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Final Wave Sent!


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I agree, this is crazy that we have to wait even though we paid the same amount of money. Post on Star Wars: The Old Republic's face book page, let others see what is going on. GET THE WORD OUT.


Get the word out?? **** more like... why are you trying to ruin the budding reputation of a game you're so obviously desperate to play?

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You people make me lol...


Seriously, if you want to talk about different ways this could be done... how about they give privileged access to the players who shelled out the $150 for the Collector's Editions and gave more money to EA/BW than the rest of you? Disregarding pre-order code entries. THAT way they could give preference to the people who helped give more money to their company and act like any other business by showing favoritism to the people who paid more?


If so, my ability to get online would have happened at 6 - 7 am today instead of when I will probably get in game which will be Friday or Saturday due to my late pre-order confirmation.


Seriously... grow up and realize that none of you (even the players in game) deserve to be in here. You didn't pay for early access as much as for the guarantee of getting the game when it came out instead of having to wait if stores sold out.


*Finishes sharpening stick to poke trolls/bears with* Now the fun begins. (Resigned to my fate, I am just going to sit and enjoy the lunatics whining)

Edited by Chekotai
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except 60% didnt order in first few days. They only had a 100k in july. so that is more like 10%


Ok. I didn't know the actual numbers, I was just putting that list together to show what BioWare seems to be taking into consideration through this process, and what I feel folks aren't realizing.

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I agree, this is crazy that we have to wait even though we paid the same amount of money. Post on Star Wars: The Old Republic's face book page, let others see what is going on. GET THE WORD OUT.


Oh my god! I bought the ticket to this super duper museum exhibition 5 minutes ago and I have to stand in line, while some shmucks are already inside! I PAID THE SAME AMOUNT AS THEM, LET THE WORD OUT, THIS CANNOT BE LEFT LIKE THIS!

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CHILDREN!!! Do I have to pull over this MMO and turn around?!!


Bioware should just pull the plug on the servers and not invite anyone else until all this childish ranting stops. You kids of the ADHD gogogo generation need to take your meds, calm down, and wait your turn.


Go shovel your Grandma's walk or something.....



Edited by SixxDKai
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You people make me lol...


Seriously, if you want to talk about different ways this could be done... how about they give privileged access to the players who shelled out the $150 for the Collector's Editions and gave more money to EA/BW than the rest of you? Disregarding pre-order code entries. THAT way they could give preference to the people who helped give more money to their company and act like any other business by showing favoritism to the people who paid more?


If so, my ability to get online would have happened at 6 - 7 am today instead of when I will probably get in game which will be Friday or Saturday due to my late pre-order confirmation.


Seriously... grow up and realize that none of you (even the players in game) deserve to be in here. You didn't pay for early access as much as for the guarantee of getting the game when it came out instead of having to wait if stores sold out.


*Finishes sharpening stick to poke trolls/bears with* Now the fun begins. (Resigned to my fate, I am just going to sit and enjoy the lunatics whining)


Can i be on your team? i can loan you a vibro blade instead of a pointy stick ;)

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You know the more I think on this the more angry I get. Its just BS by now they should have a rough estimate over when I get to play. They gave me a couple days heads up on a Beta but no an early access. If anything I would think a beta had more chance of being misinformed and left in the dark not the actual start up of the game itself. Well I dont know GW2 is starting to look better and better every second. I love Kotor but this has really ticked me off. :mad:
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You people make me lol...


Seriously, if you want to talk about different ways this could be done... how about they give privileged access to the players who shelled out the $150 for the Collector's Editions and gave more money to EA/BW than the rest of you? Disregarding pre-order code entries. THAT way they could give preference to the people who helped give more money to their company and act like any other business by showing favoritism to the people who paid more?


If so, my ability to get online would have happened at 6 - 7 am today instead of when I will probably get in game which will be Friday or Saturday due to my late pre-order confirmation.


Seriously... grow up and realize that none of you (even the players in game) deserve to be in here. You didn't pay for early access as much as for the guarantee of getting the game when it came out instead of having to wait if stores sold out.


*Finishes sharpening stick to poke trolls/bears with* Now the fun begins. (Resigned to my fate, I am just going to sit and enjoy the lunatics whining)


This. How should they have handled it? simple. Different "editions" of the game (like they actually did.) Collectors editions players get in first, then the second expensive ones, then the third, etc etc until finally the basic package players.

Therefore, Players who payed the same amount of money gets the same treatment, the majority of what the posts here are actually about. Some people who paid the same or even MORE are being treated second rate.

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because 60% of the invites that were sent out earlier were to people who were at school/work. and this evening there will be massive amounts of people logging in.


They should let a 30s time frame to accept the invite, then remove the player from queue and take someone online !

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Perception is everything, you have hit it right on the money. Bioware is telling me that I am not as good as those that are playing right now, even though I paid the same amount as them. This game will fail now and kill a ton of its player base, all because they want to take a break. If they would keep the invites going 24/7 until all early access players were in, then it would mitigate a lot of this issue.


Bingo! <puts a troll arrow in your left kneecap>

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You people make me lol...


Seriously, if you want to talk about different ways this could be done... how about they give privileged access to the players who shelled out the $150 for the Collector's Editions and gave more money to EA/BW than the rest of you? Disregarding pre-order code entries. THAT way they could give preference to the people who helped give more money to their company and act like any other business by showing favoritism to the people who paid more?


If so, my ability to get online would have happened at 6 - 7 am today instead of when I will probably get in game which will be Friday or Saturday due to my late pre-order confirmation.


Seriously... grow up and realize that none of you (even the players in game) deserve to be in here. You didn't pay for early access as much as for the guarantee of getting the game when it came out instead of having to wait if stores sold out.


*Finishes sharpening stick to poke trolls/bears with* Now the fun begins. (Resigned to my fate, I am just going to sit and enjoy the lunatics whining)


surprise surprise , someone with a CE box suggests the alternative of ce ppl getting in earlyer.. You pay extra to have a collectors item, with all the fruity lil maps n stuff in it. Anyone with half a brain knows the real income for their company comes from subscriptions. N guess what? a minimal percentage of their playerbase bought the CE so they dun care!

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I've been playing MMOs since Everquest and I have participated in more MMO launches than I care to admit. SWTOR's Wave-athon 2011 has got to be the most absurd launch event that I have ever seen implemented. Now I know that some of you just got your panties in a bunch about me calling it a launch event. But honestly, what else can it be? The servers have opened for the first time, and players are making permanent characters in the game world. I know it might not seem like a launch to a lot of us (cause we aren't in the damn game yet), but it is, so get over it. This launch system that BW has created (Wave-athon 2011) will be judged starting today, not the 20th. The massive uproar on the forums is proof that there are serious issues with allowing players to enter the game world based on when the preordered the game. The amount of criticism that has been unloaded on the forums is a testament to the mistake that is this launch event. The amount of criticism will only naturally get worse as time goes on.


BW has effectively created a situation where people are upset with the launch event before they have even had a chance to play the game! It just seems obvious to me that this isn't a good idea.


What is the purpose of wave-athon? Well, to monitor the server performance and to allow players access to the game in waves based on server performance. So let me get this straight, the people in the early waves, theoretically, get better server performance on top of getting in early, while the people in the later waves, theoretically, could be subject to poorer server performance due to the amount of players in game. Oh and they naturally get in later to boot.


There are of course many other reasons why this launch event is a mistake. To name a few, wanting to level up with friends/family/guildies at the same time, fair competition, the excitement of everyone playing the game at once, and all the interesting things that happen when everyone has access to the game. Feel free to post more!


I mostly hope that BW does not implement this release structure for any further content that they might release. "We at Bioware have decided to allow access to our new raid zone based on the wave-athon structure. The earlier you get 50 the earlier your access is to our exciting new raid zone!" Don't do it, just say no!

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Perception is everything, you have hit it right on the money. Bioware is telling me that I am not as good as those that are playing right now, even though I paid the same amount as them. This game will fail now and kill a ton of its player base, all because they want to take a break. If they would keep the invites going 24/7 until all early access players were in, then it would mitigate a lot of this issue.


Well I hope the game doesnt fail :) However, I just wish the had even spaced the invites out so they could keep them going thru the night, even at a reduced, every 5 hour capacity. Physiologically it would have helped the community.


I can understand not giving the exact day you get in, even though viscerally i hate it. I didnt expect to be in till thursday at least, but still knowing they stopped for the day just made even me feel sad.


Perception is a tricky thing, but usually someone with a level head can say "Hey wait a minute, this might LOOK bad" and prevent a big disaster. I am sure someone there did, just the higher-up's didnt care is likely what happened.

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Many have been waiting for their favorite characters to be brought to life yet not realizing that maybe they are the one who are in need of that instead.


The important thing about learning to wait, is to know what you are waiting for.



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Class action law suit anyone? We can contact the Better Business Bureau in mass. Misleading advertising and people are being discriminated against. We paid the same amount of money as those already in. Why are we being discriminated against?


Are you familiar with the concept of "waiting in line?"

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You know the more I think on this the more angry I get. Its just BS by now they should have a rough estimate over when I get to play. They gave me a couple days heads up on a Beta but no an early access. If anything I would think a beta had more chance of being misinformed and left in the dark not the actual start up of the game itself. Well I dont know GW2 is starting to look better and better every second. I love Kotor but this has really ticked me off. :mad:


Yes, because when a company does exatly as they promised it's really bad.


They don't have an estimate because they don't know. They never said they will know. It's an ongoing evaluation, which they announced half a year ago.

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i didn't pay 86 bucks to be told i wont get in early access this is bad and a hole lot of bad advertisement when i pre ordered it never said may be up to 5 days it said EARLY ACCESS period so why aint we in yet ,hey bioware don't say you can do something and then don't do it:mad::confused::mad:
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Ok. I didn't know the actual numbers, I was just putting that list together to show what BioWare seems to be taking into consideration through this process, and what I feel folks aren't realizing.


Like i said earlier, people know about the problems with MMO launches. The problem is in lack of communication and real information. Every step Bioware took in the early access process was dealt with very secretive. I understand that they don't want to give people false hope, but for example they could have told the community that they were expecting to put out 4-5 email waves today for approximately (just guessing here) 30000 invites per wave. Then they should have told us by the end of today how much they expect to let in tomorrow. They still don't give false hope that way but they do provide information.

Edited by UlyssesNL
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Guys i genuinely believe they are only not telling you when you may get access simply because the honest answer of "you'll be in ASAP without compromising the longevity of our servers" would just annoy ppl... and also Trolls dnt understand big words like longevity :S
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I don't see how all of you are even upset all these posts from trolls, whiners, and entitled ******es is giving me enough entertainment to last until the actual launch date 12/20/2011...

These NERD RAGES are giving me a RAGING CLUE :eek:

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While I am not foaming at the mouth like some people, I have found this to be a very unimpressive pre-release. I do not like that certain groups of people are able to play the game well before others, giving them a large advantage. I am not a fan of having no idea when over the next week I will able to play the game. But, I do like that it will be stable servers when the game does release.


However, given the option of an invite for everyone at the same time with unstable servers and this early access system I would choose unstable servers IN A HEARTBEAT!

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surprise surprise , someone with a CE box suggests the alternative of ce ppl getting in earlyer.. You pay extra to have a collectors item, with all the fruity lil maps n stuff in it. Anyone with half a brain knows the real income for their company comes from subscriptions. N guess what? a minimal percentage of their playerbase bought the CE so they dun care!


True, but I paid more at the start thus stating (at least to their knowledge from the amount of extra money that I spent) that I would be a bit more hardcore about wanting a yearly subscription if possible. That way I could make the CE count.


Sure some people won't do that, but start up costs for MMOs and other various games come from the CEs and Deluxe editions. The subscriptions keep things running, but the start up costs are deferred, in part, by the original purchases of the games.

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