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Then you should know that your environment is capable of handling half of its users hitting it at once without crashing (if not your doing it wrong or have several thousand unique users hitting your webservers over the course of a long periode of time).


For example you Vent server can handle 100 users then how would having 50 ppl on vent cause any issues?


Webserver capable of handling 2000 requests/min gets 1000 requests in a minute.


Im not saying its horrible Im saying it is not on a big enough scale and if it is already causing BW issues the 20th is going to be a bad bad day.


omg... when did they say there servers would crash if they let everyone on!!??

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they are drones, ignore them, they do whatever the corporation tells them, believe what the company tells them to believe, like North Korean citizens but more opinionated.


Actually, I'm more of a grammar nazi. It is not the launch, because that's not the word you should use here. The correct one is Early Game Access. They are similar, but a bit different, especially when it comes to marketing and the relation with market itself. You can't buy the game in store, go home, put the code and play and as such - it has not launched yet. You can play using a privilege called EGA, which has its own rules independent from the market. BW set them half a year ago and didn't break them even once, so I fail to see any problems. There.

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The big injustice I see is that hardcore players simply lost their opportunity and drive to achieve some goals.... Some of us cleared our week to slodge thru SWTOR content in the hopes of hitting 50 on a server first, clearing content on a server first, etc..... and that's simply going to be impossible now that the lucky few have such a head start....


I totally agree with you but if you truely feel this way you already failed to PRE-ORDER 1ST which whould have led you to do all the other things you just mentioned.

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I think most people aren't so hung up on the whole "staggered release" as they think...they rlly are more worried/mad about the amount of people that got in today...and that servers(even though its 6pm) are still medium...which after 11pm will drop off and some will be low...also it shows that BW may not be so sure about there servers...which makes people upset/worried that they aren't taking this launch seriously enough...
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"Originally Posted by Senedane

The big injustice I see is that hardcore players simply lost their opportunity and drive to achieve some goals.... Some of us cleared our week to slodge thru SWTOR content in the hopes of hitting 50 on a server first, clearing content on a server first, etc..... and that's simply going to be impossible now that the lucky few have such a head start....



lol get a life.


server first server first waaaaaaaaaa

Everyone plays these games for their own reasons, no reason to belittle others because you value different things.

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Again. CE Customers and customers that purchased the DE, or CE, are in fact the customers that Bioware Mythic want to keep. We are purchasing, and paying premium cost's for our products above and beyond. Bioware gets paid more money for every copy we purchase.

We should be among the first waves in, to show appreciation for spending more money. I'm hoping that this game will be far better then Dragon Age 2, and I am expecting to be rewarded with essentially free play time, because I spent more money then most on my product from Bioware.

Not many of you will get the idea, but the fact remains. People who are willing to pay more for their products, to get Collectors editions, or Digital Deluxe, provide more money to Bioware, and again, should be the customers Bioware gets to first and foremost.

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Then those hardcore players should have pre-ordered earlier..since it did note in several places that it would be like this.


What self-respecting hardcore player would not be first in line to pre-order?


One deployed to Afghanistan without internet access at the time?

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I totally agree with you but if you truely feel this way you already failed to PRE-ORDER 1ST which whould have led you to do all the other things you just mentioned.


how can u agree with this dribble?


you openly admit you strive to be first? in an mmo?


lemme guess what comes next is hours and hours of posturing and looking at yourself standing in a public area looking kool dood?

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Stop closing threads about EGA, it is basically infringing free speech...


Nope. This is a privately-owned forum. BW can close any topic it wants just like a friend can throw you out of his house for saying things he doesn't like.


Saying that, they're not closing anything important. They're just redirecting people here. This is THE EGA topic, don't make any more because it WILL be closed. It's just how it works with this topic today and deal with it.

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Except for the fact that this is a server owned by a private company and they do get to choose and enforce rules as they desire.


There are forums other places that have less strict rules about posting. But they still have rules.


... and you didn't mention the flip side so I will :) ...


Because whilst privately owned these forums are publically viewable all those people who choose to post defamatory remarks and/or unfounded allegations might wish to consider their own legal status?

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Again. CE Customers and customers that purchased the DE, or CE, are in fact the customers that Bioware Mythic want to keep. We are purchasing, and paying premium cost's for our products above and beyond. Bioware gets paid more money for every copy we purchase.

We should be among the first waves in, to show appreciation for spending more money. I'm hoping that this game will be far better then Dragon Age 2, and I am expecting to be rewarded with essentially free play time, because I spent more money then most on my product from Bioware.

Not many of you will get the idea, but the fact remains. People who are willing to pay more for their products, to get Collectors editions, or Digital Deluxe, provide more money to Bioware, and again, should be the customers Bioware gets to first and foremost.


the fact remains? can you provide some financial data to support this? do you have statistics from various companies around the world? maybe some spreadsheets?

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Stop closing threads about EGA, it is basically infringing free speech...


you have no real rights to any thing other then getting the product you paid for, and considering none of us have paid for the product yet, because the payment is not complete till at the release date or close too.


Free speech claims only work in real life, not here, because the rules for free speech are based on your place of residence, the internet has no physicle location as such, only that of the server this is being used with.

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... and you didn't mention the flip side so I will :) ...


Because whilst privately owned these forums are publically viewable all those people who choose to post defamatory remarks and/or unfounded allegations might wish to consider their own legal status?


You are correct.

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I order in December and had hoped for the 5 days, but not much I can do about it now. Once I'm in I suspect I will not care any more.


I suspect the zones are sharded. So if everyone tried to make a new character at the same time the starter shards would be over loaded. By spread it over several days the player base will be spread over several shards per level per server balancing the load more evenly making for a smoother launch when all the retail player jump on the 20th to the starter zone.


What they are doing makes sense from a deployment standpoint to allow gradual load and balanced load. It allows time to address load spikes as they occur and throttle new invites to allow time to resolve issues if it gets bad. It is a rational thing to do. but as a player I'm not rational, I want my game now. :p

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