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Switching between advanced classes


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Sorry, but I haven't gone through all 40+ pages of the thread (not wasting that much of my life on a forum argument). I just know what I am reading now, and have seen only discussion of it not being mentioned as a permanent choice, so I just wanted to add some clarification to the issue and what was seen/not seen.


And based on the OPs initial reaction, yes there is some shame on them, especially for claiming Bioware wasn't "smart enough" to add a feature, when they themselves made a choice without doing any research and came to the forums to complain. In the time that the thread has run it's course, they probably could have had another character nearly there, but instead spent a lot of time posting/defending a complaint when they were the ones that made the bad/uninformed choice.


It's like anything else in life, if you make a bad decision without researching your options first, then you have no one to blame but yourself. There was no deception here, just an unclarified subject, that lead to no exact conlcusion. But here, unlike in real life, you can just reroll and remake those choices. You make your bed, you now have to lie in it, and accept whatever consequences there may be (like replaying 10 levels).


Could some clarification that the choice is pemanent be added to all of that? Sure, why not. I just have a hard time feeling sympathy for those 10 levels when the OP makes an uninformed choice and comes here blaming the developer.


I don't mean any of this as an attack, I am just calling it like I see it.


Anyhow, I've stated my position, and said what I came to say. Off for some food and hopefully relaxation. Have fun all, I am done with this thread. :p

I can understand not wanting to go through 40+ pages of posts, and I apologize if my response was a bit lacking in patience. I know you may never see this response, due to your statment that you are done with this thread. I have just seen far too many either simply not view the link provided or just ignore it's proof completely.


The OP's issue with all of this has from the start been that he was not given a warning that the choice was permanent. In which he is completely correct.


Asking someone to have advanced knowledge of this game and its mechanics is unreasonable. I have hung around these forums actively for many months now and while I know the ins and outs of this games more or less by now I don't assume nor expect others to do so. I simply foresee this to be a problem that will not be taken lightly by those that have to go through the same 10 levels of content, play style and class story, not to mention the game play time this represents to them (3-5 hours may well be 1-2 days worth of game time or more depending on rl respnsibilites and interuptions)over something that will will most likely be seen as unnecessary. I still don't see any real valid argument against allowing a one time, level limited option to change your AC.

Edited by Runeshard
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Lets be frank, this is a game, not real life. So those of you who are trying to compare it to real life, need to get a real life. Games are to be fun and entertain, not require tons of research. I do not have interest in wasting my team reading up to see what they will allow and what they will not. WOW is by far the best MMO ever made. Copy it. Don't try to think you are smarter or your story is better. They make more money than you do. That is like Microsoft trying to do things different from Apple, they make tons of money and dominate, learn from them.


Those of you that have hours of time on your hands to reroll, go ahead and do that. Those of us that have real life stuff to do, like women, a job, and party, will wait til bioware wakes up and adds that feature.

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Agree, terrible idea to not allow AC switching and spec switching (dual spec or triple spec etc).


Game is mean to be fun, not a second or third job, we should all remember this.


Lets be frank, this is a game, not real life. So those of you who are trying to compare it to real life, need to get a real life. Games are to be fun and entertain, not require tons of research. I do not have interest in wasting my team reading up to see what they will allow and what they will not. WOW is by far the best MMO ever made. Copy it. Don't try to think you are smarter or your story is better. They make more money than you do. That is like Microsoft trying to do things different from Apple, they make tons of money and dominate, learn from them.


Those of you that have hours of time on your hands to reroll, go ahead and do that. Those of us that have real life stuff to do, like women, a job, and party, will wait til bioware wakes up and adds that feature.

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Lets be frank, this is a game, not real life. So those of you who are trying to compare it to real life, need to get a real life. Games are to be fun and entertain, not require tons of research. I do not have interest in wasting my team reading up to see what they will allow and what they will not. WOW is by far the best MMO ever made. Copy it. Don't try to think you are smarter or your story is better. They make more money than you do. That is like Microsoft trying to do things different from Apple, they make tons of money and dominate, learn from them.


Those of you that have hours of time on your hands to reroll, go ahead and do that. Those of us that have real life stuff to do, like women, a job, and party, will wait til bioware wakes up and adds that feature.


Lol why just say you want instant 50 with all legendary gear since you obviously can't be bothered to spend time on the game.

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Agree, terrible idea to not allow AC switching and spec switching (dual spec or triple spec etc).


Game is mean to be fun, not a second or third job, we should all remember this.


And most of the people replying disagree that adding these features would make the game more "fun".

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And most of the people replying disagree that adding these features would make the game more "fun".


Most people replying seem not to want to use the feature suggested and seem dead set against it being included in game, even if it were a one time, level limited option. While I see many of this mindset I see no valid reasons being put forth for not including it.

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Most people replying seem not to want to use the feature suggested and seem dead set against it being included in game, even if it were a one time, level limited option. While I see many of this mindset I see no valid reasons being put forth for not including it.


I reckon it would trivialise the choice the game gives you to be able to switch at will.


can understand it would be nice to be able to switch once or twice at level 10 before points are allocated in case the cat decides to moonwalk on your keyboard though.


I think having the option to use the same character to fulfil most if not all roles available would be a shame and might dissuade some people from trying out another class. This won't apply to everyone i guess but it would be a shame none the less.


sure if everyone can do everything it would be handy for those times your really stuck finding a certain role. But I think most people probably play with a group of friends that have a mix of characters anyway. If not it would be a good reason to make some more friends.

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1. If it took you more than 10 hours to hit level 10 and get to your second planet to be able to pick an advanced class, I think you're doing something wrong. Simply re-make your character and speed off the first planet since you don't want to actually do it all over again.


2. I know for a fact that you are given plenty of warning when you are picking your advanced class. When talking to your class trainer about picking your advanced class, he tells you that once you pick your destiny there is no going back (which you may have missed if you just spacebared through the conversation. You also get a question after you pick your advanced class making sure it is in fact the one you want.


Simply because they did not tell you straight up and in big bold letter that you can not change your advanced class after picking it does not mean that you were not warned.

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Personally I Hope that we are able to switch advanced classes, just because I wanted to be a Sith Marauder at lvl 10 doesnt mean that I don't want to play a tank end game.

In wow you can dual spec a warrior to play both DPS and Tank, here you can only respecc DPS to another DPS as Marauder if I understand correctly.

Even Paladins / druid could be both caster, healer, melee dps, tank in WOW.


I would like to see that we can dualspecc between AC so I can play both tank and dps.



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I haven't read this thread.. I know what its about


Switching advanced classes in this game is like changing your class entirely.. imagine if WoW let you respec from Holy Priest, to a Protection Warrior..


That's what changing your advanced class would do.


I imagine that bioware will eventually get sick of these threads and just call it 8 classes so that we can give up these pointless requests about changing your class entirely.


They had to do this in eq2 for the exact same reason.



As long as they are called advanced classes people are going to view them as "specs" they are not "SPECS" they are YOUR CLASS

Edited by Shammus
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I believe EQ2 had a system liek this at release. They eventually got rid of it and just made it so you picked your AC at level one. This seems like a possible fix. Make it so you have 8 options at lvl one instead of lvl 10. That way peopel will understand that you have 8 classes not 4. maybe
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So how do they miss the

This class asssigment is


Healing/tank and Dps


and then ***** about that they did the wrong choice?


my first run I hit the wrong button there are 2 one for info and one to select adn I hit select instead of info by mistake cause I was click happy, so I rolled a new one. There are 8 slots and I intended to do all 8 advanced classes anyhow.

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Advanced classes don't bother me. What does bother me is that my vanguard can't use any other weapon than a damn blaster rifle. I want to be able to use heavy weapons or at least something else as well. Right now I just feel limited in those options. Why can't I pick up a heavy weapon as well? I understand if you don't want things to be to competitive on loot but surely troopers should all be able to use the same weapons?
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The current AC setup is terrible. Here is why.


I and many of us are excited to play SWTOR because BW has an amazing knack for creating a quality story for us to enjoy which greatly lessens the tedious and boring level grind. The current setup for AC totally detracts from that. BW has essentially created 8 classes per side and only 4 class stories- most likely because making 8 stories per side was a daunting task in itself.


Choosing an AC feels like I am choosing the ONE AC for that class that I will actually ever play-thus removing a lot of enjoyment. My main is a Shadow which i greatly enjoy, however,I really want to enjoy a Sage as well. I do NOT want to grind out the spacebar through the same story I already did.....it simply is just a slower version of the average MMO. So instead of grinding out a second consular, I find myself looking at the other classes i have not created to fill a healer role. Since I already have a vanguard, that only leaves a smuggler. Unfortunately I was really stoked about a gunslinger and not all that interested in a scoundrel.


My point in the above paragraph is that since there is only 4 class stories per side....it makes us look at character creation as only being 4 different options- not 8. It is serving to limit us from enjoying the other 4 AC's because we are so sick of the MMO grind.


The idea that you simply play 4 AC's on Republic and the other 4 AC's on Sith is just stupid. This is an MMO. Folks build up a guild, a friends list, and equally important...a set of professions on one faction that benefit your other chars. Swapping factions is essentially starting all that over and not appealing.


I am a strong advocate for AC swapping. Treat it like a Dual spec option and be done with it. The game will be better because of it. I cant see putting in separate stories is even an option now, after launch, though it would be an improvement.

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I rolled a Jedi Knight and leveled it to 40 but actually wanted to play a Bounty hunter... BW fix it for me NOW!



I made a post about something entirely irrelevant, but now I look dumb and I need to save my e-rep! BW FIX IT FOR ME

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Personally I Hope that we are able to switch advanced classes, just because I wanted to be a Sith Marauder at lvl 10 doesnt mean that I don't want to play a tank end game.

In wow you can dual spec a warrior to play both DPS and Tank, here you can only respecc DPS to another DPS as Marauder if I understand correctly.

Even Paladins / druid could be both caster, healer, melee dps, tank in WOW.


I would like to see that we can dualspecc between AC so I can play both tank and dps.



In WOW, you cannot change your class from a Druid to a Paladin though. Which is exactly what switching your AC is comparable to.

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In WOW, you cannot change your class from a Druid to a Paladin though. Which is exactly what switching your AC is comparable to.


No it isn't. AC is just the same class blocked off. You use the same exact armor and stats and get the same exact story (which is biowares big game changer, right?). If you are getting the same story you are playing the same class.

Edited by Buur
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