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Final Wave Sent!


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The only bad thing about this launch is all the crybabies. They are following their plan and the only reason anyone should complain is if they don't get to play before Dec. 20th.


Also I like the comments some are making about how they are competitive and want to be the first to this and first to that.... should have been more "competitive" in pre-ordering the game.

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liar liar pants on fire.



truthfully though, stop doing this whole justification crap, there was a long debate on how theyd do it before they announced the pre-order code redemption method


There was a Bioware e-mail somewhere around here from July stating that they will let people in the EGA on this basis. I won't look it up, but I also saw information about this half a year ago.

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You are the first person I have seen that said anything bad about the Rift launch. I don't remember the Cataclysm launch being near as bad as you make it sound...


1. Nobody is worried about getting killed at level 5 on a PVP server.


2. No endgame content in Beta? Weird.. I just watched a Eternity Vault video on youtube...


3. It's not so much about being "right"... as it is about being "informed".




If you think the beta end game content that had available is the "actual" end game content they intend to have in a month.. you my friend should not play MMOs

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People are already using this staggered invite to exploit. Pvp join queues are low so matches are starting and ending quite fast, getting them lots of exp. Already people in their high lv 20's.


and people wonder why people are raging over this.

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I bet the people supporting the early access and bashing the complainers are the ones that already got in.


I haven't gotten in yet if i was i wouldn't be reading these lawlfullness posts of whiners and entitled ******es, but that's just me

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lol.. this lvl30+ players are so hilarious!


the one people complain about not having instant access and therefor loosing chance to compete. while the others, who have day1-access, exploiting their way up to lvl 50 even faster then they allready could... i love this.. sry but it is so manlike :D

Edited by kabouT
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I bet the people supporting the early access and bashing the complainers are the ones that already got in.


Actually, no. My pre-order was in December...I'll be lucky if I even get in on the 15th...


I just have a rational mind, enough so that I can understand that BioWare does not want to go through the absolutely TERRIBLE launch issues that EVERY other MMO has gone through. So they are staggering us, in the most fair way possible so we can actually PLAY instead of lag from spot to spot.


This really should not be that difficult for people to understand, especially if they have played ANY mmo before...

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The only things that bother me are

Rockjaw Stephen Reid


@kill_kayt Not ignoring you, just going through backlog. We're actually not that close to full, today. We'll add more as we need.


If you are not actually close to full let more people in.


Rockjaw Stephen Reid


@snatat123 You'll still get Early Game Access; at least a day.


When you combine those two it looks like they have a release schedule for when people will be allowed in. They even set a max waves they will send per day. So its kind of obvious that they know roughly when each person will be allowed in, and that they plan to take all the way until the day before launch to get there.

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I bet the people supporting the early access and bashing the complainers are the ones that already got in.


Nah, they're just the usual white knight, coporate *** kissing fanbois that can't stand when their 'Gods' are trampled upon in any way. Plus, complaining never got anyone anywhere, unless we're talking about Paladins during Vanilla WoW. The over anxious defending some people are doing is only natural given the nature of Internet forums. I find it quite hilarious because somewhere down the line, these same people will be bashing Bioware and will have forgotten all about their once staunch defending of them.

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I don't rage about videogames, tell those people to get a life...seriously. There is nothing worse than playing with people who rage about a videogame. Well if you hate it, then vote with your dollars and quit. Simple as that.


However, leave us patient and rational people to play and just escape into a fake world for awhile.

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I don't care that someone else is in before me. I care that I couldn't sleep last night and it was like Christmas for me. Today I still have no idea if I will be in tomorrow after hitting F5 and hoping all day. Tomorrow I will be less excited. By the time day 4 or 5 rolls around and I actually get in I may forget to even try. I am sure eventually I will remember, but the excited feeling is quickly disappearing.
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I bet the people supporting the early access and bashing the complainers are the ones that already got in.


Not true. I think Biware is doing an amazing job. I'm excited to play, even more excited there is a chance I could get in earlier than the "up to 5 days", but I'm not going to freak out and whine b/c I'm not in yet.


Once the invites are received everyone will forget about their rage and play... so none of this will matter.

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If you think the beta end game content that had available is the "actual" end game content they intend to have in a month.. you my friend should not play MMOs


You said there was no end-game content...


Finished or not, that was the Eternity Vault. Which counts as end-game content that got tested in Beta my friend.

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Too many threads being locked/deleted/closed. Is BioWare worried they made a bad decision by stating they sent the final wave.


Bioware made a bad decision with the pre-order launch period. All servers should have been up so they could have sent more invites out. Realistically everyone should be in by the 15th, which by what they've show so far is impossible.

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please don't tell me i'm going to be playing alongside some you people... self important victimised little children... get over it!! LETS BE HONEST, you just want to play the game now and are trying to make a valid complaint that is non existant. None of you want to play more than me... Don't dismiss this as fanboy'ism genuinely try a little patience ffs


^ this

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Nah, they're just the usual white knight, coporate *** kissing fanbois that can't stand when their 'Gods' are trampled upon in any way. Plus, complaining never got anyone anywhere, unless we're talking about Paladins during Vanilla WoW. The over anxious defending some people are doing is only natural given the nature of Internet forums. I find it quite hilarious because somewhere down the line, these same people will be bashing Bioware and will have forgotten all about their once staunch defending of them.


I think i actually love you =D

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