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Pyro or Arsenal PVP?


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I just started playing my 50 Merc after about 5 months of playing on another server and now I'm not sure which one to go with. I like to move around a lot and do a lot of damage, so I'm thinking Pyro, but not sure if it does a lot of damage in pvp.
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For rated warzones you are going to have a very difficult time with either spec. Both specs rely on channeled spells that can be rendered useless when the other side is working in unison. But in a free for all situation like most regulars are... You can have success with hit and fade tactics with both specs. In this case pyro is slightly more mobile/survivable and Arsenal provides a little more burst/overall dps. The burst gap has been narrowed between the two by removing the shared cool down with TD and sticky dart. Basically in pyro you fire and move more often where Arsenal you need to stand still more often. NOT that you should ever be standing still even in an Arsenal spec. It's just that pyro makes it easier. In pure basic terms you want to draw the least amount attention to your self as possible. You want to attack when no one is attacking you. And if you are not in the middle of a channeled spell you are moving AWAY from combat while firing your instants.... or just flat out running away.
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