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Switching between advanced classes


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I was never told that it would be permanent and I read everything/listen to everything very carefully. I may as well just Copy/paste this from now on.


What else have you been doing so far other then copy/pasting the same damn message all over again?


If you really do read everything carefully i wont argue against that.

But i do have one tip for you in that case: go to some reading comprehension classes, you need it.

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What else have you been doing so far other then copy/pasting the same damn message all over again?


If you really do read everything carefully i wont argue against that.

But i do have one tip for you in that case: go to some reading comprehension classes, you need it.


I think you've hit on something here.


After all, I can read French aloud. I can read physics notes aloud Can't understand a word of it though.


I think this is a case of 'you must be THIS smart to ride the rollercoaster'.

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Your saying that you never got warned that it was permanent, right?

A better question might even be: were does it say it is NOT permanent?


Do you do the same thing with quest rewards? After you discovered that the reward you picked was actually more usefull for a Sith Warrior, will u complain about that to? Or would it be clear that after selecting it you are not able to reselect?

Really, its that easy.

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Because it is the same as allowing you to switch classes in any other MMO. There are only 4 base classes per side (I think you meant to say advanced class) so I don't understand what you said there. But yes, it is that simple, if you don't like a class in another game, you simply start another one, whether or not the questing zone is the same for 10 levels of the game doesn't matter. I understand some members of the community are lazy and don't feel like spending the time to develop the classes they want to play but the community on a whole shouldn't have to put up with fotm rerollers because you made a mistake. The information is readily available and if you are making a decision, which is pounded into your brain as being permanent, quickly without thought then you deserve being stuck with a class you don't like.


You don't understand. My point was that in other MMOs if you pick a class and find after a few levels that you don't like it you can reroll and instantly you are another class, you're not made to go through 10 levels as an "apprentice", the same 10 levels you went through before you got to pick the class you tried first. In that sense it's not like switching classes in another MMO. The AC that share a base class share the abilities from that class, as well as story, ship, companions etc.


I'm pretty sure I stated that I'm in favor of a one time, level limited AC change, in case of a simple mistake or finding that you don't like the AC you choose. How does that give rise to FTOM?


It's not about being lazy, rather it's about avoiding the very unnecessary frustration of having to replay the same 10 levels that you just went through, story, abilities, play style etc, unwillingly.

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Pretty sure they changed the way you do this. You have to go to the crew section of the fleet and actually talk to the trainer, who clearly explains that the change is permanent. You're linking an old video that doesn't even apply now just to 'prove' your point. When in reality we all know it didn't really happen like this. I've leveled 3 characters to 10+ and getting your AC right at the initial guy in the fleet HAS NEVER HAPPENED.

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No, I'm not going to play through the first 10 levels of another bounty hunter because BioWare wasn't smart enough to add the ability to change Adv. Classes.


They were smart, they considered it, realised the general population were against it, and decided that people were smart enough to take the tough decisions. In your case, they were wrong. Re-roll or deal with your bad choice.

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Pretty sure they changed the way you do this. You have to go to the crew section of the fleet and actually talk to the trainer, who clearly explains that the change is permanent. You're linking an old video that doesn't even apply now just to 'prove' your point. When in reality we all know it didn't really happen like this


Actually, at worst, that video is from the last beta phase. The preview pop up was never available before that.

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Actually, at worst, that video is from the last beta phase. The preview pop up was never available before that.


Yeah but now that guy forces you to run to the trainer first (who then explains that the choice is permanent). At least that's how I've had to do it 3 times now.

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Pretty sure they changed the way you do this. You have to go to the crew section of the fleet and actually talk to the trainer, who clearly explains that the change is permanent. You're linking an old video that doesn't even apply now just to 'prove' your point. When in reality we all know it didn't really happen like this. I've leveled 3 characters to 10+ and getting your AC right at the initial guy in the fleet HAS NEVER HAPPENED.


I think you are right actually. I just got one toon to that point this evening and while i don't tend to record my entire play sessions I'm pretty sure tehy said it was for good.

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Pretty sure they changed the way you do this. You have to go to the crew section of the fleet and actually talk to the trainer, who clearly explains that the change is permanent. You're linking an old video that doesn't even apply now just to 'prove' your point. When in reality we all know it didn't really happen like this. I've leveled 3 characters to 10+ and getting your AC right at the initial guy in the fleet HAS NEVER HAPPENED.


It's exactly how it happened for me earlier today,

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Op sounds like he's trying to cover up his true motive of wanting the ability to just be able to switch between advance classes. No thanks don't need another Rift/WoW talent design concept. Its fine the way it is and if you can't do enough research beforehand to figure out that what you pick, you're stuck with then shame on you.
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It's exactly how it happened for me earlier today,


With all the hyperbole you're bleeding out, somehow I don't believe you


Like I said, I've leveled characters to 10+ three times now and got an advanced class. Are you trying to tell me what happens? Pretty sure I know

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at 8:20 "Spread your self too thin and you excell at nothing"


I agree its vague but thats permancy speaking there. the poster of that video was playing a jerk so the the responses he got back was off the cuff. Should be clearer dialog I admit. There was clearer dialog on other options. (I am a powertech, But Mako loves me as opposed to hating the poster of the video)


now second point. You are still balking at playing 3-4 hours over again for a class you will play 100+ hours.


And if you ever play the agent, you'll repeat 75% of those 3-4 hours anyways. Also when you get past lvl 10 you'll repeat 75% of the world quests for every Sith Empire class you play. (unless you spend your time in PvP Flash points or Space combat)


So yes it needs to be clearer. But i really don't think this MMO is for you. You'll be repeating alot of quests with different classes.


And some more unsolicited advice, arguing with random idiots like myself over the internet is a waste of time that can be spent playing. (I'm only on the forums cause at work and during the holidays there isn't much to do)

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Yeah but now that guy forces you to run to the trainer first (who then explains that the choice is permanent). At least that's how I've had to do it 3 times now.


Watch the video a little earlier, he does go to tweedledum and tweedledee to get the descriptions. And even though I had thought they mentioned it being permanent as well, it seems that is incorrect.

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Seriously you're siding with this numpty? Of course it's permanant - everyone can see it. If he was that worried about being able to change it he would have asked the question before clicking select (which very much implies making a choice). Not to mention the fact that he could have levelled it all over again in teh time it has taken him to keep up with this thread.


Show me where in that clip there is any meniton of the choice being premanent. I thought the OP was wrong as well as first, this clip proved me wrong.


I'm in favor of a one time, level limited option to change your AC. This wouldn't allow for FTOM, feel the need to mention that since a few others have brought it up even though I clearly state what I'm proposing.


There are reasons to have such an options, to correct mistakes, to allow for a one time change if you find that you don't like the AC you picked a few levels into it. I have seen few to no valid reasons not to allow this.


The AC matter will be a problem. You are kidding yourself if you think that people won't take issue with having to replay the same 10 levels they just went through unwillingly.

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at 8:20 "Spread your self too thin and you excell at nothing"


I agree its vague but thats permancy speaking there.


Eh, that's "you have to make a choice" to me. Not really speaking to it being a permanent one.


The BH decision needs to be made clearer. There needs to be a line similar to the other video posted where it flat out says "there is no changing your mind" so there is no confusion.

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I can't speak specifically for Bounty Hunter, but for Imperial Agent, Jedi Consular, Smuggler and Sith Warrior, it's different than in that video - which is from the late stages of beta. It is now the case that you speak to a guy in the corridor just outside the arrival dock at the respective Fleet, like the guy in this video is, who then sends you to an advanced trainer in one of the quadrants of the station. During this process, it is made absolutely crystal clear your choice is permanent.

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Watch the video a little earlier, he does go to tweedledum and tweedledee to get the descriptions. And even though I had thought they mentioned it being permanent as well, it seems that is incorrect.


Like I said, they changed it since beta (3d time I've said this now). It is not correct. You go to the initial guy in the fleet, who then sends you to the trainer afterwards. It is not like that in the video - the video is outdated.

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Op sounds like he's trying to cover up his true motive of wanting the ability to just be able to switch between advance classes. No thanks don't need another Rift/WoW talent design concept. Its fine the way it is and if you can't do enough research beforehand to figure out that what you pick, you're stuck with then shame on you.


OP has stated in this thread that he is in favor of a one time, level limited option to change AC. This is not a call for being able to create FOTM.

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I can't speak specifically for Bounty Hunter, but for Imperial Agent, Jedi Consular, Smuggler and Sith Warrior, it's different than in that video - which is from the late stages of beta. It is now the case that you speak to a guy in the corridor just outside the arrival dock at the respective Fleet, like the guy in this video is, who then sends you to an advanced trainer in one of the quadrants of the station. During this process, it is made absolutely crystal clear your choice is permanent.


yeah, this

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