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Assault PvP Min/Max - Feedback Requested


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Hello my fellow Commandos.


I'm going to work on my Min/Max for PvP, and needed an idea as to where I should be starting. If you will take a look at my current PvP set, I have also added my "Wish List" to show what I want to push towards for Min/Max.




Can anyone tell me what "ideal" numbers are for stats when Min/Max. Is the theory still true that you should cut out Accuracy and continue stacking into Crit / Power / Surge?


Any and all feedback welcomed. Thanks in advance guys!


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Hello my fellow Commandos.


I'm going to work on my Min/Max for PvP, and needed an idea as to where I should be starting. If you will take a look at my current PvP set, I have also added my "Wish List" to show what I want to push towards for Min/Max.




Can anyone tell me what "ideal" numbers are for stats when Min/Max. Is the theory still true that you should cut out Accuracy and continue stacking into Crit / Power / Surge?


Any and all feedback welcomed. Thanks in advance guys!



Your HiB, FA, CB and Hammer Shots will miss between 5 and 10% on players.


Players have a dodge chance of between 5 and 10% by default. You require 100% accuracy to guarantee your white damage will hit on targets not using special shields.


Accuracy can only be replaced with Surge or Alacrity.


Alacrity you don't need, Surge starts giving extremely low returns as you stack it into the 400-500+ range and all the time you are losing 5-10% of your ranged damage because you are missing. Surge does not replace that damage.

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Your HiB, FA, CB and Hammer Shots will miss between 5 and 10% on players.


Players have a dodge chance of between 5 and 10% by default. You require 100% accuracy to guarantee your white damage will hit on targets not using special shields.


Accuracy can only be replaced with Surge or Alacrity.


Alacrity you don't need, Surge starts giving extremely low returns as you stack it into the 400-500+ range and all the time you are losing 5-10% of your ranged damage because you are missing. Surge does not replace that damage.

So you feel that 100% Accuracy outweights Surge in this enviroment?


I'm well aware of what Accuracy can be replaced by. What I needed to know is what is the thought process of the PvP Community when it comes to what stats % to aim for when Min/Maxing gear. This means all stats, including Crit, Power and Surge.

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Assault cannot afford a miss in PvP. We're not like Vanguards, who can count on a certain application from ion burst, we chance it. Get 100% accuracy -at least- and then buff up surge and power. Anything additional on accuracy is nice but don't let it take away from the meat of bigger crits and higher overall damage.
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