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Soon hiting 50. Commando healer out of the question?


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First of all my english isnt perfect,specially not when it comes to spelling so no need to point that out.

Now...ive played Gunnery most of the time,also tried Combat Healing and got stomped kinda often. (WZ 10-49 ofc)

Last week ive played Assault and imo that specc is alot better when it comes to dps.The main reason is the fact i can run for my life and at the same time spam some annoying dps. But i like healing and maybe should roll a better healingclass. I have no experience from 50 pvp when it comes to trooper healers. The only class i have in that bracket is a jedi guardian (vindicator specc )

The question is: Can commando healers do any good in 50 pvp? Are they in any way needed? If a skilled player play this class can he actually affect the outcome in a WZ? Or should i just ignore the class because alot of ppl clains the class are both broken and useless. I cant disagree since ive tried healing and got owned bigtime.

If the class actually can perform well then please link me another thread about it or just help me out in any way.

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I haven't played one to 50 yet, though I've fought many in Warzones. In my opinion Commando Healers are the hardest to kill in 1v1 as their single target healing is excellent combined with their heavy armour. Commando's aren't the best for DPS in warzones as their Arsenal spec revolves around Grav round which will get interrupted alot by anyone who knows your class. As for Assault it's still good DPS but Vangaurd does it much easier. If I were you I'd go heal, and I'd get the legacy perk to respec anywhere so if you get a match like huttball you can switch to DPS since you can camp up on the ramps and rain hell with Grav round from there.


EDIT: Remember if it's your first time playing warzones at 50 they are much different, you need alot of expertise and endurance to survive. Get the free recruit set when you hit 50 (if you are subscriber) and it'll start you off, but know this.. you WILL get killed very easily for a while until you start to build up your gear. If you intend to become competitive you must endure the horrible deaths over and over and over again.

Edited by WaldoA
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If you don't have a special interest or love for commando stay away until it's fixed :) Although I don't have much experience as a commando healer, what i see is that ppl r saying sage or scoundrel is better.

The only motive making me play commando is the clone wars animation :) after watching it i play a few WZs and then go back to other classes:)

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At 50 Combat Medics can turn the tides of a WZ. HOWEVER, you have to know and play your class better than a sage or scoundrel does. Even then, you won't pull equivalent numbers, but you will keep people alive. If you enjoy working your *** off to do what other classes can do without as much work, then sure, go for it.
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Commando Healer is difficult to be good at and will be a long hard grind. BUT, it is still a viable class once geared and is usually the hardest of the healers to kill. It is not likely to out heal a Sage or Scoundrel in PVP but unlike them you can still put out monster AOE even in heal spec when power stacked.


Commando Gunnery spec is Extremely difficult in PVP and would recommend avoiding it unless you are seeking the greatest of challenges. Assault spec is not bad but it does not have the burst of other DPS classes so it is still difficult.

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Prepare to be focused. 1. As soon as people see Commandos in PvP they are usually the quickest targets because of how squishy the Advanced Class can be. 2. As soon as people see healers casting heals in PvP you will be focused.


All in all, it is a fun class to play. I've both a Commando and a Merc that I loved playing in PvP. Both I tried as healers first and my heals were dismal (I lack patience and prefer slaughtering people) and then as DPS. As long as I was able to keep distance from people I put up good numbers. As soon as they realized who was killing them tho, I was target number 1 which is not bad in a WZ like VS or ACW because I was able to draw attention away from the door and nodes and allow a stealth teammate to Cap. When there is no organization tho, it sucks.


As a healer class tho...they rock so you would do well to work out all the kinks. Have fun!

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The question is: Can commando healers do any good in 50 pvp? Are they in any way needed? If a skilled player play this class can he actually affect the outcome in a WZ? Or should i just ignore the class because alot of ppl clains the class are both broken and useless. I cant disagree since ive tried healing and got owned bigtime.


1). yes a commando CAN do well at level 50z

2). No the are not needed

3). A skilled player CAN affect the outcome of wz's

4). The changes coming out in the expansion make them MUCH better. Both assault and medic.

5). Pre-50 PvP and level 50 wz's aren't the same. So don't use those experiences for comparison.

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Commandos are great healers in 50 warzones. With that said, part of being a Commando healer is being a distraction - enemies WILL target you; take that into account as part of your role. Be ready at any moment to pop your shield and focus heal yourself if you're being focused down by multiple DPS. You can hold off 2 DPS for a good amount of time; indefinitely, if you have a tank with you to taunt and peel. Specifically, myself (Merc heals) and an Assassin tank *repeatedly* killed a Lethality Sniper and Smash Juggernaut duo that kept trying to kill us (more specifically, me) over the course of an entire match, without either of us dying and with myself in minimal PVP gear.
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First of all my english isnt perfect,specially not when it comes to spelling so no need to point that out.

Now...ive played Gunnery most of the time,also tried Combat Healing and got stomped kinda often. (WZ 10-49 ofc)

Last week ive played Assault and imo that specc is alot better when it comes to dps.The main reason is the fact i can run for my life and at the same time spam some annoying dps. But i like healing and maybe should roll a better healingclass. I have no experience from 50 pvp when it comes to trooper healers. The only class i have in that bracket is a jedi guardian (vindicator specc )

The question is: Can commando healers do any good in 50 pvp? Are they in any way needed? If a skilled player play this class can he actually affect the outcome in a WZ? Or should i just ignore the class because alot of ppl clains the class are both broken and useless. I cant disagree since ive tried healing and got owned bigtime.

If the class actually can perform well then please link me another thread about it or just help me out in any way.


Yes Commando healers can do very well in wz, I commonly hit 450k healing with mine without much difficulty. Just Read the talent tree carefully and gear mod stats according to the bonuses you get there.


Yes they are needed, they are a great aoe CC class, besides guardian, they are the only class with a reliable aoe slow ablility. Which is awesome in huttball and voidstar for sure.


Ignore other people. Sad to say but the IQ scale is bell curved for a reason, and some peoples ability to comprehend and analyze data is greater than others. Just really study the talent trees of the classes you play, by and large the trees tell you how to gear and play. Pay close attention to talents that say "stat X increased by %y" this is a subtle hint that that class likes that stat alot. Alot of people try to take a commando healer and mod it for what worked well for their sage, or for what worked for their smuggler, and find that the results are lack luster, and auto matically go to the "commando" sucks card. Watch WZs look for commando healers that are doing high numbers healing, and ask them questions.


My commando is fully specc'd healing, and for my part, since I abandoned hybrid speccing, I out heal the dps of sometimes 2 or 3 people hitting me, (if they are stupid and dont interrupt alot) So I think commando is extremely hardy.

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