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Final Wave Sent!


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i didn't pay 86 bucks to be told i wont get in early access this is bad and a hole lot of bad advertisement when i pre ordered it never said may be up to 5 days it said EARLY ACCESS period so why aint we in yet ,hey bioware don't say you can do something and then don't do it:mad::confused::mad:


No, it didn't. Don't go to that crappy retailer again. Or maybe it did, but it was a fine print and you didn't bother to read. Either way, it's your fault.

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I've been playing MMOs since Everquest and I have participated in more MMO launches than I care to admit. SWTOR's Wave-athon 2011 has got to be the most absurd launch event that I have ever seen implemented. Now I know that some of you just got your panties in a bunch about me calling it a launch event. But honestly, what else can it be? The servers have opened for the first time, and players are making permanent characters in the game world. I know it might not seem like a launch to a lot of us (cause we aren't in the damn game yet), but it is, so get over it. This launch system that BW has created (Wave-athon 2011) will be judged starting today, not the 20th. The massive uproar on the forums is proof that there are serious issues with allowing players to enter the game world based on when the preordered the game. The amount of criticism that has been unloaded on the forums is a testament to the mistake that is this launch event. The amount of criticism will only naturally get worse as time goes on.


BW has effectively created a situation where people are upset with the launch event before they have even had a chance to play the game! It just seems obvious to me that this isn't a good idea.


What is the purpose of wave-athon? Well, to monitor the server performance and to allow players access to the game in waves based on server performance. So let me get this straight, the people in the early waves, theoretically, get better server performance on top of getting in early, while the people in the later waves, theoretically, could be subject to poorer server performance due to the amount of players in game. Oh and they naturally get in later to boot.


There are of course many other reasons why this launch event is a mistake. To name a few, wanting to level up with friends/family/guildies at the same time, fair competition, the excitement of everyone playing the game at once, and all the interesting things that happen when everyone has access to the game. Feel free to post more!


I mostly hope that BW does not implement this release structure for any further content that they might release. "We at Bioware have decided to allow access to our new raid zone based on the wave-athon structure. The earlier you get 50 the earlier your access is to our exciting new raid zone!" Don't do it, just say no!


I think you have a honey glazed memory my friend... but on the plus side this will become a quickly distant glossy memory ;)

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Perception is everything, you have hit it right on the money. Bioware is telling me that I am not as good as those that are playing right now, even though I paid the same amount as them. This game will fail now and kill a ton of its player base, all because they want to take a break. If they would keep the invites going 24/7 until all early access players were in, then it would mitigate a lot of this issue.


Exactly. As a consumer I want to see the servers crash. Not to make more people frustrated, but at least then I would know that they are letting in the max allowable player base.


A time stamp does not make the July players any more important than someone that pre-ordered yesterday. a time stamp makes them more die hard fans.


If anything I would have liked BioWare to setup a pre-order purchase system like that of professional sports. Going in you have x number of pre-orders that can get in on day 1 and it cost $15, once they are sold out they are gone; then there are y number of tickests that can get in on day 2-3 sold at $10, and finally a set of pre-orders for day 4-7 sold at $5. At least then we would be purchasing the exact time we want to get in.

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1 day in a MMO makes a lot of level difference...


right now a lot of player is over level 20...

our friends will hit 30 tomorrow, we are still waiting invites...



worst launch ever for the best mmo ever...


Yeah. Don't join any estabilished MMO then, they have years of head start there!

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While I am not foaming at the mouth like some people, I have found this to be a very unimpressive pre-release. I do not like that certain groups of people are able to play the game well before others, giving them a large advantage. I am not a fan of having no idea when over the next week I will able to play the game. But, I do like that it will be stable servers when the game does release.


However, given the option of an invite for everyone at the same time with unstable servers and this early access system I would choose unstable servers IN A HEARTBEAT!


o boyy youll be pissed when youre in the queue for a buggy server next week..



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CHILDREN!!! Do I have to pull over this MMO and turn around?!!


Bioware should just pull the plug on the servers and not invite anyone else until all this childish ranting stops. You kids of the ADHD gogogo generation need to take your meds, calm down, and wait your turn.


Go shovel your Grandma's walk or something.....




Dear Sir, I giggled. That said, I'm hyped too, and off to take herbal tea and put water in the plants.

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not sure why they can't continue adding people in batches. If a 2-hour per wave spread is sustainable during the first half of the day why not continue at that pace? why do a set number of waves per day then stop if the server is doing fine?


Its probbly for a loadtest, content test, and stability test. LOL Cross your fingers pray it dont crash etc :) Would be nice to keep rolling waves going though cause some have work school etc so it would keep the servers populated.

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Wow people... Grow the hell up. Things like launching a massive MMO take time. Kudos to Bioware for doing it this way although I do think that they should not stop sending waves out.. That in itself is a piss poor way of doing this release.


Exactly. Sure I can go do other things and will eventually get in, but I'm not too impressed with a 2011/2012 MMO service that does 5 waves and then ends their day at 1:30PM instead of rolling waves 7x24.


How did the not effectively profile resources during the beta stress tests?

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However, given the option of an invite for everyone at the same time with unstable servers and this early access system I would choose unstable servers IN A HEARTBEAT!

I would very much like to avoid sitting around doing nothing because there are so many people trying to do the same quest I am that there is no way to get it done except by sheer chance. Or trying to find a quest giver/npc and not be able to find him because there are so many other players standing around him that you can't see him let alone get you cursor on him. Personally, I'm all for this staggered approach. When I finally get to play the game I want to be able to actually play!

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Does anyone know the aprox. dates of the first 5 waves' pre-orders? I'm just trying to get an idea of when I will be able to play if I registered my pre-order in mid-August.


You cant derive it.. since not every day had the same amount of pre-orders.. understandably theres a surge of preorders at the start of the preorder time.. (22 july) .. today they advanced what.. 5 days?


Ive seen some people claim that they let in 10% today...


Not telling anyone anything is what most ppl are (rightfully) complaining about.


Then theres the other peeps who begin flaming these complainee's with profanities whilst claiming to be the 'mature side' because they arent complaining... ..


.. even though theyre complaining to the complainers.. ..

I know.. its so awsum! got to love the interwebs

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It seems a lot of people still haven't realized the fact that--if there actually is any kind of general order to these proceedings at all--your preorder code activation date is not the only factor determining when your early access begins, i.e. your place in the queue. This is verifiable (with video) through numerous trusted online gaming sites and blogs, as well as the personal experiences of countless random people (including myself). If you haven't already heard this, google it; the first verifiable source I was able to find went live about 20 minutes after the first wave. It's just been snowballing since then.


The most constructive thing to do while you wait would be to call Bioware CS, repeatedly, and ask why your preorder early access slot has been given to somebody who redeemed their code much later than you did (assuming, of course, you redeemed yours early; so far, people with redemption dates as late as September have been confirmed to have been granted early access today). Obviously you aren't going to actually be granted the early access you should already have, but it sends a clear message that the playerbase expects accountability for promises made--and broken--on this scale.


Happy gaming when you do finally get in!

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