rogue or whatever , we are talking Bounty Hunter not the other classes.


If this is true then there's obviously a bug or something with the BH AC quest. In which case, again, nothing you can really do at this point. Re-roll the character.

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I've talked to a few people and they say you can't switch your advanced class...I made the mistake of picking the wrong one and I didn't get a warning or anything when I selected it. Is there really no way to switch your advanced class? If not I'm glad I decided to wait before opening my Physical copy of the game.


READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST: I DO read everything and listen to everything very carefully, I didn't miss anything saying it'd be permanent.



EDIT: For those of you saying I should remake my char, I'd rather not spend the time to do it all over again, as short as that time may be. Believe it or not but some of us have IRL obligations and cannot spend hours and hours rerolling.


Around 12:30 is where you pick your AV for BH and I didn't see one warning that it would be permanent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w


how could you click the wrong one? you talk to one guy and he explains what each class does then you talk to the actual trainer and again it explains what each class does .. sorry I call BS on this

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how could you click the wrong one? you talk to one guy and he explains what each class does then you talk to the actual trainer and again it explains what each class does .. sorry I call BS on this


I didn't "Click the wrong one", I picked without realizing it was permanent.


And just in case you are plannin gon saying "OH BUT THEY SAY ITS PERMANENT", go to 12:30 on this vid and watch.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w

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I didn't "Click the wrong one", I picked without realizing it was permanent.


And just in case you are plannin gon saying "OH BUT THEY SAY ITS PERMANENT", go to 12:30 on this vid and watch.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w


When are you going to stop? You questions and concerns have been answered at least 50 times in this thread.


So I'm going to say it for you one last time


1.) Other AC quests force you to speak to the regular trainer who tells you that the change is permanent. It is very clear.


2.) It's possible that the BH AC quest is bugged and does not function in the same way as the other classes.


3.) Regardless, there is nothing you can do now. If they do implement an AC respec (a bad idea in general), then it's not going to be any time soon.


4.) You're level 10. Restart from the beginning, it's not a lot of work.


If you can't understand this train of thought and just leave it at that, then I feel sorry for you.

Edited by Esaru
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Your attitude and insult both are noted.


You find it vague, I find it non-existent, especially if you've not hung around the forums for weeks or months and know a thing or two about the AC from there.


The "it's your own fault" attitude is an unsympathetic one. There will be more people making mistakes like this and/or simply wanting to change a few levels into it. This just breeds unnecessary frustration.


So tell me. What is so wrong with a one time, level limited option to change your AC?


it IS his own fault! What's with the blame game everyone tries to play now? people need to take responsibility for their actions.


what more do you want? A nuclear melt down siren going off and all the lights in your house to blink WARNING WARNING WARNING!


the classes are explained before you choose them .. it's not BWs fault he didn't read! it's his own fault!

Edited by bboudreaux
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I didn't "Click the wrong one", I picked without realizing it was permanent.


And just in case you are plannin gon saying "OH BUT THEY SAY ITS PERMANENT", go to 12:30 on this vid and watch.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUtZ4Q0p_w


Dude! that video is form a tester!!! it's not an official bioware video sheesh

the guy was recording while beta testing!!


Give it up! you don't like the advanced class ... roll up another toon

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Dude! that video is form a tester!!! it's not an official bioware video sheesh

the guy was recording while beta testing!!


Give it up! you don't like the advanced class ... roll up another toon


It's from the last day of beta, by some testemony it has not changed.

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3.) Regardless, there is nothing you can do now. If they do implement an AC respec (a bad idea in general), then it's not going to be any time soon.




I have yet to see a valid reason as to why this would be a bad idea. Keep in mind that all I'm advocating is a one time, level limited option to change your AC.

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On the one hand yes the BH AC choice is bugged and needs to be clearer that your choice is permanent.


On the other hand OP, you have no been here for what? 4 hours? Are you really that stubborn that you won't replay a few short hours of game time, that you can spend using spacebar to skip the conversations, cause you've already heard them. Making quick decisions based on Lightside or Darkside, whichever one you want. To get a character back to the point you are currently at? Is that really too difficult for you?

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