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A request to PvPers who decide to PvE...


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Please stop running around whatever mobs you're fighting like a schizophrenic chipmunk on crack. It makes it very difficult to properly dps when you are constantly dragging it all over the area, and constantly moving things out of my range.


I don't really understand the whole "gotta keep moving" thing, but please, keep it in PvP. I realize that after getting into the habit, it may be difficult to stop swinging your mouse around like a lasso. But I beg of you, think of the people that need to hit those enemies, and keep in mind the healers that might want to click on you. Also, you may wish to consider that it looks really silly. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.


Which server are you on again ? IM gonna roll on a toon on just so i can do that to you ^^

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I dont get it...if the one holding agrro is moving around, why do you have a problem targetting the mob? If he makes the Mob run in circles, you can stand still and shoot at it - you dont have to run in a circle too...


And yeah, as previously stated - how do the pvp dps manage to take aggro from your PVE tank? Maybe he could learn some stuff from that PVPer eh? =)


I play both, it's precisely because the PVP DPS doesn't know what they're doing that the tank loses aggro. PVP is all about huge burst damage, PVE is all about sustained DPS. Especially in an FP or an Operation the last thing DPS is supposed to do is wait while the tank's aggro management is on CD and then burst down like crazy, or especially where the tank is switching targets when there are multiple targets in order to properly manage that aggro, don't go and burst down the enemy the tank just switched off of, there's a reason he just switched off of that one.


Bad DPS doesn't understand the reason that this will only work when the tank completely outgears the DPS and the DPS isn't even doing optimal burst. If DPS is geared well, or higher level than the tank pre-50, DPS is supposed to at least somewhat manage with aggro dumps but the bad DPS can't even do that since it doesn't exist in PVP.


I'm not entirely certain that bunny hopping works in PVP. I do it very rarely mostly from platforms, does it really work? I see some people do it but I don't think it actually works, and I usually just pop those people quickly...while not taking much damage at all. I take more damage when someone stands in one spot than I generally seem to when someone bunny hops.

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there is really no reason to bunny-hop. you are able to fire at like an 88 degree angle, so if you strafe properly you can literally shoot behind you. jumping is really only useful for getting over objects


jumping makes you move slower, so much like back-pedaling it is not a good thing to do in PvP

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Please stop running around whatever mobs you're fighting like a schizophrenic chipmunk on crack. It makes it very difficult to properly dps when you are constantly dragging it all over the area, and constantly moving things out of my range.


I don't really understand the whole "gotta keep moving" thing, but please, keep it in PvP. I realize that after getting into the habit, it may be difficult to stop swinging your mouse around like a lasso. But I beg of you, think of the people that need to hit those enemies, and keep in mind the healers that might want to click on you. Also, you may wish to consider that it looks really silly. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.


It could be ADD maybe?

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there is really no reason to bunny-hop. you are able to fire at like an 88 degree angle, so if you strafe properly you can literally shoot behind you. jumping is really only useful for getting over objects


jumping makes you move slower, so much like back-pedaling it is not a good thing to do in PvP


others have claimed and I have witnessed first hand that if a punt catches you while jumping, it will punt you up rather than away. so there is some validity to that reason. although I find it to be a very minor gain. worth it for someone soloing a commando, I suppose.

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It is actually quite hilarious to see PVP-ers in PVE. I healed a while back a group that wanted to do Lost Island. I peed my pants when I saw the shadow tank start PVP-ing with the sentinel droid. He was strafing left and right moving around but never actually escaping the NPC :D:D.



If you start running around like a headless chicken, especially if you are a tank, your melee damage dealers will have a hard time keeping up their output because of the useless movement that happens.

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there is really no reason to bunny-hop. you are able to fire at like an 88 degree angle, so if you strafe properly you can literally shoot behind you. jumping is really only useful for getting over objects


jumping makes you move slower, so much like back-pedaling it is not a good thing to do in PvP


Yes, there is a reason... If I'm trying to slow down a runner who's going to another node, a jump>180 mouse spin>electrocute>180 mouse spin back allows you to stun, slow, or root while never losing your normal forward momentum. This is an advanced movement tactic that is too difficult for most to pull off. That might be why you and others think it serves no purpose.

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Please stop running around whatever mobs you're fighting like a schizophrenic chipmunk on crack. It makes it very difficult to properly dps when you are constantly dragging it all over the area, and constantly moving things out of my range.


I don't really understand the whole "gotta keep moving" thing, but please, keep it in PvP. I realize that after getting into the habit, it may be difficult to stop swinging your mouse around like a lasso. But I beg of you, think of the people that need to hit those enemies, and keep in mind the healers that might want to click on you. Also, you may wish to consider that it looks really silly. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.




Bads are making things too hard for other bads.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Melee dps is too hard for you. Might I suggest a sorc, sniper, merc. Melee dps always has more to watch out for, and has a harder time then ranged dps in MMO's. In this game they also have on the average, much harder rotations/more buttons.


They made these classes (ranged) so that clickers can stand in one spot and dps. Don't worry, later on when you "get good" on a range class you can come to these forums and claim they take a ton of skill and that melee is "faceroll". Other failed melee will agree with you, just look around these forums.


As far as moving mobs? If the tank is moving them, they are doing it for a reason.


Also forget sniper. The cover mechanic is probably too hard for you as well, so I would choose between madness sorc, or arsenal merc.


The sorc is the easiest of the two. Here is the madness sorc rotation. A German Shepherd could play it, but that is an insult to German Shepherds. They would arguably play a more challenging class.




lol.....ok buddy. don;'t break your arm patting urself on the back for playing an op melee class with a 4 button rotation instead of 2. we get it, you are, an MMO god.

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keep in mind the healers that might want to click on you.


Can't take anything you say seriously. If you are healing by clicking the character rather than the ops frame you are very simply doing it so very wrong. If you can't even figure that out I'm disinclined to believe you have any clue as to what you are talking about.

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Please stop running around whatever mobs you're fighting like a schizophrenic chipmunk on crack. It makes it very difficult to properly dps when you are constantly dragging it all over the area, and constantly moving things out of my range.


I don't really understand the whole "gotta keep moving" thing, but please, keep it in PvP. I realize that after getting into the habit, it may be difficult to stop swinging your mouse around like a lasso. But I beg of you, think of the people that need to hit those enemies, and keep in mind the healers that might want to click on you. Also, you may wish to consider that it looks really silly. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.


As long as you promise to buy recruit gear, deal.

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Yes, there is a reason... If I'm trying to slow down a runner who's going to another node, a jump>180 mouse spin>electrocute>180 mouse spin back allows you to stun, slow, or root while never losing your normal forward momentum. This is an advanced movement tactic that is too difficult for most to pull off. That might be why you and others think it serves no purpose.


you could just strafe, has the same speed, so since you dont have to jump you are actually a bit faster

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Yeah, face-tankers in PvP drive me crazy too. Those guys need to stick to PVE so they can stand still and execute memorized robotic fights. That was the point of this thread right? or did I miss something?


"Uh-Oh! Red Circle phase! Everyone watch out for the red circles and be sure to move out of them!"


Player B doesn't move and dies.


"Aaaaaaahhhh!! It's a wipe!"


PvE Raid Leader rage ensues...

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As long as you promise to buy recruit gear, deal.


This one thousand times over.


Want to buy a way to join ops, wear full mk1 recruit gear, be unkickable, and intentionally pull random trash, wipe boss fights, and tell all the avid pve'ers to "fk off i'm here to have fun/take a break from pvp" when they complain.


Something about shoe.... Other foot... Seems to fit

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Melee dps is too hard for you. Might I suggest a sorc, sniper, merc. Melee dps always has more to watch out for, and has a harder time then ranged dps in MMO's. In this game they also have on the average, much harder rotations/more buttons.


They made these classes (ranged) so that clickers can stand in one spot and dps. Don't worry, later on when you "get good" on a range class you can come to these forums and claim they take a ton of skill and that melee is "faceroll". Other failed melee will agree with you, just look around these forums.


As far as moving mobs? If the tank is moving them, they are doing it for a reason.


Also forget sniper. The cover mechanic is probably too hard for you as well, so I would choose between madness sorc, or arsenal merc.


The sorc is the easiest of the two. Here is the madness sorc rotation. A German Shepherd could play it, but that is an insult to German Shepherds. They would arguably play a more challenging class.




<Spoiler Alert>

All dps in this game is faceroll.

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You guys are flaming him, but he's right (if for the wrong reasons). I've seen people ********** (edit coiclejoik) into cleaves and wipe. I've seen pvp hybrid tanks turn a mob in random directions and screw up dps who were trying for mauls and backstabs (not that ops and sins are good choices for DPS, but they do exist). There's a purpose to circling human players. There is none in hmops so take your adderall that day and chill out. Edited by Larry_Dallas
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