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Fix PVP back filling of existing games


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I find that when PvP queues are longer, not many players around, This is when you are more likely to be put into an existing game to back fill some one who left.


These are all the ways this current algorithm is broken:


1. No penality for those leaving to requeue

2. No recognition for the one brought in for a short game, queue position was forfeited

3. No chance to get full medal awards from a shorter game

3 Can be put into a game in its dieing moments, you can't affect the result and you can't get enough medals to earn a payout.


I've even been put into a game as everyone else was leaving the ops group. (ie it had actually finished)




1. Prorata the teams average medal tally to the late comer as compensation for a short game

2. Make sure the medal prorata is is enough to earn a payout at the end

3. Don't back fill a game that is more than 80% complete

4 Penalise those who leave after the game has commenced. (don't be gentle here) Fair enough if they leave as soon as they arrive and see it's not a game they like.

5. Priority requeue for players who were back filled into a short game.


Please remove the frustration of queueing for PvP, it has enough frustrations built in once the game commences.

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1) get rid of back fill. let the broken games end. let everyone in the broken games get out and start fresh. don't screw over back fillers.


2) if option number 1 is sooooo difficult for you (impersonal), then decide upon a time and or point differential (depending on wz) at which point no more back fill will be permitted.


problem solved.


you will never eliminate quitting. penalties can never be hard enough to balance the factors that cause ppl to leave/dc as opposed to quit cuz they're losing.

Edited by foxmob
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Would it be so difficult to add a basic flag to the pvp window? One that I can check off indicating I do not desire to be placed into matches in progress. As said you will never stop quitting...and personally I could not care less if people quit for any reason. Edited by Urantia
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1) get rid of back fill. let the broken games end. let everyone in the broken games get out and start fresh. don't screw over back fillers.


This. It was sort of like that before I think 1.3, not lack of backfill completely, but if there were only 3-4 players on one team, match wouldn't end, so it would just be a roflstomp, now if it's 5, the match ends in 30 seconds (but more often than not Immediately pulls people in to prevent the wz from ending). So yeah, no backfill would probably be the best solution, in addition to the warzones ending with few players. That way if a premade was pugstomping, pugs would ragequit, no backfill, warzone ends in 30 secs.

Edited by SomeJagoff
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This. It was sort of like that before I think 1.3, not lack of backfill completely, but if there were only 3-4 players on one team, match wouldn't end, so it would just be a roflstomp, now if it's 5, the match ends in 30 seconds (but more often than not Immediately pulls people in to prevent the wz from ending). So yeah, no backfill would probably be the best solution, in addition to the warzones ending with few players. That way if a premade was pugstomping, pugs would ragequit, no backfill, warzone ends in 30 secs.


This is false. I was in a 3v8 wz, which I somehow won. It was however 3v8 well until I had managed to finish capping 2 nodes. Of course I didn't bother defending the first node I took (natural) and then ran off to opponent's natural, while 2 of my teammates proceeded to get stomped in the middle but delay. We finally got more teammates after several minutes, but not until one guy came in, accused us of being terribad losers, quit, got requeued in again, 2 other people got in and quit, he quit again, and then finally people began to stay, considering, you know, we had 2 nodes to 1.


But the chances of that happening are something like .00005% so I'd rather the match just end instead of that stupidity. The rest of the time it's just a pathetic stomp and a waste of time to everyone involved.

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This is false. I was in a 3v8 wz, which I somehow won. It was however 3v8 well until I had managed to finish capping 2 nodes. Of course I didn't bother defending the first node I took (natural) and then ran off to opponent's natural, while 2 of my teammates proceeded to get stomped in the middle but delay. We finally got more teammates after several minutes, but not until one guy came in, accused us of being terribad losers, quit, got requeued in again, 2 other people got in and quit, he quit again, and then finally people began to stay, considering, you know, we had 2 nodes to 1.


But the chances of that happening are something like .00005% so I'd rather the match just end instead of that stupidity. The rest of the time it's just a pathetic stomp and a waste of time to everyone involved.


long story short: see reply #2. :cool:


the only reason backfill exists is because back in the day of a bajillion servers, it was difficult to get Q pops. the server populations were too low. and the only same faction wz was hb. none of that is the case anymore. every server is a super server. in a world where ppl superQ and quitting is endemic, there's no reason to make a wz drag on. it punishes the ppl who a) don't quit and b) get pulled in to back fill. the jerks who superQ or quit profit.

Edited by foxmob
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long story short: see reply #2. :cool:


the only reason backfill exists is because back in the day of a bajillion servers, it was difficult to get Q pops. the server populations were too low. and the only same faction wz was hb. none of that is the case anymore. every server is a super server. in a world where ppl superQ and quitting is endemic, there's no reason to make a wz drag on. it punishes the ppl who a) don't quit and b) get pulled in to back fill. the jerks who superQ or quit profit.


It exists because some whiners complained that people were leveling too fast in PVP because of WZs ending quickly, and Biofail didn't want that happening in RWZ especially. Since Biofail fail as coders, they could not code a separate NWZ and RWZ system, and they decided, as they usually do, to figure out what is the best way to annoy the most people while pleasing the fewest people, so they just wouldn't let WZs end anymore.


If you don't believe me you can find dev posts that essentially state this, without of course my explanations to why they end up doing some things. But in essence they didn't want people leveling through PVP and they wanted to pre-mades to farm the PUGs as much as possible without letting the WZ end the premades fun. Yes it's stupid but that's what it is with these idiots.

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