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When is Neutral going to pay?


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Other items as well like imperial probe droids as well as morality based armour / mounts from the dark side/light side vendors.


Pets and Speeders only require the alignment to learn them, not to use them. So

1) Go max ds, learn everything,

2) Go max ls, learn everything,

3) Go back to neutral,

4) Enjoy.


I'm max Lightside, but I have both Dark Side pet / Speeder AND Light side Pet / Speeder.

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Only at lvl 50.


while leveling up a neutral player is at a fairly decent disadvantage in not being able to slot on demand relic slots for the extra endurance and on demand power/crit buffs.


You're losing a few hundred hit points while levelling up. Who cares? Matrix cubes aren't restricted to alignment and they're better than anything the alignment vendors sell anyway.

Edited by HaoZhao
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I had an idea thet there should have been a neutral faction for BH, Smuggler, ect dont know how it would work but its a cool idea.


I agree it's an awesome idea. I also think no one else ever thought of that; You're the first undoubtedly.


Here's your award for the necro.


* slap *

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I don't know what others think, but I feel that the min maxing type of style of a characters morality really limits gaming. I'm playing my smuggler neutral at the moment, or basically going with what I want to do, but in the end there's not benefit to playing the game as you like, it still appears that you either have to be max light side or max dark side, will being neutral ever pay?

Actually, even going dark side or light side doesn't give you any real benefits. A nice title, a hand full of items you can use... but in regard to all the stuff that does not depend on alignment, the whole LS/DS thing is purely cosmetic.


So, yes, going neutral doesn't pay, but going LS/DS also doesn't pay.


They could have done much more with the system. I.e. flashpoints that you can only participate in when you have a minimum LS/DS score - or, to make going neutral attractive, too, a mximum LS/DS score. Optional companions (like Treek and HK-droid) that only stay if you keep above/below a certain LS/DS score. A special skill that can only be learned and used while above/below a given LS/DS score, etc.


But the way it is at the moment, going DS/LS or neutral is - as mentioned before - purely cosmetic. Neither option gives any real benefit.

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I don't know what others think, but I feel that the min maxing type of style of a characters morality really limits gaming. I'm playing my smuggler neutral at the moment, or basically going with what I want to do, but in the end there's not benefit to playing the game as you like, it still appears that you either have to be max light side or max dark side, will being neutral ever pay?


Exactly what super benefit do you think that LS and DS have that you just can't live without?

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They abandoned side specific items. Don't expect anything for neutral characters at this point. It was a design decision from the games history.


The LS and DS are simply RP and personal choices now.


Back from the dead

Edited by Arkerus
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Go go necro.


They stated the system wasn't working a while back (pre-2.0) and removed a lot of the alignment restrictions, and while they talked a bit about adding more nuances and neutral alignment as part of a revamped system, haven't done anything to the system since.


The problem is they didn't remove ALL alignment restrictions so we still have people complaining, and somewhat rightfully so, that not pre-selecting an alignment and then min / maxing all convo choices puts a player at a disadvantage (mostly because of relics pre-50).


At this point, if they aren't going to do anything with the system, they should just remove the last vestiges of 'Requires Alignment X' on everything and let players choose whatever they want with no benefits at all maxing one alignment.

Edited by DawnAskham
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They abandoned side specific items.


so much mis-information... guess the decorations that are LS/DS bound got overlooked in the process...


plus, neutral can be 0/0 but can also be 10000/10000. maxed out on both sides...


so, staying neutral and still max out on both sides, try that one just for fun :)

Edited by LeJarC
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There is almost no way to be "neutral" in SWTOR without your character being a lunatic/psychopath. Help the lady cross the street then shoot the cat.


the choices are like that in game and you have to purposely commit something bad to balance it out exactly....that's not roleplaying..that's a form of min/maxing....


all "neutral" characters tend to shift more towards light or dark side (Han would be more on the light, Boba dark..even though they're "neutral" and just do what they think is right/want)


that is exactly how it works in game...if you play "like han solo" you'll end up at light 1-3 or so...and you can get some relics for that.


in the end it literally doesn't matter though. And your character that is actively kept at the mid of the bar is more of a psychopath...NOT neutral..regardless of what some dumb in-game mechanic says.

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