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EWH Elim. Gear and Augments for Arsenal Merc


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First I'd like to say: I wish I was here writing to offer some advice, but unfortunately I'm here to ask for some clarification. I have read most of these threads regarding Arsenal Merc builds looking for definitive answers, but I think I've come to the conclusion that many of the customization routes that players take gearing out their end-game Merc is based on personal preference and experience...which may be stating the obvious. Suffice to say I acknowledge this and understand that there may not be any clearer answers for arsenal builds. If this is the case, or I have over looked certain crucial threads or resources, feel free to call me out.


Okay, so my first question is: Is it worth investing time to acquire the Elite War Hero Set (cheaper if trading in the WH Elim set). Or is it worth more to min/max with mods/enhancements from other WH sets. I've been doing a lot of this lately, seeing how close I can get to the ideal stat ranges for my Merc, and, while my original intention was to gradually swap out my WH gear for the slightly better EWH gear, I am not sure now if that's even worth the time or resources (at the moment). If I am devoting this much time into getting my stats and %s dead-on, only to have to re-do everything because the corresponding Elite gear slots have completely different ratings, etc., then would I be better off just waiting until I have the whole EWH set and then go crazy trying to get everything right? I realize that for some of you this is probably a no-brainer and a dumb question - even still, I don't know what the right answer is.


Basically, is the EWH Elim set worth the grind (which I was expecting to have to do anyway (for completely different corresponding stat sets)), or should I spend the time now to make the best out of what I have?


My second question is: As far as augments go, is it the general consensus that stacking power after achieving the appropriate amount of every other stat is the route to take, or should I aim for more aim? This question is where I've heard the most amount of differentiation in both "facts" and players' experiences. Currently, all my PVP augs are stacked with power. Where as my PVE augs are so far all aim. I am pretty happy with where my stats sit right now. Unfortunately, I'm writing this when I should be working, so I cannot list my exact %s for you. Tonight I will edit this post and include my exact numbers.


This is my first MMORPG and I'm determined to make this class work. It is the only char I have going atm, and leveled him pretty fast. I've accepted the current state of Arsenal Merc in PVP, and am completely willing to just be patient. PVP was not one of my bigger reasons for trying the game, but I've come to enjoy the challenge of this class, as opposed to rolling a "1, 2, 3" class.


I appreciate any of you who read through this whole thing. And any advice would be amazing... Or if it would be easier to just point me somewhere else, I'd be happy to keep reading up on this, it keeps me busy at work. :p


Thanks, Jai

Edited by Jaiden-Kaid
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Good to see someone braving mercenary pvp! Welcome to the club, the very small club.


Hah, all jokes aside, I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability. I'm purely a pvper, and I've had my merc since early access, so I like to think my information is of some credibility :rolleyes: Like you had said, a lot of Mercenary pvp information is based off personal preference, which is very true, so keep that in mind.


To answer your first question: If you haven't min/maxed your WH set, do that first. Generally, my personal rule is to always min/max before moving on to the next teir, so you can perform with the best stats on your way there (especially considering the EWH grind is much longer than the WH grind). As for if the EWH is even worth getting: my personal opinion is yes. A lot of people will say no due to the fact that most the stat increases are extremely minimal, but it all adds up right? When you mouse over, say the EWH chest, it's going to look horrible compared to your min/maxed WH chest. What I've been doing, is buying the EWH pieces, putting in the armorings (since they aren't all over the place, just straight up aim and endurance increases), then just doing what I like to call "scavenging" with the mod and enhancement of said piece. What I mean by this is as follows: let's say you have a 41 power 53 surge enhancement on your current piece, and the EWH piece you just bought has a 42 accuracy 54 endurance enhancement (not sure if that's an actually enhancement, just for an example). What I do when "scavenging" is just put that new enhancement in a slot where I have a enhancement with those stats. By doing that, you avoid completely messing up your stat balances. I hope that makes sense.


Alright! Your second question, about augments: no matter what, always use Aim augments. Aim benefits both crit and power, where as power only benefits... well, power. I don't have the math on hand with me, but I know it has been calculated that aim augments will, in the end, be more of a benefit for you.


I don't have access to my stats at the moment (typing this up on my phone, sorry for any weird words, blame autocorrect!), but I'll give you a rough estimate of what I know my stats are (so I won't be able to give you actual numbers, just the percentages).


Aim: around 1800

Endurance: About 19500

Ranged Accuracy: 97% (some swear by 100%, but I don't notice a difference) tech: 108%

Crit: ranged- 36%, tech- 37%

Surge: 76%

Bonus damage: ranged- a bit above 550, tech- almost 900


Keep in mind that those are with all the class buffs, but no stim. Of I can, I'll come back and edit the actual numbers in. I hope I was of help! Good luck.

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Good to see someone braving mercenary pvp! Welcome to the club, the very small club.


Hah, all jokes aside, I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability. I'm purely a pvper, and I've had my merc since early access, so I like to think my information is of some credibility :rolleyes: Like you had said, a lot of Mercenary pvp information is based off personal preference, which is very true, so keep that in mind.


To answer your first question: If you haven't min/maxed your WH set, do that first. Generally, my personal rule is to always min/max before moving on to the next teir, so you can perform with the best stats on your way there (especially considering the EWH grind is much longer than the WH grind). As for if the EWH is even worth getting: my personal opinion is yes. A lot of people will say no due to the fact that most the stat increases are extremely minimal, but it all adds up right? When you mouse over, say the EWH chest, it's going to look horrible compared to your min/maxed WH chest. What I've been doing, is buying the EWH pieces, putting in the armorings (since they aren't all over the place, just straight up aim and endurance increases), then just doing what I like to call "scavenging" with the mod and enhancement of said piece. What I mean by this is as follows: let's say you have a 41 power 53 surge enhancement on your current piece, and the EWH piece you just bought has a 42 accuracy 54 endurance enhancement (not sure if that's an actually enhancement, just for an example). What I do when "scavenging" is just put that new enhancement in a slot where I have a enhancement with those stats. By doing that, you avoid completely messing up your stat balances. I hope that makes sense.


Alright! Your second question, about augments: no matter what, always use Aim augments. Aim benefits both crit and power, where as power only benefits... well, power. I don't have the math on hand with me, but I know it has been calculated that aim augments will, in the end, be more of a benefit for you.


I don't have access to my stats at the moment (typing this up on my phone, sorry for any weird words, blame autocorrect!), but I'll give you a rough estimate of what I know my stats are (so I won't be able to give you actual numbers, just the percentages).


Aim: around 1800

Endurance: About 19500

Ranged Accuracy: 97% (some swear by 100%, but I don't notice a difference) tech: 108%

Crit: ranged- 36%, tech- 37%

Surge: 76%

Bonus damage: ranged- a bit above 550, tech- almost 900


Keep in mind that those are with all the class buffs, but no stim. Of I can, I'll come back and edit the actual numbers in. I hope I was of help! Good luck.


Great write up.

My Arsenal Merc (PVP) yes i PVP 100% with this guy


http://imgur.com/9lXudlb Tho since this SS i swapped a Armoring out of my belt for more expertise and a little less aim so aim is now 1990 est.

One this i worked on is my Bonus (Tech) damage thats now over 1000.

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Here is the cheat sheet on which augs to use. It covers all classes.



If your class requires no Crit Rating, such as a Rage Marauder, go with all Power Augs.


If your class requires X amount of Crit Rating, and you can (and do) take a skill box for +9% main stat, use Main Stat Augs.


If your class requires X amount of Crit Rating, and you cannot take a +9% main stat skill box, use Power Augs.

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Lol, I just hit the back button and lost my entire post. -___-


Anyway, thank you all for your advice! It's been far more helpful than my recent hunting and pecking around the Internet. I've just been confused, and so I appreciate your responses!


I never did get a chance to write up my stats (unbuffed), so here they are as they sit right now (they haven't changed since I first posted this thread, haven't had a chance to really play):


Damage: 735-978

Damage (sec): 85-158

Bonus Damage: 450

Accuracy: 101%

Critical Rating: 30.78%

Critical Multiplier: 73.3%

HP: 19214 (can't remember if buffed or unbuffed)

Aim: 1479

End: 1674

Exp: 1258


When I came back from WZing, my stats were somewhere around here:


Damage: 771-1014

Damage (sec): 85-158

Bonus Damage: 487

Accuracy: 101%

Critical Rating: 31.14%

Critical Multi: 73.3%


I do like where I am so far, having put in the effort that I have - there's been a noticeable difference in my damage.


Mandoforlife , thanks for the tips on the augments! That has helped me out a lot, and I remember that my damage (the numbers anyway) was higher when I had my aim augments in. I remember reading somewhere that once you'd reached a certain number with Aim, that it would be best to switch to Power, given that Crit was where it needed to be. So that's what I did. But again, it depended on what I was reading and who was writing it. I'm more confident now thanks to you that I was on the right track before!


And regarding the EWH gear, you made perfect sense, and you've changed my mind! I will keep at it. I've already gotten the EWH Elim. Boots (I think) from trading in, and integrated them a little while ago. Only a couple more to go! >__>


Henu, you were the reason for my first step toward min/maxing at all, after I'd read your Arsenal Builds thread. I took a slightly different route, but it has helped me out a ton, so thank you for posting your advice and experience!


And thanks for the cheat sheet, Bloodloss, that's a really neat tip if it works!


Tonight I plan on doing more adjusting and farming PVP for a while. I'll post an update if I can make any major improvements. Beyond that you've all helped me out a ton, in at least deciding where to go from here! :D


"Stay alive!"


Edited by Jaiden-Kaid
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May as well chime in with my own info.


Sitting at something like 990-1267 pri

(934 power)

(1923 aim)

76.90% crit mult

36.90% range crit

37.01% tech crit

18567 Hp

1208 exp

970 tech bonus dmg

620 range bonus

96%/106% accuracy


Not exact numbers


How does that look?;)

Edited by Amebia
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Bonus Damage: 940 (+Cerulean Nova proc)

Accuracy: 109.84%

Crit Chance: 35.6%

Crit Mult: 75.8%

Expertise: 1396

HP: 20375


This is all Aim augs, all EWH except for the Implants. This is also with the +3% crit from the Arsenal tree, but WITHOUT the +3% crit from Pyro (Burnout). I'm a Pyro, but I think that not taking Burnout is a hard-to-see advanced build strat.

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