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25+ legacy (50 legacy let down)


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so i was just curious since this topic doesnt get brought up alot around here, are there any plans on rewarding people with higher legacy other than 25..


i myself am i lvl 50 legacy, no title, no reward, not even something small like a box of fireworks..


I'm let down by this :rak_evil: please give me some kind of hope for the future of higher legacy levels.


(btw, if legacy goes past 50 with the new expansion and still no "reward" the jawa will die)

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I have been legacy lvl 50 since before they added the interface...1.1 if I recall....hell I cannot even remember anymore that is how long ago lol. I was very disappointed when they finally added the interface to see my lvl 50 was pointless. To be fair I realized back then that I pushed it hard to hit the legacy cap...mainly just to see what would happen {as no one knew then}. By that...I thought well maybe they will add it soon lol yeah. Still to this day nothing.


But aye OP...I totally agree wth you. It is a real let down. If the legacy interface did anything for me once added...was it allowed me to smell the F2P on the way by how it was designed.


**Lol I remember when they added Legacy in beta...lol...was real great knowing I lvled past the ability to ever get one hehe [it was not retroactive].**

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Priority transport to your ship with a 1 hour cooldown.

...once they put it back in the game.


They'll probably add other stuff over time.


My guess is that there just aren't enough people with a 50 Legacy to make them want to put in a reward that most people will never reach.

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My guess is that there just aren't enough people with a 50 Legacy to make them want to put in a reward that most people will never reach.

But having that kind of a reward would incentivize people to reach Legacy 50, possibly making them stick with the game even more.

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I hope so. Maybe with the expansion but they've had this gap for over a year where it's really meaningless to go above 15 or 20 so I wouldn't hold my breath. I don't know why really it rewards people that have put some serious time into playing the game. Seems like an easy way to reward long-term dedication yet it seems to be mostly ignored. Edited by sumuji
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As pathetic as this sounds, the biggest bonus for me hitting Legacy fifty, was shutting the xp bar off. There should be some sort of a reward, at the very least, a title. Some sort of acknowledgement. That's a lot of slaying. :) Edited by Pirana
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Legacy 50 here. I'm just hoping we get the Cathar unlock for free or something. (They said Cathar would be a Legacy-exclusive race, so why not give it to us, the masters of legacy?)

Or maybe give us discounted rates on paid unlocks like rocket boots or something.

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I think legacy has been a let down but I suspect free to play caused that. Maybe the team building all the cash shop items was meant to be legacy items.


Now there are a few nice things on legacy the companion perks, the presence bonus and the species. But in general I think there is nothing in legacy worth having. Why even have 50 levels when it stops at 25. They have said legacy is due a minor revamp but personaly I cant see anything worhwhile coming out of it.


Anything new on legacy will also be avaliable through the cash shop and we all know they would raher we pay cash for something than use in game credits. So I suspect we wont see anything useful and nothing we cant get on the cartel shop in legacy in the future.

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Legacy 50 here. I'm just hoping we get the Cathar unlock for free or something. (They said Cathar would be a Legacy-exclusive race, so why not give it to us, the masters of legacy?)

Or maybe give us discounted rates on paid unlocks like rocket boots or something.


i agree with that, people with lvl 50 legacy should get something free like cathar (high hopes would be 5 day early access to the expansion, for the ppl who bought it). A speeder thats faster than 110%, no CD on quicktravels (or at least a 1min cd). able to wear any set of gear heavy/med/light.


There's alot of stuff they could add to the legacy and i believe like everything else they've done in the past, they add 1 thing to the game, spice it up for a month, then forget about it. (ex, legacy/ social gear/ space combat/ ranked pvp/ T2 flashpoints/ Group finder)

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Yup... I'm 50 legacy and I got there mainly with grouping/endgame content. I do have other alts which helped a great deal. Nevertheless, a little something is in order for those who have demonstrated their dedication by capping legacy. There are many more now sure, but it still is quite an accomplishment considering.


A little recognition goes a long way.

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. But in general I think there is nothing in legacy worth having.


Uh, think again. Personally, I think it's cool as hell being able to re-spec in the field, check mail anywhere, make leveling faster, add a GTN, mailbox and training dummies to my spaceship, speed up travel cool-downs and avoid having to re-grind HK-51 on 9 alts etc. There's all sorts of cool Legacy stuff available.


I think what most people are unhappy about is that they didn't get it all for free. As if avoiding sunlight and remaining celibate while you grind away in a room for 18 hours a day makes you special.

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I think legacy has been a let down but I suspect free to play caused that. Maybe the team building all the cash shop items was meant to be legacy items.


Now there are a few nice things on legacy the companion perks, the presence bonus and the species. But in general I think there is nothing in legacy worth having. Why even have 50 levels when it stops at 25. They have said legacy is due a minor revamp but personaly I cant see anything worhwhile coming out of it.


Anything new on legacy will also be avaliable through the cash shop and we all know they would raher we pay cash for something than use in game credits. So I suspect we wont see anything useful and nothing we cant get on the cartel shop in legacy in the future.


Legacy or the idea of it was something I thought was cool. Maybe convert the character exp perks, mail, repair and field respect to global unlocks. Have account wide pets and speeders, legacy lightsabers seems cool. Maybe add some more legacy only companions or better yet let you use you alts as companions( but right now hk-51 is probs the coolest thing legacy has given us) also maybe a store discount( or now cause of the high repair cost a repair discount would be cool.

Edited by Master_Hitsugaya
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Legacy has joined the CE vendor as relics of a time before a cash shop. Anything added from now on to legacy (if there is anything) will also be added to the cash shop so Legacy is pretty much pointless now (even adding generic legacy titles from Reps)


:(:(:(:(:( thats so true

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Totally agree. Some other MMO is going to vulture the concept of account Legacy, and actually do it right. It does not appear that EAWare is up to the task. There's an incredible lack of creativity coming out of Austin these days, even considering the reduced staff.


Beyond just the obvious lack of reward for hitting Legacy Level 50, I mean, you should be rewarded for EVERY SINGLE LEGACY LEVEL. It should feel like a "Ding!". Upon gaining a Legacy Level, the game could:



  • Reward you with a full set of advanced buffs for an hour (think all class buffs, but a little stronger)
  • Grant you XP buffs (60 minutes) on your entire legacy (encouraging you to go level an alt)
  • Reset all your travel ability cool-downs
  • Deliver a BoL cosumable(s) to your email...anything from super-stims, super-health backs, boosts, etc...; you can mail it/them to any alt for usage as appropriate
  • Drop a small amount of Cartel Coins in your account (maybe 200 or so), encouraging you to maybe go to the store and maybe spend even more CCs
  • Email all legacy characters with a blue (or god-forbid a purple) level appropriate credit/gear/crafting box


Nothing gamebreaking there, yet any of these would be a vast improvement to the big nothing that happens now....especially post-25. I'd like to see several of these happen upon getting a Legacy Level. When I get a Legacy Level now (I'm LL 27, I think), instead of celebrating I just shake my head and reflect on the wasted opportunity....

Edited by MarvelZombie
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It took me a year to hit legacy 50. My friend and guild mate took a year to hit valor 100. Valor 100 has the title "Elite War Lord". It could be something as simple as a title saying, "The well traveled" or "the wandering". "The Experienced". Readlly it oculd be any title, but there should be something.
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Legacy level 50 should introduce a buff that lets you level a new character through JUST their class stories. Would be cool if lower levels, say 30 and 40, had a similiar buff, but not as powerful. By the time someone is at legacy 30+ they've likely completed all the side missions on both factions (I know I have).
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In my opinion, what made the legacy system a failure in my eyes is that they made it that for the perks, you had to get the legacy level and pay credits for it. Initially, it was supposed to be either or. But I agree. Legacy level 50 should unlock something special. But I highly doubt that legacy will be expanded to be anything more than what it is now.
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